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为增加已破损的良渚化黑陶双鼻壶和明代宣德青花扁瓶藏品展示的艺术效果,须对其进行修复。两件器物的修复运用了电脑设计修复方案,采用“陶配陶”、“瓷配瓷”及一些现代先进的粘结材料,传统手工工艺与现代先进工艺相结合的方法,修复效果理想,使之恢复其原来的面貌。说明现代技术和传统修复方法相结合是修复古代陶瓷器的有效方法  相似文献   
Since 1790, the term Naturwissenschaften occurs in the lecture lists of the University of Jena published in the Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung of Jena. Naturwissenschaften is used as a title for lectures previously listed under the headings of Philosophie or Naturgeschichte. The introduction of the concept of Naturwissenschaften is interesting for several reasons: Firstly, at that time it is not the usual label in this context, and one therefore has to ask whether it already implies the connotations that are associated with the modern concept of Naturwissenschaften, i. e. science in the modern sense. Secondly, the lecture lists of the University of Jena give insight into the various changes in the established ordering scheme for academic lectures that lead to the introduction of the term Naturwissenschaften, thus contributing to a better understanding of both the history of this concept and of the development of the university faculties as we know them. A close look at the concept of Naturwissenschaften as it was used around 1800 may, thirdly, help to understand the use made of this concept in philosophy, especially in the philosophy of nature of this period.  相似文献   
Cultural contentiousness is defined as an attribute of innovation due to which it encounters resistance because of its incompatibility with hegemonic cultural assumptions. I argue that culturally contentious innovations are likely to be adopted when antecedents have productive symbolic force, i.e., they reveal contradictions between dominant cultural assumptions and the material outcomes of existing institutions or empower social actors to resolve such contradictions. However, antecedents with incapacitative symbolic force tend to obfuscate the above contradictions or decrease social actors’ capacity to resolve them, encouraging the adoption of less contentious innovation. Applying these arguments to citizen oversight agencies (COAs) for the police, I examine the antecedents of contentious (i.e., investigative) as opposed to less contentious (non-investigative) COAs. In support of the above argument, I find that productive antecedents (e.g., a consent decree, an increase in civil rights nonprofits) are associated with adopting investigative COAs. In contrast, incapacitative antecedents (e.g., a Law Enforcement Officer Bill of Rights, an increase in the violent crime rate) are associated with adopting non-investigative COAs. The findings broadly demonstrate that policy adoption scholars ought to distinguish policies in terms of cultural contentiousness and account for the symbolic force of antecedents. Further theoretical contributions are discussed.  相似文献   
This study uses quartz-based optically stimulated luminescence dating to determine when a massive fortification wall (W11186) was constructed in the archaeological site of Tall Zarʿa in the Jordan Valley. A total of 11 samples of sediments were taken from a trench on the north side of the wall (extramuros). The extracted quartz grains had good luminescence characteristics and were identified as well bleached by comparison with feldspar infrared-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) ages. The optical ages showed that the deposition against the wall occurred in two different periods. The first was around 3.20 ± 0.07 ka ago (Iron Age), and the second was around 2.28 ± 0.08 ka (Hellenistic period). Human activity was evident because of the intermixing of cultural material with the presumed naturally deposited units.  相似文献   
本研讨的是东汉末年东郡太守臧洪给当时豪陈琳一封复信中的几句话。献帝兴平二年(公元195年)十二月至次年建安元年夏,臧洪被大军阀袁绍围困于郡治东武阳。绍令洪邑人陈琳写信劝洪投降,洪不从。复信说明与绍友好初衷是共尊王室,今日对立是绍不尊王室,其中有些重要的话被今人误注误译。追根溯源,多少与史家陈寿、范晔的误解有关。甚至《资治通鉴》等大部头作也沿袭了这些误解。故从复信主旨着眼,依据史实和词义匡正这些错误。  相似文献   
