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基于面板数据,从综合系统-子系统-要素等三方面定量测度省域人口、土地与产业城镇化对农业农村发展的影响程度,深入剖析城镇化不同要素对农业与农村系统发展的作用机理。研究结果表明:①人口城镇化与产业城镇化对农业农村的影响更加明显,对农村生活系统影响的弹性系数大于1的地区比重分别为58.06%和64.52%;土地与产业城镇化对农业生产系统产生负向影响较为明显,弹性系数小于0的地区比重分别为29.03%和38.71%;②城镇化率、产业结构和建成区比重对人均耕地面积、乡村劳动力比重和人均粮食产量呈显著负相关,与农民人均纯收入、人均农业产值和单位面积机械动力呈显著正相关;③通过深入分析近30年省域城镇化对各地区农业农村发展的作用机理,对于新时期新型城镇化、农业农村转型发展等战略的贯彻落实具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   
A significant body of work examines the presence and strength of territorial political identities (either subnational, national or supranational). A common assumption of this literature is that the presence and strength of these political identities are invariant over time. Given the importance of political identity, it is surprising that this assumption has not been empirically tested. We address this omission by testing this assumption through considering the question of who is most likely to exhibit variation in the reporting of territorial identities and why. We posit that one source of instability in territorially based political identity is rooted in cognitive dissonance which emerges through the interaction of partisanship and electoral outcomes. We explore these questions using panel data from the British Election Study (1997–2001), the Canadian Election Study (2004–2008). Results reveal that the territorial identities of Labour and Liberal partisans, in Britain and Canada respectively, are compatible with expectations.  相似文献   
This article focuses on a community located in downtown Rio de Janeiro that was destroyed to make way for the commemorations of Brazil’s Centenary of Independence in 1922. Morro do Castelo was once a space customarily inhabited by Afro-descendants, but Italian and Portuguese immigrants predominated there by the time of its destruction. I argue that whatever Castelo’s racial heterogeneity it was imagined and treated as a black space by planners and policy makers, hence its disposability. In Castelo's neglect during the colonial period and in the urbanization projects that sought to destroy it in the first two decades of the 20th century, one can discern the continuity of imperial processes of ruination of racialized spaces and bodies. The article examines ways in which residents of Morro do Castelo established territory and engaged in various forms of refusal when faced with the ruination of their neighborhood. The spatial practices of the hillside’s diverse population suggest that its various racialized and ethnic groups mapped difference onto a palimpsestic site that defied official classificatory systems and troubled official mappings of the concept city.  相似文献   
作为一种特殊类型的城镇化,旅游城镇化已成为新型城镇化的重要抓手,同时也是旅游地理学研究的重要课题。本文在对国内外相关文献综合梳理的基础上,对旅游城镇化的概念内涵、驱动因素、特征与影响进行研究对比与综合评述。通过对上述问题的系统回顾,展示旅游城镇化的发展历程及研究价值,辨明旅游城镇化研究的核心问题,以期为该领域的深入研究提供有力支撑。在当前中国旅游城镇化的消费特征、社会阶层、主客关系、身份认同、城市与文化表征亟需深入探索与案例研究的背景下,国外有关旅游城镇化发展模式与特征的研究成果,对我国未来的旅游城镇化具有重要的指导与借鉴意义。  相似文献   
杨洋  马学广  王晨 《人文地理》2015,30(5):91-98
基于长时间序列夜间灯光遥感数据,本研究从国家、八大经济区、省、地等四个尺度综合分析了中国1992-2010年土地城镇化水平时空动态特征。结果表明,在1992-2010年间:中国土地城镇化水平增长迅速,年均增长率为8.34%,明显高于同时期人口城镇化水平增长速度;土地城镇化水平区域差异十分显著,东部沿海经济区在八大经济区中土地城镇化水平最高且增长速度最快,香港、澳门特别行政区土地城镇化水平远高于其它省区;土地城镇化的热点区域主要集中分布于长三角、山东半岛、海峡西岸等11个城市群地区。  相似文献   
城市化进程中交通公平的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统分析城市化进程中交通公平内涵的基础上,从弱势群体与社会排斥、交通公平评估与改善策略等方面,梳理交通公平的相关研究成果。结果表明,当前城市交通公平性研究还需从以下几个方面进行完善:交通公平内涵应更加注重改善快速城市化地区居民群体的出行环境;系统分析快速城市化进程中交通公平的演化模式,改善交通公平的基本测度方法;构建交通公平评估的空间分析方法,从经济成本可达性角度剖析交通公平性;关注快速城市化地区交通公平的改善策略,提出可操作性的交通公平优化方法。  相似文献   
This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the pattern of hospital utilization (rather than provision) in England prior to the establishment of the NHS, showing the extent to which the probability of obtaining hospital treatment was a function of residence. Access to hospital care depended on the vigour of voluntarism and the political priorities of local governments. The pattern of voluntary hospital utilization is shown to have been markedly unequal, but the effect of municipal provision was to reduce disparities in access to services. The paper demonstrates variations in hospital utilization and discusses contemporary assessments of the situation. This work contributes to debates about the efficacy of non-profit forms of welfare delivery; it provides a novel British study to complement American work in this field. It also raises questions about the contemporary vogue for partnerships in health care delivery between the public and private sectors, arguing that such proposals rest on an optimistic view of history.  相似文献   
The management of carbon emissions holds some prospect for challenging sustainable development as the organising principle of socio-environmental regulation. This paper explores the rise of a distinctive low-carbon polity as an ideological state project, and examines its potential ramifications for the regulation of economy–environment relations at the urban and regional scale. Carbon control would seem to introduce a new set of values into state regulation and this might open up possibilities for challenging mainstream modes of urban and regional development in a manner not possible under sustainable development. But low-carbon restructuring also portends intensified uneven development, new forms of state control and a socially uneven reworking of state–society relations. In order to explore these issues we start by setting out a framework for conceptualising environmental regulation based around the idea of eco-state restructuring. This idea is introduced to capture the conflicts, power struggles and strategic selectivities involved as governments seek to reconcile environmental protection with multiple other pressures and demands. Overall the paper seeks to make a distinctive contribution to theoretical work on state environmental regulation and the emerging spatial dimensions of climate policy.  相似文献   
20世纪20年代李景汉调查的京郊四村长期以来一直得到学术界的关注,2006~2008年,我们又对京郊四村进行了田野调查和文献研究,目的意在秉承前辈学者的研究理路,以村民的收入和消费为主线,呈现其从乡土社会到城市街区的转换历程,以及失地农民在适应城市生活中所面临的诸多问题。作为城乡关系的"连接点",大城市边缘村落既是乡土社会转型的前沿地带,也是都市化引发社会矛盾和冲突的焦点。因此,对京郊四村的再研究,不仅续写了村庄的历史,更突显了认识和记录中国社会变迁的价值所在。  相似文献   
国内外服务业地理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳坤  申玉铭 《人文地理》2013,28(1):48-55
服务业地理学是以服务业活动的地域系统为核心、探索服务业空间活动规律的一门学科,它是经济地理学的重要分支。围绕服务业地理学研究对象对相关文献进行梳理,文章认为:目前服务业地理学尚未形成一套完善的理论体系和研究框架,在理论上需要吸收服务业经济学、地理学及社会学等多学科的理论来丰富和完善;在研究方法上应加强质性研究和定量分析的结合;在研究内容上应深化服务业与区域经济可持续发展、信息技术影响下的服务业区位选择、服务业微区位、服务业贸易对区域产业结构及产业空间组织的影响、服务业地域综合体等议题的研究。  相似文献   
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