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“史书”在两汉只能是指《史籀篇》,“善史书”即精通、熟悉《史籀篇》,“善史书”者可确保所书文字合乎“六书”规范。  相似文献   
朱彝尊编纂的《词综》是清代影响最大的词选本。朱彝尊《词综·发凡》以及汪森等人的序文,详细介绍了《词综》的版本来源、编纂体例和校勘考订内容,具有词籍版本目录学价值,成为清人整理词籍的重要参考文献,从而在词籍整理成为专门学术的过程中占有重要地位。  相似文献   
《古文尚书》辨伪是清代学术史上的重要课题。清初学者阎若璩作《尚书古文疏证》,判定今本《古文尚书》为伪书,而同时代的学者毛奇龄则作《古文尚书冤词》,极力为《古文尚书》辩护,从而引发了一:场学术公案。《古文尚书》之伪,今日已成定论。《冤词》成为毛氏学术生涯中的败笔,其结论本身已无价值可言。但是他在论辨当中崇实黜虚,纠正了不少辨伪者的错误,从学术史的角度讲,这部表面看起来与辨伪针锋相对的《冤词》,恰恰对《古文尚书》辨伪的深入产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
《汉书新注》是近年出现的较新较好搜集资料较全的《汉书》全注本,本文就阅读过程中遇到的一些关于通假的注释问题提出来商榷,以就正于方家。  相似文献   
回顾20世纪以来现存宋代古籍的整理概况,在统计分析的基础上,对其特征与规律加以总结,旨在把握宋代古籍的整理现状。为今后的整理规划提供参考。  相似文献   
An integrated remote-sensing survey was carried out in Navarino Bay, where in 1827 a battle was fought between the allied British, French and Russian navies and the Turkish-Egyptian fleet. Integration and interpretation of the remote-sensing data has shown the presence of shipwreck remains on the sea-floor and possible shipwrecks buried under the sea-bed. It has also shown that the historical remains are under threat from the heavy anchors of tankers which sink into the sea-bed and, when dragged, dig furrows, thus disintegrating the shipwreck remains. To protect the sites the construction of permanent anchoring systems away from the shipwreck remains is recommended.
© 2005 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   
While state governments have enjoyed greater control over regulating local telephone service providers since 1984, movement toward efficiency-based policy reform (e.g., adoption of competitive markets) has proceeded slowly. We investigate this pattern by addressing how the degree of policy discretion held by state public utility commissions (PUCs) affects reform of local telephone exchange regulation. Using precise measures of both PUC discretion and state policy changes over time, we find that states with "stronger" PUCs (more policymaking authority) are significantly more likely to move toward efficiency-based policy regimes and away from traditional rate-of-return regimes. Greater PUC discretion systematically related to state adoption of efficiency-based reforms over time suggests that regulators are using updated information about policy impacts to inform their policymaking activities. Our findings contradict a common presumption that regulatory bureaucracies are simply motivated by a desire to increase their control over policymaking. Instead, state PUCs are a key source of telecommunications policy reform in the states.  相似文献   
辫线袄为元代流行的一种服饰,但现存于世的实物很少。文章详细分析了一件紫地缠枝花卉纹绫盘金绣辫线袄残片的形制纹饰及具体修复过程。根据该袄残存的盘金绣和腰部的辫线加工工艺,修复了右肩部日形刺绣、辫线及裙褶,并裁制了已缺失的下裳和双袖。该袄的修复方案体现了纺织品文物保护的可逆性原则。  相似文献   
探索和研究表明,岩画断代问题仍然是困扰岩画研究的难题之一,其主要原因是岩画本身不能够提供可供断代的直接依据。本文综述了目前岩画断代研究中经常使用的自然科学和考古学方法及其存在的问题,提出应用AMS14C是今后研究我国岩绘画断代问题的首选方法,解决岩刻画的断代问题则主要有赖于微腐蚀方法。  相似文献   
涂料在文物保护中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
综述了文物保护的意义和方法及涂料在文物保护中的应用,水性氟涂料的出现将为文物保护提供很好的材料。  相似文献   
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