The possible factors involved in the generation of the p49a,f TaqI Y-chromosome spatial diversity in Egypt are explored. The object is to consider explanations beyond those that emphasize gene flow mediated via military campaigns within the Nile corridor during the dynastic period. Current patterns of the most common variants (V, XI, IV) have been suggested to relate to Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom political actions in Nubia, including sometimes settler colonization, and the conquest of Egypt by Napata (in upper Nubia, northern Sudan) that initiated Dynasty XXV. Other events or processes have not been presented. However, a synthesis of evidence from archaeology, historical linguistics, texts, the distribution of haplotypes outside of Egypt, and some demographic considerations, lends greater support to the establishment, before the Middle Kingdom, of the observed distributions of the most prevalent haplotypes: V, XI, and IV. It is suggested that the pattern of diversity for these variants in the Egyptian Nile Valley, was largely the product of population events that occurred in the late Pleistocene to mid-Holocene through Dynasty I, and was sustained by continuous smaller scale bi-directional migrations/interactions. The higher frequency of V in Ethiopia than in Nubia or upper (southern) Egypt, has to be taken into account in any discussion of variation in the Nile Valley, especially in the context of the findings of historical linguistics.Les facteurs possibles qui etaient parmi la generation de p49a,f TaqI Y-divers chromosome spatiale en Egypte, avaient ete explores. L’objectif etait de prendre en consideration les explications autour de celles qui mettaient l’accent sur le gene flow qui avait ete medie a partir des campagnes militaries dans le corridor du Nil, pendant la periode dynastique. Les modeles courants des varieties communes (V, XI, IV) avaient ete suggeres pour qu’ils soient en lien avec les actes politiques du Royaume Moyen et du Royaume Nouveau de Nubie, inclu quelques colonies, et la conquete de l’Egypte par Napta (en Haut Nubie, au Nord du Soudan), cela avait initie la 25eme dynastie. D’autres evenements ou procedures, n’avaient pas ete presentes. Ainsi, une synthese d’evidence de l’archeologie, de langues historiques, de textes, la distribution des haplotypes en dehors de l’Egypte, et quelques considerations demographiques avaient servi de grand support a l’etablissement, avant le Royaume Moyen, des distributions observees des varietes les plus prevalents: V, XI, and IV. Il est suggere que le modele de diversite pour ces varieties dans la Vallee du Nil Egyptien, etait largement le produit des evenements populaires qui s’etaient passes dans la derniere periode du Pleistocene au Moyen-Holocene jusqu’a la Premiere Dynastie, et etait soutenu par de petites echelles continue de demi-migrations/interactions directional. La plus grande frequence de V en Ethiopie qu’en Nubie ou plus haut, au Sud de l’Egypte, doit etre prise en considerartion dans n’importe quelle discussion de variation dans la Vallee du Nil, speciallement dans le contexte des decouvertes de langues historiques.  相似文献   
宋代学者聂崇义在《新定三礼图》中以“轭”释“衡”,将“轭”与“衡”看作同一物件。其误当是承源于汉儒包咸《论语注》。本文通过对有关文献记载和考古发现的考证,指出了聂氏与包氏的疏误,说明在古代车制中“衡”与“轭”虽有联系,但更有区别,二者并非同一物件。  相似文献   
城市空间扩散增长模型与模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘妙龙  陈鹏 《人文地理》2004,19(2):6-11
城市模型模拟是上世纪90年代上半期形成并迅速发展的地学计算理论、方法与应用研究的最重要领域,国外以M. Batty为代表的规划与地理学家们进行了开创性的研究,取得了很多有用成果。本文借鉴这些学者的研究思路,从城市土地利用与开发的视角,利用疾病感染、传播机理的模拟方法,研究城市空间扩展、演化动力学过程的模型模拟问题;为模拟城市土地开发利用在不同阶段的表现与特征,研究了基本模型的不同变换形式;讨论了基于细胞自动机模型的城市空间扩展模型的计算结构,依据模拟结果,探讨了以城市形态扩展特征为指标进行城市分类的可行性,尝试对城市地理学的模型模拟方法作一拓展。  相似文献   
“求真”才能“致用”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
历史学是一门具有重大社会功能的学科。要充分发挥历史学的社会功能,就要尊重历史的真实,探索历史的真实,把握历史的真实。把握历史的真实愈深刻,历史学的知识功能、借鉴功能和指导功能发挥得就愈充分。  相似文献   
陆逊之孙, 陆抗之子的陆机, 在《辩亡论》中指出赤壁之战曹军的进军路线是:“浮邓塞之舟, 下汉阴之众”, 邓塞是今襄樊市市区; 与陈寿“公自江陵征备, 至巴丘, ……公至赤壁”吻合, 因为江陵为汉县, 包括今荆州市市区和江陵县, 荆门市市区和沙洋县, 以及潜江市; 巴丘乃云梦泽的古称, 正好循古代夏口至江陵走夏水航线一致。加之文聘为江夏郡太守, 郡址先沔口 (今汉阳), 后石阳 (今黄陂), 所以赤壁之战战址是黄州。  相似文献   
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