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桂榕  吕宛青 《人文地理》2013,28(3):154-160
本文从空间生产视角研究民族文化旅游开发,提出"民族文化旅游空间生产"学术概念。此概念借鉴融汇了空间生产、文化空间与文化再生产等核心理念,凸显旅游空间的文化建构本质。民族文化旅游空间是民族文化旅游地地理空间、文化空间、社会空间的叠合概念,是具有明确地理空间的旅游主客体互动的场域,具有物理性、社会性、符号性、可生产和可消费性四大属性。民族文化旅游空间的生产原则,以旅游环境承载力、游客体验满意度和旅游系统利益相关者的和谐度为前提。生产内容包括旅游物理空间、旅游景观符号空间、旅游参与体验空间三层面的生产。主要生产方式有原态保护式、历史复原式、模拟示范式、创新复合式、虚拟流动式。  相似文献   
"飞蝗避境"是始出于西汉末年史料记载中的一种特殊现象,关于其出现原因历来学界多有争论。笔者通过梳理自汉代后记载关于此现象的史料并分析发现,关于"飞蝗避境"现象记载的产生及发展是在基于一定客观现实状况下,史家观念受到汉代天人感应思想及谶纬学说的影响,而将此现象有意识的与良吏、德政相联系,最后发展成为史家记载良吏和贤德人物的固定书写模式。这一过程起于西汉末年,东汉迅速发展,至魏晋之际逐渐发展完善,转变为与"猛虎渡河""鸟雀集庐"等并存的史家书写模式。中唐以后,随着科学技术的发展及天命史观向天理史观的转变,"飞蝗避境"这一书写模式逐渐淡出了人们的视线。  相似文献   
The ‘seven years’ hard’ Rudyard Kipling spent as a journalist in north India are generally seen as the making of both his poetic and his politics. But, important as origin, community, identity and ‘my father’s house’ are to Kipling, he should also be seen as a wayfarer of no fixed abode. In 1889 he used his first royalties to return to metropolitan fame by the long way round: Burma, the Straits, Japan, the Pacific and a transcontinental journey past landmarks of his Americanophile boyhood reading. Both distressing and exhilarating, it was a journey that stimulated the productive tension in him between the parochial and the universal. If an upcountry Punjab station had impressed him with the necessity of colonial rule, it was this voyage that engendered his all-embracing imperial vision. If he had honed his eye for ‘local colour’, this trip intimated to him that his metier would lie in culturally translating disparate portions of the empire to one another. Anticipating Baden-Powell’s call to ‘look wider’, vagabonding proved to be an agreeable mode of existence, but metropolitan arrival was to hold its own unforeseen challenges and anxieties. At a time when English writers like Arthur Symons aestheticised their sensation of cultural rootlessness in the figure of the vagabond, Kipling sought to foreground his own vagabondism with a persuasive claim to belonging.  相似文献   
中国国内观光旅游线路设计中的游时研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
李山  王慧  王铮 《人文地理》2005,20(2):51-56
旅游线路是旅行社销售的主要产品,也是目的地旅游开发和市场营销的重要对象,其中游时是旅游线路设计中的核心要素之一。本文通过对北京、上海和广州为旅游出发地的旅游线路的统计分析表明,在中国国内观光旅游线路设计中,游时(出游时间与游览时间的统称)随客源地-目的地之间的距离呈对数增长,其中出游时间T0(一次旅游的总耗时,单位:天)与出行直线距离D1(客源地与目的地之间的球面距离,单位:公里)之间具有方程T0=-4.5769+1.31611n(D1)所描述的统计关系,而游览时间T1(游客在目的地逗留的时间,单位:天)与出行直线距离D1之间具有方程T1=-4.2188+1.1220ln (D1)所描述的统计关系。研究还发现,旅行社每日安排游览的景区(点)数目具有随出行距离呈"U"型曲线的特点,平均而言,在目的地逗留期间每天安排游览的景区(点)约为5个;从交通方式上看,随着出行距离的增加,呈现出汽车-火车-飞机交替演变的特点;旅游报价P与出行直线距离D1之间存在线性相关性,关系式为:P=293.81+1.184 D1。  相似文献   
The deformation of beam-column joints may contribute significantly to drift of reinforced concrete (RC) frames. In addition, failure may occur in the joints due to cumulative concrete crushing from applied beam and column moments, bond slip of embedded bars or shear failure as in the case of existing frames with nonductile detailing. When subjected to earthquake loading, failure in RC structural wall is similar to failure of frame joints as it may occur due to cumulative crushing from high flexural stresses, bond slip failure of lap splice, shear failure or a combination of various mechanisms of failure. It is important to include these behavioural characteristics in a simple model that can be used in the analysis of RC frames and RC walls to predict their response under earthquake loading and determine their failure modes.

