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山西省传统村落空间分布格局及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以山西省156 个"传统村落"为研究对象,Arc GIS10.2 为支撑平台,使用谷歌地球(Googol Earth)和百度地图确定坐标、高程等基本地理信息,运用空间分析方法,从宏观角度综合分析山西的传统村落在空间上的分布格局及其影响因素。山西传统村落分布有以下特点:整体为凝聚型,部分区域为分散型;地区分布不均衡,集中分布于晋中、晋东南地区,其他地区较少;沿河流、道路呈带状分布,且在这两方面上存在空间指向的一致性。从地形、海拔、坡向、河流等自然要素和人口、中心城镇、社会经济等人文要素方面探索影响传统村落空间分布的因素及其发生作用的方式,对山西传统村落的保护与开发进行有益思考。  相似文献   
城市内部各个地方的景观是其文化的可视载体,由于它们具有空间的相对固定性,因此也是文化地理学研究地方文化的主要观察对象。本文采纳新文化地理学的观点,即关注北京前门-大栅栏商业区景观的意义及其变化,并力图挖掘影响这些变化的动力,进而揭示影响地方文化演变的动力。文化景观具有传播文化符号的功能,因此我们可以将之视为"文本"。在商业区改建过程中,设计建造者借助这些文本,再度表达出其背后的意义,这种再度表达的过程就是传播学中的表征,也称为再现。本研究通过景观调查方法以及访谈方法,分析了该传统商业区景观在改造前后文化表征的变化,以及表征权力的变化。本文结论有三方面:①该商业区改造后新的景观表征多以北京文化符号替代了老商业区的文化符号。②这种替代的负面结果是不利于加强老商业区居民的地方认同,同时削弱了城市内部文化的多元性。③政府协同规划师在景观表征上具有绝对的权力,一定程度上破坏了当地文化的"原真性"。因此本文建议在老城区改造中,尽力挖掘地方独特文化,给予当地人更多的文化表征权力。  相似文献   
五四时期,在救亡图存的社会运动中,西化派的知识分子对传统文化特别是儒家文化的阴暗面进行了猛烈的攻击,而保守派则在继承的同时艰难地寻求着儒家传统的现代转化。面对传统文化在现代所受到的强大挑战,现代社会的知识分子应该在关切政治、参与社会事务的同时,积极继承发扬传统文化中的精华,为实现传统文化的现代转化作出自己的贡献。杜维明的这一现代知识分子观在我们看来有其合理之处,同时还存在着一些不足。  相似文献   
在中国古代史学发展史上,如果从史学思想的角度考察问题,就会发现我国传统史学经历了从宋代义理化史学到清代实证性史学转变的过程。这两种史学思潮在史学本体论、史学认识论和史学方法论各方面都显示出截然不同的特征。揭示由宋代义理化史学到清代实证性史学转变的内涵及其意义,有助于阐明中国传统史学发展中某些内在规律。可以进一步深化史学史的研究。  相似文献   
对我国传统生态文化现实价值的认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李清源 《攀登》2007,26(3):120-123
我国博大精深的传统文化中蕴涵着极其丰富的生态伦理思想,由此形成了沉积厚重的传统生态文化,不断挖掘和提升传统生态文化的内在价值,对于构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
对生态旅游和生态游客的概念进行了综述,通过面访调查和侧面观测技术,研究了峨眉山生态旅游潜在客源市场的基本状况,划分了游客的生态类型倾向度,得出他们多属一般型和组织型生态游客的结论。建立多种数学模型估测了生态旅游的市场规模,从市场分析的角度,提出了峨眉山生态旅游的基本开发策略。  相似文献   
This study examines the climate‐related methods of adaptation on which the traditional Arab house in the Eastern Mediterranean was based. We analysed nine old houses (from the 18th century to the early 20th century), built in the Arab vernacular tradition style, in three areas of Israel with different climatic conditions. Three houses in each area were chosen at random. Only nine were chosen because of the difficulty in finding houses whose state of preservation was in keeping with the aims of the research. For each house, climate‐related elements of the construction were documented. We found elements included at the design stage indicating climate consciousness, climate‐related elements due to building constraints, and building constraints in a cultural context with implications for the balance of climatic efficiency. The findings showed that climatic considerations were an integral part of the design while the principles crossed the boundaries of the three areas. Temperature, relative humidity, and heat intensity were measured, both inside and outside the house on selected days in each season. The research showed that the house moderates the impact of the outside temperature, inside the house in winter and mainly during the hot hours of the day in summer. Most of the climate‐related elements are still relevant. They can be used in regions with Mediterranean‐type climates (in the Mediterranean Basin, South Africa, central Chile, and southwestern Australia), especially when global warming and air pollution demand a substantial revolution of building design philosophies, strategies, technologies, and management methods.  相似文献   
This essay introduces the Contemporary China Social Life Data and Research Center at Fudan’s School of Social Development and Public Policy and the data the archive has collected. This archive contains data on Lianmin Village in northern Zhejiang Province that provide exceptionally detailed information on economic, political, social, and cultural changes during the period from 1949 to 2000 in China. The archive also collects information on life at the grassroots level, mostly from Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Shanghai, including documents from local government offices and work units. Among the documents collected at the archive, the meeting minutes are especially noteworthy. The archive’s unique collection of private correspondence, personal diaries, and work logs is also enormously valuable to our understanding of contemporary Chinese society.  相似文献   
Recent archaeological research in the American Southwest is rapidly altering long-held perspectives on early agricultural adaptations. The adoption of maize and squash is now reliably dated to ca. 1200 B.C., rather than 4000–2000 B.C. as previously thought, and new sites have been found in a variety of unexpected ecological settings. These emerging spatiotemporal patterns suggest that the development of sedentary communities after A.D. 500 may have been the result of changing systems of foraging, instead of simply a greater dependence on agricultural production.  相似文献   
李凡  金忠民 《人文地理》2002,17(5):17-20,96
安徽黟县的皖南明清古民居群是世界文化遗产,本文在对西递、宏村和南屏三个古村落调查的基础上,整理出旅游对古村落的经济、社会文化和环境的影响指数,并对比旅游对三个古村落的影响程度,分析了古村落旅游发展影响效应已呈现出的阶段性特点,即西递的旅游影响效应要高于宏村和南屏。并指出目前中国古村落的旅游发展过程中存在着相似的模式:古村落的保护、规划和旅游开发是旅游可持续发展的生命轴线,其中社区村民和地方政府是两个最重要影响因素,在古村落的旅游发展过程中,双方应在考虑到彼此的利益的前提下,达成良性的互动机制,以确保古村落旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   
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