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Traditional scholarly opinion has regarded Kalha?a's Rājatara?gi?ī, the twelfth‐century Sanskrit chronicle of Kashmiri kings, as a work of history. This essay proposes a reinvestigation of the nature of the iconic text from outside the shadow of that label. It first closely critiques the positivist “history hypothesis,” exposing its internal contradictions over questions of chronology, causality, and objectivity as attributed to the text. It then argues that more than an empiricist historical account that modern historians like to believe it is—in the process bracketing out integral rhetorical, mythic, and didactic parts of the text—the Rājatara?gi?ī should be viewed in totality for the kāvya (epic poem) that it is, which is to say, as representing a specific language practice that sought to produce meaning and articulated the poet's vision of the land and its lineages. The essay thus urges momentarily reclaiming the text from the hegemonic but troubled understanding of it as history—only to restore it ultimately to a more cohesive notion of historicality that is consistent with its contents. Toward this end, it highlights the concrete claim to epistemic authority that is asserted both by the genre of Sanskrit kāvya generally and by the Rājatara?gi?ī in particular, and their conception of the poetic “production” of the past that bears a striking resonance with constructivist historiography. It then traces the intensely intertextual and value‐laden nature of the epistemology that frames the Rājatara?gi?ī into a narrative discourse on power and ethical governance. It is in its narrativity and discursivity—its meaningful representation of what constitutes “true” knowledge of time and human action—that the salience of the Rājatara?gi?ī may lie.  相似文献   
The Poema de Fernán González is usually regarded as a hybrid text—while its subject matter is deemed epic, its expression, intentionality, and ideology are considered clerical. This article studies several elements shared by Fernán González and the other poems of the mester de clerecía school: the same stanza (the cuaderna vía) and poetic rules; similar modes of composition, transmission, and reception; and common structural, thematic, and verbal patterns. The article concludes that the Poema de Fernán González fully participates in the common artistry of the mester de clerecía and therefore can be regarded as the attempt to produce epic poetry by this learned clerical school.  相似文献   
The Poema de Fernán González (or Libro del conde de Castilla) is not a crusade song, nor is it an epic poem or a historical account commemorating the foundation of San Pedro de Arlanza Monastery. It is rather a hybrid text that employs all the literary and historical resources available around the middle of the thirteenth century to an educated poet who was intent on transmitting to future generations the memory of the Count who made possible the independence of Castile. All episodes in the poem point to Castile's unique place in history, describing through the protagonist's bellicose deeds its hegemonic ascendency as the most important kingdom of the Iberian peninsula. Its destiny is determined by the hero's combative character against all enemies, whether Christians or Moors, and more specifically by confronting the powerful kings of neighboring states León and Navarre.  相似文献   
在村上春树小说的人物谱系中,牛河是一位鲜活的、经典的存在。这位靠着在村上小说中跑龙套起家的人物,在《IQ84》中上升为作品的第三号主人公。牛河形象是在受到社会戕害的负面效应与长期影响下产生的,不但活灵活现、纵横捭阖,游弋在作品的艺术世界中,是作家小说人物整体构想重要的、不容忽视的存在;而且面目并不可人,行为方式甚至很难被人接受。因此在表现日本社会危机的本质特征方面脱颖而出,成为现代小说艺术中的“这一个”。这一形象的出现,改变了长期以来,读者和批评界对长篇小说主要人物概念的传统认识。  相似文献   
本文认为汉代的亭可分为边疆亭与内郡亭两大类,内郡亭又可分为都市之亭与乡野之亭。亭有多种职能,但其基本职能是治安。根据分布地域的不同,亭的职能有所偏重。《汉书·百官公卿表》中的“十里一亭”和“十亭一乡”主要是针对乡野之亭做出的概述。前者强调亭舍间的距离,在社会实际中基本得到了体现;后者强调一乡之内亭部的分布密度,它往往与实际情况有所出入。从统属关系看,亭长属于县的官吏编制,同时接受郡都尉的管辖。  相似文献   
李文海 《安徽史学》2004,(1):11-16,21
华岗同志是一位忠诚于党的事业的革命前辈,卓越的马克思主义理论家.在思想理论战线,他所关注的领域,涉及哲学、政治学、美学、历史学诸方面.华岗的史学思想,具有鲜明的特色,至今仍有强烈的现实意义.他强调研究历史是为了推动历史、创造历史;他发扬中国史学的"求真"传统,把追求历史的真实看作是史学研究的生命;他大力提倡学术创新,认为创新是史学发展的本质要求.  相似文献   
四库全书辑入的《图绘宝鉴》是一部重要的古代画史作,其内容与本书其他重要版本多有不同,使研究颇感困惑。通过对四库本与正德本、津逮秘书本及借绿草堂本等版本的比较,发现四库本的底本孔府本并非正德本,而应是嘉靖本或其增补本毛大伦本:并同时推论出嘉靖本的底本是正德本的一个残本。  相似文献   
补正《全宋词》周颉小传:周颉约生于宣和五年后;号适庵;绍兴十五年中进士后至孝宗乾道年间尝为州郡教授之类学官;乾道八年在四川宣抚使王炎幕府;淳熙三年知德安府,五年犹在任;曾官左司郎中,不晚于淳熙十一年,十二年仍在任;淳熙十三年初秋,出为荆湖北路转运司判官,贴职为直显谟阁,十四年十月后解任;淳熙十六年正月,以朝议大夫、直显谟阁提点浙东路刑狱公事,而非“两浙提刑”;光宗绍熙元年二月,除福建路转运使,贴职晋为直龙图阁;绍熙元年至三年间,曾提举福建路常平茶盐公事;至迟绍熙三年已致仕;约卒于宁宗庆元六年前后;著有《适庵集》。  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of chemical analyses of the organic and inorganic fractions of pigment residues found in three archaeological sites located in the Beagle Channel region, