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顾千里是清代著名校勘学家,“不校校之”是他校勘学思想的核心与灵魂。其校勘学思想地形成,受传统校勘思想,特别是宋人校勘思想的深刻影响。顾氏的校勘学思想和方法,对校勘学的发展产生了深远影响,有些甚至已成为当今古籍整理校勘学科中的基本原则。  相似文献   
The lithic assemblage from the well-known site of Lugo di Grezzana (Italy) attributable to the Fiorano group (5,300–4,900 BC cal) is analysed to shed new insights on the early Neolithic lithic technology in North-Eastern Italy. Techno-typological data are discussed allowing detailed reconstruction of the reduction sequence, thanks also to several refittings. A complex laminar production with several technical objectives has been identified. Whereas clues for the heat treatment of lithic materials have been identified, we verified it by a combined experimental approach. In the first place, we used density measurements, which already proved to be useful for prescreening analysis, to detect potentially heated artefacts. Afterward, we performed Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy tests to assess the actual (de)hydration condition of the siliceous materials. Reflectance spectra have been acquired, analysing any item and avoiding any constraint related to both morphology and thickness of the sample. The archaeometric results, combined with the reduction sequence reconstruction, provide new indications on the technical capabilities and knowledge of the human groups that inhabited the region during the early Neolithic.  相似文献   
For centuries, Englishmen and women believed that any misfortune, from the smallest malady to a natural catastrophe, signified divine “justice.” Scholarship on providence and miracles has shown that beliefs in divine intervention were enhanced by the political and religious conflicts of the mid-seventeenth century. This article seeks to refine our understanding of the role of providence in confessional identity formation through an examination of Quaker providential interpretation between 1650 and c.1700. It explores the ways in which Quakers appropriated accounts of divine judgement, circulated them within their community and memorialised them for the benefit of future generations. The discovery of an attempt to create a nationwide record of judgements to befall Quaker persecutors shows that providential stories had a significant role in uniting, and ensuring the survival of a disparate and heavily persecuted religious community.  相似文献   
The structure and meaning of the passage are analysed, and its variants and textual proposals discussed. A way of understanding the text as transmitted is presented.  相似文献   
明代考据学是在明中叶"黜虚崇实"思潮影响下产生和发展起来的。它直接或间接启迪和影响了清初及乾嘉考据学的发展。清代学者在继承和发扬明中叶以来求实学风和考据学成就的同时,也在很大程度上摒弃了明代考据学中存在的不良风气。他们强调"博学"、"博证",但多不炫奇。尤其是清初几位大师无不把"求实"与"经世致用"紧密结合起来。这是与明代考据学的根本区别。乾嘉考据学则与明代考据学有着较多的相同点,但在治学的范围、方法及研究的广度、深度上大大超过了前代。  相似文献   
清代中叶,汉学兴盛,汉学家每以"实事求是"标榜其治学鹄的."实事求是"与乾嘉汉学的相关度,是理解汉学家学术思想的关节问题.道成同光之际,学风丕变,汉学式微,今文经学复兴,在乾嘉学界激荡的"实事求是"学风也随之陷于沉寂.今文学家对"实事求是"的新诠释中又透露出别样的学术讯息.考察"实事求是"学风在清代学界的复兴与沉寂,梳理其中所折射出的时代学术意义,有助于深入地认识清代学术.  相似文献   
校勘学在清代获得了空前的发展,从而成为一种群众化的学术活动。造成这种情况的原因,除了政治、经济、文化方面的因素之外,清代语文学的快速发展也是一个重要方面。从皖派学者治学的实践来看,文献校勘离不开文字学、音韵学和训诂学的知识,而文字学、音韵学、训诂学的研究又常常在文献校勘的基础上进行。清代校勘学之所以取得前所未有的成就,主要得益于清代语文学的大发展。  相似文献   
In this study, DNA was extracted from human bones recovered from a 2000-year-old archaeological site located in northern Kyushu in southwestern Japan. Part of the mitochondrial control region was amplified by a polymerase chain reaction. Mitochondrial DNA sequences determined from 55 individuals were classified into 16 different types. Comparing the location of the burial site and the sequence types, people buried at separate sites were shown to have different maternal lineages. Our palaeomolecular biological findings strengthen the opinion that social differentiation began during this period in Japan, a fact that is generally accepted among archaeologists. The results of this study show that intensive analysis of ancient DNA from archaeological sites is a useful tool for investigating the social systems of vanished populations.  相似文献   
东汉沅南县的设置距今已近二千年,当年该县城之故址何在?在《大清一统志》、光绪《桃源县志》、《读史方舆纪要》等古籍记载中,分别有不同说法,其中《大清一统志》的说法为近现代一些著述乃至工具书所采信。然而据《水经注》记载和其他史料考证,《大清一统志》的说法是错误的,光绪《桃源县志》亦误,唯《读史方舆纪要》之记载应为是。  相似文献   
今人关于明代通政使司研究中引据的很多文献是在缺乏仔细考订的情况下而广泛引用的。《明史》、《明会典》等诸多重要的制度史文献中就包含涉及通政使司的错误,或由于编纂者书写不当造成,或由于史官对通政使司的行政流程、政治功能认识不足而导致。因此考订明代通政使司相关文献中的若干谬误,对深入研究该项制度十分必要。  相似文献   
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