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上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书的第一部分,即《诗论》,其第10号简和第13号简都提到《汉广》一诗,并且进行了较多评析.这对于解决聚讼不已的《诗@汉广》的"游女"身份及诗旨等问题有很大启示.分析《汉广》诗意,可见诗人实在"不可得"与"不可能"之间犹豫徘徊.事物的"可能"与"不可能",并不受礼义界限的影响,而是基本上与礼义无关的事情.然而,事物的"可得"与"不可得"则是礼义影响的结果.《诗论》简,对于《汉广》一诗的评析在所有关于情爱诗篇的说解中显得尤为深刻而重要.孔子对于《汉广》的评析,与《韩诗外传》、《说苑》所记遇浣女事皆表明了孔子的情爱观.其情爱观的中心是赞成男女在礼义的范围内的情爱,提倡在可能的情况下对于爱情大胆追求,而不是对于男女情爱予以排诋.男女间必须授受不亲"],应当有一条不可逾越的鸿沟,这只是后儒之见,孔子之时尚未出现.  相似文献   
分布和影响地域广袤的"白家庄期"商文化,因时代接近于商代中期而在商文化中具有承前启后的地位.有关考古新发现显示,"白家庄期"商文化本身可以区分为三个不同的时间段.在其所代表的历史阶段中,郑州商城的衰颓与小双桥商都的兴建形成了鲜明对照.这一现象出现的历史背景是,有关文献所记商王朝此时所面临的内忧外患局面以及仲丁迁隞历史事件的发生.  相似文献   
"文革"中的知识青年上山下乡运动研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"文革"中的知青上山下乡运动是当代中国的重大事件之一.中外学者对这场运动进行了深入的探讨研究,取得了不少成果,发表了一批论文及专著,整理和公布了许多资料,目前在许多问题上已达成共识,与此同时也存在很大分歧,如关于"文革"中的知识青年上山下乡运动的基本动因问题、历史进程及其评价问题,对知青"返城风"及上山下乡运动终止原因等等,这些都有待研究者进行深入细致的研究.此外,在研究中还存在资料收集困难、研究力量薄弱、研究方法单一等困难与不足.  相似文献   
《春秋》所载伐邢之"狄"应为商人.在邢国墓葬考古中,发现有"毁墓"现象,由年代和情势判断,只能是对邢有"亡国"之恨的商人所为.狄也叫戎.戎在金文中写作" ",最初是商王小乙之子"子 "的氏族徽志.这个氏族一部分居于王畿北境,今河北新乐一带,负守土之责.周公东征后逃匿太行山中.狄也作翟.翟,《说文》云"山雉尾长者",《赵世家》云"子姓".图腾和族姓皆与商人相同.  相似文献   
“以史为鉴”是历史学被高度政治化的1体现。结合中国古代史的发展轨迹做考察,就必须承认,“以史为鉴”可以导致两种不同的社会效用。正面效用,用作前车之鉴,直接导致了周、西汉、唐盛世的出现;负面效用,以防弊致弱的方式,影响到东汉、西晋、北宋等朝代的立制不良。对造成这两种不同效用的原因,应该正视和探讨。  相似文献   
盘庚迁都新议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李民 《史学月刊》2001,(2):16-21
盘庚迁殷,以往大多数学者认为是自奄迁于今之安阳洹南之殷墟,即今之小屯村一带.然而在今之洹南的考古发掘中,很难找到盘庚、小辛、小乙三王时期的文化遗存和遗物.随着考古发掘的扩大和发展,我们认为,盘庚始迁为漳南洹北的殷墟,历经小辛、小乙时期,至武丁时,都城稍稍南移,遂移至今洹南殷墟.盘庚始迁之漳南洹北,文献上称之为漳南之商丘,又可称亳、称殷.它与洹南之殷墟合则称之为殷(后世称之为殷墟),析则分别称亳与殷.由于盘庚、小辛、小乙居洹北仅二十多年,析称的史实遂被“二百七十三年更不徙都“的记载所湮没,致使人们忽略了盘庚始迁的这段历史.  相似文献   
关于中国早期国家的几个问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前学术界对有关中国早期国家的概念存在着分歧.我们认为中国早期国家是指夏商周三代已具备公共权力,但社会仍滞留在居民血缘组织基础之上的政治组织.所谓中国在龙山时代就已出现了早期国家的说法是不能成立的.至于中国早期国家的产生,则是走的部落联盟酋长因其职务的“独立化“转变为“社会主人“这样一条路径.  相似文献   
The present study utilises dental histological methods to analyse enamel micro‐defects as indicators of early life stress in indigenous Muchik individuals interred at two sites: La Capilla Santa María Magdalena de Eten (CSMME) (n = 15) and La Capilla del Niño Serranito (CNS) (n = 15), both located in the Lambayeque Valley region of northern Peru. Individuals interred at CNS date to the Early Colonial Period (AD 1533–1610), and individuals interred at CSMME date to the Middle/Late Colonial Period (AD 1625–1760), thus permitting comparison of childhood stress events between the Early and Middle/Late Colonial Periods. Results reveal a high prevalence of Wilson bands at both sites, although a lower prevalence at the CSMME was observed in comparison with the CNS. This indicates that, over time, Muchik individuals in this town may have been able to acclimate to life under Spanish oppression. Stress chronologies suggest that early life stress possibly resulted from inadequate and less than desirable food and/or water available for supplemental feeding during early infancy, especially around the ages of 4 and 5 months. Furthermore, results show that individuals with enamel defects in the form of Wilson bands at both the CNS and CSMME had an earlier mean age‐at‐death (9.6 and 4.05 years, respectively) in comparison with those without observed Wilson bands (19.75 and 8.8 years, respectively). These results underscore the importance of not only regional and temporal studies of the biological consequences of Spanish contact in the Americas but also of investigating the relationship between early life stress and adult health and longevity in archaeological populations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In the present study, the fragments of wall painting found in the Roman Temple Complex at Horvat Omrit were analysed for the first time using the non‐destructive techniques of X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) equipped with energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (EDS). The application of these methods enabled unambiguous identifications of the pigments and plaster components of the samples. Quantitative information on mineral composition, crystallite size and elemental composition of each studied paint layer and plaster was collected. Based on the results of the XRD and EDS analyses, the green pigment was identified as celadonite. It was revealed that the Egyptian blue pigment does not contain impurities of tin and lead, and this excludes the use of bronze scrap in its synthesis. Comparison of the mineral composition of the paint layers indicates that a wider palette of colours was obtained by mixing the available mineral pigments. The study of cross‐sections of painted specimens revealed the usage of slaked lime for plastering. The obtained results give a new insight into the wall painting technique employed by ancient artists at Horvat Omrit, in northern Israel.  相似文献   
This article, which concerns the history and texts of some of the magical papyri in the collection of the University of Oslo Library, has two parts. The first part (Hickey and Maravela) sheds light on the acquisition of the celebrated Oslo magical roll, P.Oslo I 1, by drawing on Samson Eitrem's account of the purchase in the Norwegian daily Aftenposten and the correspondence of Francis W. Kelsey, who had sought to buy the papyrus for the University of Michigan. The second part (Zellmann-Rohrer) offers critical remarks on the formats and texts of the magical papyri P.Oslo I 1, 4–5 and II 15.  相似文献   
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