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Here we present the results of the analysis of coastal exploitation patterns in the southern Red Sea during the Middle Holocene. We focus on the shell midden cluster of the Farasan Islands, Saudi Arabia, which comprises over 3,000 shell midden sites. These sites date from 6,500 to 4,500 cal BP and are part of an arid landscape. We focus on one site, JW1727, which provides a snapshot of marine exploitation and will help to understand the use of food resources within the region. Stable isotope values (δ18O) were collected from the marine gastropod Conomurex fasciatus (Born 1778), which represents 72% of shell weight of JW1727, in order to reconstruct the season of capture. Results demonstrate that 1) every season is represented within the dataset; and 2) there is increased C. fasciatus deposition during the summer and autumn months. This indicates a diet consisting of C. fasciatus throughout the year in combination with other food sources and an increase of the C. fasciatus component during the arid seasons, possibly linked to the unavailability of vegetation. Additionally, size measurements of C. fasciatus were carried out to examine changes in size distribution throughout the occupation of the site that could be related to overexploitation of C. fasciatus. However, no significant trends could be observed. In sum, the results suggest a sustainable and constant habitation of the Farasan Islands despite the highly arid conditions.  相似文献   
作册般铜鼋所记史事的性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作册般铜鼋是一件珍贵的商代末期青铜器。其铭文所记史事和器物造型所展现的史实是射礼,如果把它与田猎挂钩,则有许多疑窦;如果把它与射礼相联系,则颇能印证文献和西周金文的有关记载。可以说西周辟雍大池的水上射礼很有可能渊源于商代晚期的洹水水上射礼。周礼“三番射”中的某些仪节和必射四矢之寓意,在商代晚期就已经存在。射鱼也是当时常见的一种射礼,射鼋则是射鱼的一项重要射礼内容。本文还对鼋铭作了考释,并认定该器是铭功的庸器、再现商王射艺的实物模型。铜鼋的铭文与造型构思所反映的史事是商代末期王在洹水进行的一次水上射礼活动。  相似文献   
中国社会科学院考古研究所胶东半岛贝丘遗址研究课题组自1994年到1997年在胶东半岛进行环境考古学研究[1]。我们的研究目的是通过环境考古学的调查和发掘,用考古学、地学和生物学的资料阐述这个地区的自然环境演变是如何制约古代人类生存的,而古代人类又是如...  相似文献   
This book is one of the truly original contributions in historical writing to appear during the centenary of the outbreak of the war in 1914. The authors' central argument is that at the time of the Great War, scientists and physicians reconfigured the human body as both a living organism and a site of meaning. They developed the notion that the body was an integrated set of self-regulating systems, the precariousness of which threatened all of us with death every single day. The authors term this the “integration–crisis duet.” Although the origins of this formulation long antedated the war, the problem of treating thousands of men who suffered from various forms of shock—wound shock, surgical shock, shell shock—brought this new configuration of the human body into high relief during and in the decades after the war. The metaphor of homeostasis, or self-regulation, Geroulanos and Meyers claim, was so powerful that it spread well beyond the domain of physiology and medicine to facets of psychoanalysis, political thought, cybernetics, philosophy, and anthropology.  相似文献   
明代何乔远的《闽书》记载了北宋至道(公元995—997年)中,怀安士人李廷裕以五十千钱购摩尼佛像于开封卜肆一事。本文通过对该条史料的解读,并综合汴京卜肆及唐宋时期中国摩尼教的流传情况,认为李氏可能于开封相国寺卜肆中购得此摩尼佛像,它实为一画像而非塑像。该画像可能作为此后明教神像的原型,在东南摩尼教会中流传开来,由宋到元,在经历佛化、道化的同时,最终演变成了塑像。  相似文献   
新莽前后博局图式尤为盛行,博局在当时的铜镜、货币,甚至建筑中都能看到。经过图文互证,笔者认为新莽前后博局图式的大量出现和王莽篡汉的政治宣传有着密切联系。而王莽笃好谶纬则是当时博局图式和符命祥瑞叠现的主要原因。  相似文献   
作册般铜鼋铭文新释补论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王射,与获、贯射四、无废矢一样,在当时都是记录射礼的专门术语或固定句式,也是射礼文辞有别于田猎文辞的显著标识;铜鼋既是铭功的庸器、展示商王射艺的实物模型,也是颂扬商王射技武功的纪念物,三者并不矛盾;铭文记载了同一日王所举行的弋射和射鼋两种射礼;当时可能是把鼋悬挂在两个立柱之间作箭靶的,这说明商周时代的射礼曾经历了一个从田猎竞射到射牲、再到射侯的发展历程,而铜鼋所反映的正是由实射动物到射侯的过渡形态。  相似文献   
We recognize a new style of Mississippian-period art in the North American Southeast, calling it Holly Bluff. It is a two-dimensional style of representational art that appears solely on containers: marine shell cups and ceramic vessels. Iconographically, the style focuses on the depiction of zoomorphic supernatural powers of the Beneath World. Seriating the known corpus of images allows us to characterize three successive style phases, Holly Bluff I, II, and III. Using limited data, we source the style to the northern portion of the lower Mississippi Valley.  相似文献   
Internal moulds of complete shells, including conch and associated opercula, of the hyolith Triplicatella disdoma from Cambrian Series 2, Stages 3–4 of South Australia are described. The conch of T. disdoma is shown to be narrow and cone-shaped, and with a rounded triangular cross-section. The conch shows a gentle dorsal curvature in lateral view. The fossils lack evidence of helens, and the operculum was smaller than the apertural diameter of the conch and could be withdrawn a short distance into the conch. Triplicatella was probably closely related to orthothecid hyoliths.  相似文献   
何会 《故宫博物院院刊》2012,(4):113-119,162
本文新缀龟腹甲三则,并分别作了说明与考释。内容涉及商代农业、田猎、祭祀、丧葬等诸多方面,其中第二则缀合,更为历组卜辞时代提前说提供了强有力的支持。  相似文献   
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