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卢文弨,清乾嘉时代著名校勘学家。本文就其校勘学思想与所用的方法略作论述。  相似文献   
墨学曾为先秦显学,西汉以降湮没无闻,但在19世纪重新显露并渐趋复兴.详究此中原因,除西学东渐、社会变动等外缘因素之外,墨学在近代的重振还受到中国传统学术发展的内在理路的制约.乾嘉考据学的高度发展及儒学正统地位在近代的衰落,不但为近代墨学复兴提供了起点与机遇,而且影响着近代墨学的治学途径和风格.  相似文献   
Over the last decade, a long-running archaeological project in the Guadalquivir Basin (Spain) has identified the emergence (c. 3000 BC) and collapse (between c. 2500 and c. 2300 BC) of a regional inter-settlement hierarchical system centred on the south-western Pyrite Belt and the Lower Guadalquivir Basin.  相似文献   
如今我们已经能够正确解释甲骨文中的大多数辞例。对于一些迄今理解尚有分歧的疑难辞例,应尽可能地通过同版或同文关系,甚至其他卜同事的关系,来思考这些疑难辞例的辞意。若卜辞辞意难以推知,可以暂从语法学等角度对卜辞中的某些疑难字作词性上的定位。  相似文献   
张廷玉《(明史·礼志》是迄今影响最大的专门记载明代礼制的史志文献,但其中也存在诸多史实讹误,这大大影响了其可信度和史料价值.经据《明实录》、《明会典》、《皇明典礼志》、《昭代典则》、《太常续考》、《辛L部志稿》等文献考证,可知该《志》中华书局1974年点校本第47-53卷仍然存在史实讹误21处.其致误之直接原因,大致有脱漏、衍文、字形相近而误等情形;但根本原因还是缘于编纂、刻印和传抄者的疏忽与粗心.  相似文献   
For decades, archaeologists have looked for an appropriate means to integrate archaeological findings with the textual record. Often, in the past, the written word has been privileged over material remains. In this summary, which draws in part from the individual papers in this special issue, a new, more balanced approach that gives increased weight and greater independence to archaeological data is proposed. A series of implications and suggestions for current theoretical development in archaeology are advanced.  相似文献   
As part of a geological survey in southwest mainland New Caledonia, potsherds were recorded in the profiles at four coastal sites. Subsequent archaeological investigations at two of these sites have allowed us to diversify the ceramic data and show them to be local variants of Podtanean, Puen, and Plum ceramic types. These are characteristic of production in the southern part of the archipelago during the first millennium BC and first millennium AD. The presence of fishing sites showing no indication of permanent settlements on these seashores, and the clear absence of second millennium AD occupations related to the “Traditional Kanak Cultural Complex”, characterized by large sedentary hamlets, illustrate a significant shift in settlement patterns between the first and second millennium AD.  相似文献   
彭华 《史学月刊》2006,30(6):77-84
《三国志曹冲华佗传与佛教故事》(1930年),是陈寅恪早年运用比较方法、从事比较之学研究所获得的一项成果,其结论和方法在学界有着广泛的影响。但结合早期传世文献与出土文献考察发现:(1)华之称华佗,乃出于其善治“虫”,而非天竺语“agada”之省译;(2)麻沸散的发明权在中国,中国不但古已有之,而且传承有道;(3)华佗事迹有附益先秦文挚之事者,此乃其原型所在,且早于印度神医耆域故事;(4)曹冲称象之法,中国先秦恐已有成例可寻。在从事比较研究时,中外比较固然重要,古今比较亦不可偏废。  相似文献   
We successfully combined ultrastructure and chloroplast DNA analysis for single specimens of Concentricystis isolated from Holocene sediment by a palynology method based on filtration, progressive sieving and percoll-gradient sedimentation to concentrate fossil cells. We compared our method with the traditional harsh chemical treatment commonly used to isolate fossil pollen and spores. With our method, the cytoplasm of Concentricystis was sufficiently preserved to distinguish several cell structures by light and electron microscopy. DNA analysis of Concentricystis involved PCR amplification using specific primers for a spacer region of the chloroplast genome. Significant homologies were found with the Angiosperm chloroplast genome by BLAST DNA search for PCR product sequences.  相似文献   
张越 《史学集刊》2006,(2):73-77
20世纪30年代,经过中国社会史论战而迅速扩大影响的中国马克思主义史学,存在着明显的教条化和公式化、轻视史料与考证的缺失。40年代的中国马克思主义史学家对此进行了积极的反思和纠正,而且还从理论上论述了史料及考证方法在历史研究中的重要性,阐述了理论观点与材料方法间的辩证关系,极大地促进了马克思主义史学的中国化和学术研究的中国化。  相似文献   
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