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建国初期党对胡适思想的批判涉及改造旧社会的意识形态、奠基新中国的意识形态这样一个思想文化领域的重大原则问题。对胡适思想的批判有其深刻的历史必然性,以胡适为代表的资产阶级学术思想体系在整体上与20世纪50年代初中国的社会转型和主流思潮是格格不入的。这场批判运动从总体上是比较健康的,比较全面系统地清理了资产阶级唯心主义在学术研究领域中的影响,从而确立了马克思主义在意识形态领域中的指导地位。但不容否认的是,理论界也存在着一些教条化的倾向,从而在一定程度上限制了批判所能达到的学术深度和科学性。  相似文献   
A Constructivist Approach to Climate Change Teaching and Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is now broadly acknowledged that climate change due to an enhanced Greenhouse Effect is underway and such change will have major implications for our societies and environments. This paper outlines a pedagogical approach devised to encourage learning and critical thinking about climate change. A constructivist approach to teaching and learning is applied to stimulate analysis of potential impacts of climate change on systems familiar to secondary school students in South Australia. The problem‐based method guides students through a conceptualisation of the implications of environmental change. Students at Woodcroft College, when given the opportunity to examine the potential climate change impacts on a local coastal ecosystem, found the method to be both challenging and engaging. The exercise concluded with students discussing possible personal behavioural and broader societal responses to reduce the impacts of future climate change. The paper contends that such teaching to support students to become resilient young adults will be vital in a future world of environmental risk.  相似文献   
As digital technologies become ubiquitous in many places, scholars of civic engagement, youth and political life, and geographic education have explored the potential of teaching critical and spatial thinking through digital technologies. This paper examines interactive digital mapping as a technology environment for teaching and practicing critical spatial thinking, in relation to civic engagement. From this participatory and dialogic mapping project with teenage girls in Seattle, Washington, we develop a conceptualization of critical spatial thinking that emphasizes how social and spatial processes intertwine to generate societal inequalities and show how this learning informs students’ social and spatial civic responses. We show how interactive digital mapping pedagogies offer students an opportunity to develop awareness of what happens in their urban geographies, but also how and what they might do to intervene.  相似文献   
Causal layered analysis (CLA) is a technique that enables deeper critical inquiry through a structured exploration of four layers of causation. CLA’s layers reach down from the surface litany of media understanding, through the layer of systemic causes identified by conventional research, to underpinning worldviews, ideologies and philosophies, and deep subconscious drivers that manifest in myth and metaphor. CLA applies equally to geographical research’s socioculturally constructed situations and to the exploration of individual meta-cognition and motivation through pedagogic research. Outcomes, explored through reflective journals and term papers, suggest that CLA helps more, especially middle achievement, learners discover deeper structures within their studies.  相似文献   
Espen Hammer's exceptionally fine book explores modern temporality, its problems and prospects. Hammer claims that how people experience time is a cultural/historical phenomenon, and that there is a peculiarly modern way of experiencing time as a series of present moments each indefinitely leading to the next in an ordered way. Time as measured by the clock is the paradigmatic instance of this sense of time. In this perspective time is quantifiable and forward‐looking, and the present is dominated by the future. Hammer argues that this manner of experiencing time provides a way of living that brings with it not only the basis for great successes in technology, but also great costs—specifically, what he calls the problems of transience and of meaning. Hammer goes about his task by considering the ways some of the great modern philosophers have characterized present‐day temporality and have responded to the problems he has identified. Specifically, he considers what Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, (early) Heidegger, Habermas, Bloch, and Adorno provide in response to our peculiarly modern predicaments. The book is remarkable for its clarity and perceptiveness, but in the process in crucial places it simplifies the matters at hand or fails to push its insights as far as it ought, and in the end promises more than it can deliver. In this it betrays a rationalist confidence in the power of reason that founders on what in many ways remains a mystery.  相似文献   
This study developed an interview-based critical spatial thinking oral test and used the test to investigate the effects of Geographic Information System (GIS) learning on three components of critical spatial thinking: evaluating data reliability, exercising spatial reasoning, and assessing problem-solving validity. Thirty-two students at a large state university completed pre- and post-tests administered during the 2010 fall semester. This study found positive relationships between GIS learning and critical spatial thinking. We argue that the improvement can be attributed to students' experiences in a GIS course.  相似文献   
This study investigated whether an Earth Systems-based course focused on raising postgraduate students' awareness of sustainability, from a systems-thinking perspective, would produce graduates with commitment to drive the sustainability agenda forward with a broad perspective. It investigated students' pre and post-course perceptions of sustainability using a pre- and post-course survey, and by analysing the students' reflective journal entries. The findings confirmed those of previous studies in that initially these students did have an enviro-centric view. The study showed that while the students' perceptions had indeed moved towards a broader view of sustainability, many still leaned towards an environmentally focused perspective.  相似文献   
汤茂林  陆玭  吴秀 《人文地理》2011,26(6):14-18
学术研究的市场化和实用化导向日益明显,彰显了市场经济对学术的明显影响。我们的人文地理学研究也不例外,改革开放初的那点理想主义精神几乎被市场经济一扫而光。学术研究的问题意识还相当薄弱,除了商品经济这一因素的影响外,还与研究生教学的薄弱、功利化的学术评价体系以及不大讲问题的社会环境有密切的关系。加强学术管理的学术导向,在学术评价中更大范围地引入同行评议制度,引导学人把更多的精力投向对学术问题的思考和研究,以增加问题意识,进而在此基础上作出原创性的发现。  相似文献   
本主要考察甲骨祭祀卜辞中的祭牲数量,通过对这些数字的统计,根据某些数字出现的频率的不同,试图探讨商人的思维观念。  相似文献   
新中国成立后,陈云在利用国际市场方面进行了积极的探索。建国初期,他主要是探索国际物资市场的规律,并逐步形成了外汇与物资平衡的思想;20世纪70年代,他提出要研究和利用资本主义,并将注意力从国际物资市场转向国际金融市场;改革开放后,他在继续提倡利用资本主义市场的同时。强调利用外资要保持清醒的头脑,要将引进工作与国内工作平衡好。陈云的这些关于利用国际市场的思想,成为各个时期中国共产党处理国内经济与对外经济关系的重要指导思想。  相似文献   
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