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Kābôd-YHWH is a technical term designating the radiance of the god of Israel. Such a phenomenon is specifically identified in the Bible with three physical realities: volcanic lava, solar activity and molten metal. The antique representation of the sun as molten metal, and the volcanic symbolism of the furnace reveal that these three expressions of kābôd-YHWH are interrelated. Among them, it appears here that kābôd-YHWH refers first of all to molten metal. This introduces a fundamental difference between radiance, specifically related to YHWH through molten metal, and brilliance (and by extension glory, wealth, strength and vitality) of gods and mortals derived from properties of solid state metals. Beyond the status and powers of supreme deity conferred by this metallurgical radiance, identification of kābôd-YHWH as shapeless molten metal also clarifies the origin of one of the most singular characteristic of ancient Yahwism: the strict interdiction of figuration of the god.  相似文献   
论文基于田野调查的结果,从人类学家王铭铭先生提出的“关系主义”人类学的视角,考察了柬埔寨华人的社区、家庭和坟地的土地神和祖灵信仰的内涵与功能,分析了柬埔寨土著文化与佛教、印度教和华人信仰等外来文化之间,内外之别、上下等级、差异和关联、延续与变迁这四对关系。认为任何宗教或文化现象都不是封闭地自我生成,而是在与他者的关系中形成。每一种文化总是处在许多其他文化组成的更大范围的场域中,在彼此的参照、混融和冲突过程中形塑自身。  相似文献   
Music in Dickens's final and unfinished novel, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, shares in the lethargy affecting traditional English community. That life has become stagnant in Cloisterham, the ancient city in which the novel is set, is nowhere more evident than in the desultory choral worship offered in its cathedral. Yet the unevenness of Dickens's writing in Edwin Drood does not make for consistency, and discrepancies in plotting extend to the musical occupations of its protagonists. By considering Edwin Drood alongside the shifting fortunes of choral music in Victorian Britain, this article focuses on what such discrepancies reveal about Dickens's notion of the place of religion in social renewal. Habitual forms of life in Cloisterham, such as the choral service of its cathedral, are being overwhelmed by marginal presences, arriving from the imperial East, but they may also give voice to a future revival. Something of the changeability in Dickens's feeling for established religion can be glimpsed in this duality.  相似文献   
20世纪60年代,在湖州安定书院地段的河床上出土了两件青铜牺尊。其中一件的腹底孔盖板上刻有皇宋州学宝尊铭,系北宋时湖州州学释奠先圣、先师之祭器,也是反映宋代地方祭器制度的重要物证。  相似文献   
甲骨卜辞所见的商代献捷献俘礼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古代军礼中的献捷献俘礼,殷墟甲骨文有所记载。就卜辞所见,殷商时期这一礼仪主要包括反主、逆俘、奏恺、献捷杀俘祭祖等仪节。文献中所言的"饮至"、"大赏"等虽因卜辞简练而无法清楚,但根据其他迹象判断也应存在。殷代军礼充满崇祖信鬼的色彩,占卜贯穿于其中,杀俘献祭则保留了明显的原始遗风。  相似文献   
中国史前龟文化研究综论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从史前龟甲器的用途、龟灵崇拜的内涵、龟卜文化三个方面对目前中国龟文化的研究现状进行梳理,在此基础上对中国龟文化今后的研究提出了一些看法.  相似文献   
畲族是中国现存的较古老的民族之一,具有悠久的历史和独特的传统,其中各支族自行绘制的祖图是最富特色的民族文化遗存之一。本文以丽水联城镇胡椒坑村现存的绘制于清光绪四年(1878)的祖图为例,介绍完整的一套畲族祖图所包含的主要内容,以及它在祭祀仪式上的使用情况等相关问题。  相似文献   
牛河梁第二地点一号冢分为东西两区,共26墓,其出土玉器分别代表牛河梁猪灵、鸮灵、云灵崇拜的原生玉巫教与黄帝"云纪"、少皞"鸟纪"等众多玉巫教的各支派系的联合体,并未形成统一的、集权的顶级发展阶段的巫教。同时,牛河梁又是东北古夷玉巫教的圣地。  相似文献   
颛顼"绝地天通"历来被视为原始宗教的重大改革,从文献学、民族学角度来解读具有丰富的内涵。根据考古材料论定龙山文化时期骨卜的普化暗合"绝地天通"所反映的巫觋功能的专门化。这就科学确定了"绝地天通"的年代学意义。而含山凌家滩玉龟和玉版"龟卜"的种种迹象,说明在接近颛顼时代之前",原始八卦"也已经基本定型。  相似文献   
为了表达报本反始之恩,明清时期的淄川宗族积极对支撑祭祀的祭产予以管理。从祭产参与者与管理者模式来看,大多是以一族之中为官人员为核心而运作的,他们起到了沟通宗族成员、地方社会与各级官吏的重要作用。同时,围绕着祭产保护这一行为,宗族内部、同姓与异姓、宗族和地域社会乃至传教士发生了一系列冲突。  相似文献   
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