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When the Jesuit missionaries began to work in China, they attracted the attention of the Chinese by introducing European knowledge. This is the context in which Jesuits such as Matteo Ricci, Giulio Aleni, Francesco Sambiasi and Ferdinand Verbiest made their Chinese‐language world maps. Sambiasi was a man of many talents. He was a tactful diplomat and a learned scientist. His world map shows him to be a skilful adapter of earlier knowledge, which he passed on to future generations. The six known copies of his map are in two versions, printed from two sets of wood blocks (c. 1639). A text at the top of one version explains why the world must be seen as a sphere, which demonstrates how these maps were meant to convince the Chinese public of European scientific findings.  相似文献   
The biohistory of the human peopling of the Fuegian Archipelago and the processes of biocultural adaptation and microdifferentiation of the ethnohistorical ‘canoe’ (‘sea nomad’) and ‘foot’ natives are poorly known. Here we report the oldest human remains of a ‘sea nomad’ native discovered so far in the Beagle Channel region. The specimen consists of a deciduous molar from the site of Imiwaia I, dated to 5870 ± 145 years BP. The microwear pattern indicates the consumption of hard food processed by long chewing cycles. The histomorphometric analysis shows the presence of at least three episodes of stress between 8 and 10.5 months after birth, and an unusually thin neonatal line, suggesting a mechanically non‐stressing birth event. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
无色、无光泽、粘结力好、渗透性强的B-72材料适用于土质文物的维修。  相似文献   
从世界范围看,人类历史进入新石器时代是伴随距今12000年前后全球气候变暖全新世到来之际才发生的,而在环渤海地区,这一过程还伴随着渤海从陆地到海洋的剧烈环境变迁。如果说渤海的这一沧桑巨变过去离我们还非常洪荒遥远的话,那么在环渤海地区不断发现早期新石器文化遗址的今天,它已越来越走近我们的视野了②。90年代以来,相关考古资料进一步增加并趋细化系统化,使深入考察环渤海地区早期新石器文化的发展与海岸变迁的互动关系成为可能并日显迫切。笔者不揣浅陋,拟在前人基础上从分析兴隆洼文化与小珠山下层文化的关系入手,…  相似文献   
国内外旅游业危机管理研究综述   总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35  
邓冰  吴必虎  蔡利平 《旅游科学》2004,18(1):1-8,57
本文强调了旅游业危机管理研究的必要性,对近年来国内外相关文献进行系统回顾,分析了旅游业危机管理的概念、理论基础、发展历程和研究内容等,并总结了国内外的差距,对新的研究趋势提出见解。  相似文献   
吕兆禧生活于明万历时期,早死,有《东方先生集》和《吕锡侯笔记》传于世,并与姚士麟共辑六朝潘岳等人别集十余种,辑佚之功实不可没。《东方先生集》是明代较早出现的东方朔作品辑本,虽有收录过滥之弊,然搜罗之全、校核之精实优于张燮《东方大中集》。本文钩稽了吕兆禧的生平、著述和交游,指出了《东方先生集》的价值。  相似文献   
本文以中国出口商品交易会(广交会)为案例,剖析会展业对城市酒店业的空间结构影响、效益带动作用以及参展人员对酒店的行为偏好,探讨其与城市酒店配置的关系。研究表明,广交会对广州酒店业意义深远,不仅在广交会展馆附近形成了广州星级酒店的空间聚集带,而且提升了广州酒店业整体经济效益。研究还显示酒店受益幅度遵从距离衰减规律;参展人员对高中档酒店需求旺、其中五星级和三星级酒店更受青睐;国内外参展商的住宿需求偏好各异;高档酒店集聚了主要的利润等。这些特征对研究城市会展与酒店配置的关系提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
Nick Clare 《对极》2020,52(3):742-763
Buenos Aires’ talleres clandestinos (clandestine textile workshops) are powerful sites of accumulation and resistance; a complex and communitarian migrant economy. The economy’s complexity is, however, masked by its spatiality, clandestinity, and the promotion of culturalist analyses that ignore intra-collective class differentials. This paper considers the “autonomy of migration” approach through the lens of “class composition” to explore the talleres’ contours. Witnessed in the talleres is a clear “multiplication of labour”, yet approaching this multiplication compositionally highlights the multiple examples of resistance and refusal immanent to the workshop economy. But this dialectic of control and resistance transcends the workplace, with the talleres one node in a wider, socially reproductive borderscape. By developing a framework that neither condemns nor celebrates economic structures like the talleres, but instead unpacks their antagonistic nature, the paper highlights the benefits of (a) analysing the autonomy of migration approach compositionally, and (b) further geographical engagement with autonomist thinking.  相似文献   
Japhy Wilson  Manuel Bayón 《对极》2018,50(1):233-254
This paper explores the entanglement of ideology and materiality in the production of the spaces of 21st century socialism. “Millennium Cities” are currently being constructed for indigenous communities throughout the Ecuadorian Amazon, with revenues derived from petroleum extracted within their territories. As iconic spatial symbols of the “Citizens’ Revolution”, the Millennium Cities would appear to embody “the original accumulation of 21st century socialism”—a utopian state ideology promising the collective appropriation of natural resources without the dispossession of the peasantry. Drawing on extensive field research, we argue that they are better understood as a simulation of urban modernity that is symptomatic of the predominance of ground rent in South American capitalism, and which conceals the violent repression of an autonomous indigenous project of petroleum‐based modernization. The original accumulation of 21st century socialism can therefore be interpreted as a “fantasy of origins”, which functions to reproduce the primitive accumulation of capital.  相似文献   
This article investigates the determinants of political cleavages composing the structure of political attitudes in Jordan, Tunisia, and Yemen following the Arab Spring. Further, it tests whether political cleavages carry predictive weight on ordinary citizens’ electoral choices in general elections. Using the Sixth Wave of the World Values Survey, discriminant analysis was conducted to generate the dimensionality, type, and structure of political attitudes in the three nations. Findings suggest that the structure of political attitudes in Jordan, Tunisia, and Yemen is multidimensional: the Islamic‐Secular division, a conflict along economic policy visions and an emerging divisive dimension concerning political reform. Evidence indicates that political cleavages do not possess significant predictive power in determining voters’ choice at elections booths. This research also points to the significance of social transformation processes such as modernization and globalization in causing a shift in values among ordinary citizens in the Arab World. This research argues that in countries where the effects of modernization and globalization are higher, a weakening of the Islamic‐Secular division is witnessed. This research is important since it paves the way for further empirical analysis on political ideology in the Middle East. It shatters conjectures concluding that Arab polities are only divided by a single hierarchical dimension: Islamic‐Secular. It contributes to comparative research on the dimensionality of political ideology by showing that the Arab World is similar to the industrialized world in the dimensionality, nature, and structuration of political ideology.  相似文献   
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