Global macro models for the beam-column joint and for RC structural walls are developed. The proposed models represent shear and bond slip deformations as well as flexural deformations in the plastic hinge regions. The models are capable of idealising the potential failure mechanism due to crushing of concrete, bond slip or shear with allowance for the simultaneous progress in each mode. The model predictions are compared with available experimental data and good correlation is observed between analytical results and the test measurements.  相似文献   
This paper deals with a complex mode superposition method for the seismic responses of general multiple degrees of freedom (MDOF) discrete system with complex eigenvectors and eigenvalues. A delicate general solution, completely in real value form, for calculat-ing seismic time history response of the MDOF system which cannot be uncoupled by normal modes, is deduced based on the algorithms of the complex superposition method. This solution comprises of two parts which are in relation to the Duhamel integration to sine and cosine function respectively. The related term of the Duhamel integration to sine function is actually the displacement response of the oscillator with corresponding modal frequency and the damping ratio. The other can be transferred into a combina-tion of the displacement and velocity responses of the same oscillator. In order to meet the practical needs of seismic design based on code design spectra for various kinds of structures equipped by viscous dampers, the complex complete quadratic combination (CCQC) method is deduced following similar procedures such as the well-known CQC method, in which a new modal velocity correlation coefficient, together with a new modal displacement-velocity correlation coefficient are involved besides the modal displacement correlation coefficient in normal CQC formula. The new algorithm of CCQC is not only as concise as that of the normal CQC but also has explicit physical meaning. The results obtained from complex mode superposition approaches are discussed and verified in some examples through step by step integration computation under a prescribed earth-quake motion input. From these examplary analyses, it may be pointed that the CCQC algorithm normally yields conservative outcome and that the forced mode uncoupling approach has good approximation even the discussed examplary structures are strongly non-proportional.  相似文献   
Abstract: The work of conservation non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) is vital to the conservation movement and has attracted a good deal of comment and observation. Here we combine recent writings about the interactions of conservation and capitalism, and particularly the idea of “the conservationist mode” of production to explore the roles of conservation NGOs with respect to capitalism. We use an analysis of the conservation NGO sector in sub‐Saharan Africa to examine the ways in which conservation NGOs are integral to the spread of certain forms of capitalism, and certain forms of conservation, on the continent. We examine their mediating role in mediating and legitimizing knowledge, in effect forging and reproducing desires for particular visions and versions of Africa, and in producing and promoting new commodities which meet these needs, all of which facilitates capitalism's growth. Finally we consider a number of limitations to the activities of NGOs, and on the nature of the research we have undertaken, which may help to place their work in context.  相似文献   
文化遗产研究是近年来学术研究的一个热点问题。随着中国世界文化遗产数量的不断增加,文化遗产管理模式的研究也提上了议事日程。本文在系统梳理以往研究成果的基础上,通过选取辽宁省世界文化遗产的典型案例进行分析,提出了一套适合辽宁省的文化遗产管理模式,同时。对于中国不同地区的世界文化遗产管理也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
刘春济  冯学钢 《旅游科学》2013,27(2):59-72,94
本文使用TAM、TPB与DTPB模型对我国出境游客旅行前的信息搜索行为意向进行分析发现,态度是影响我国出境游客旅行前信息搜索行为意向的首要因素,其次则是知觉有用性、感知行为控制和主观规范。同时,研究也发现,虽然上述3个模型对行为意向均具有较强的解释力,但从模型解释的变异量、拟合度及简约性来看,TPB模型最为恰适,且修正后的TPB模型解释了行为意向75%的变异。  相似文献   
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