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日本帝国主义通过日俄战争,在中国东北旅大地区建立了关东州殖民地。会是关东州最基本的地方行政机构,日本殖民政府对关东州殖民统治主要是通过会来进行的。但关东州的会只是一种行政上的辅助机关。1925年6月20日,日本政府以第238号敕令的形式公布《关东州会制》,正式赋予会以法人资格,以后又不断强化,确保其殖民统治的需要。  相似文献   
《全宋诗》是近年来古籍整理的一项重要成果,但其间也存在一些差错。卷三的“释印粲”条当删,卷四的徐铉小传中有一处标点有误,卷五误将两篇他人的诗作归于徐铉名下,卷一○在补录徐铉的诗作时未能引用出处最早的文献。  相似文献   
1973年,考古工作者在河北定州八角廊村40号汉墓之中发现了大量竹简,其中包括许多《论语》残简。这是我们目前所能看到的最早的《论语》白文版本,也是目前唯一能够见到的《论语》的西汉抄本原件,是《论语》出土文献的代表。学者们通过对此简本深入细致的研究,得出了许多新见解。  相似文献   
周公制礼和孔子及其后学修订、改造周礼,皆遵循忠信、与时俱进等原则,《礼记.礼器》、郭店楚简《性自命出》等篇对周礼制定的原则,有系统的总结。根据《礼器》的内容,并与《周礼》、《仪礼》、郭店楚简等记载进行对比,《礼器》应成篇于战国中期。  相似文献   
袁宏道《潇碧堂集》作品系年至少存在两种问题:一是系年错误。以钱伯城先生《袁宏道集笺校》为例,出现此类问题的有九十篇之多。二是系年疑而未定。钱笺和任访秋《袁中郎年谱》涉及《潇碧堂集》作品系年皆有数十篇未能定其具体作年。本文对后者作了考订,从而解决了袁宏道诗文系年方面一个长期以来悬而未决的疑难问题。  相似文献   
In discussions concerning American Indians/First Nations and the practice of archaeology in North America, the issues are typically presented in a polarized fashion with American Indians/First Nations on one side and archaeologists on the other. Frequently the literature discusses how archaeologists should modify their practice in response to the needs of American Indian communities. Very little of the literature looks at the roles and challenges faced by American Indians who choose to pursue archaeology. This paper addresses this latter issue by examining my own work among First Nations communities in Ontario, Canada. Through the lens of ‘lived experience’, I will examine the interplay of identity, personal and communal histories, and the contemporary situation of my self and the First Nations communities I worked with, looking at how having ‘insider’ knowledge can be both useful and a handicap in fieldwork.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Although researchers have deconstructed the myth of stark social differences between the various North American sub‐societies, an assimilating American melting pot and an ethnically oppressive monocultural Québec are still popular representations within Canadian majority discourses, such as the English‐language mainstream media and parts of academia. In this paper, I argue that images of ‘America’ and ‘Québec’ play important roles for the multicultural reconstruction of Canadian nationhood. Examining selected op‐ed articles from two Toronto‐based mainstream newspapers during the 1990s, I develop and exemplify a theoretical understanding of how national identities are constituted and transformed within inter‐ and intra‐national relations of power and alterity. I pay special attention to the particularisation of Canada through the confrontation with American nationhood, the ambiguities of recognising the distinctiveness of Québec inside Canada, and the consequences of projecting Québec's supposedly ‘ethnic’ nationalism outside the boundaries of Canadianness.  相似文献   
The skeletal remains of 18 individuals interred at the ancient Maya site of Caledonia (100 to 1000 C.E.), located in the Cayo District of Belize, w ere sampled for stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis in order to reconstruct their diet. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in 18 bone collagen samples and stable carbon isotope ratios in bioapatite from 15 bone and 6 tooth enamel samples were assessed. Small sample sizes precluded the assessment of dietary variation with respect to age, sex, social status or time period among the Caledonia Maya. However, the sampled individuals consumed a varied diet consisting of maize, supplemented with some C3 plants, terrestrial herbivores and/or lower order freshwater resources such as snails and molluscs and possibly maize‐fed animals. This dietary variability with an emphasis on maize is unsurprising given the biological diversity surrounding the site and the known importance of this crop to the ancient Maya. As expected, the isotopic values from Caledonia are similar to those from nearby sites from similar time periods. However, four individuals exhibit a marine dietary signature, possibly indicating inland trade of marine resources from coastal sites, or the migration of coastal people to Caledonia. This study demonstrates the validity of sampling small, fragmented collections from minor Maya centres in order to gain valuable insight into ancient Maya dietary practices. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
建国初期,中共在广州构建了一个过渡性的社会救助体系,在短短的4年内,广州市通过它救助了大量的失业者和城市贫民,基本上遏制了由于新旧转轨带来的社会危机,为新政权即将展开的社会主义各项建设奠定了基础.在救助理念和救助过程上,它体现了以往社会救助的一些特点,同时也反映了我党的诸多特色,诸如鲜明的意识形态性、广泛的群众参与性和严格的组织纪律性,隐隐约约闪烁着以统一调配为主要特征的计划时代社会政策的影子.  相似文献   
在朝鲜战争起源的问题上,学术界一直存在着争论.一些西方学者认为,朝鲜战争是在苏联、中国和朝鲜周密的共谋下发动的,这种说法后来被称为"三国同谋论".但这种说法与最近公开的资料并不相符.本文以中国、苏联的新资料为依据对以往的"三国共谋论"进行了反驳,并得出结论:中国不仅没有参加策划朝鲜战争,而且在一定程度上对发动这场战争持不赞成的态度.  相似文献   
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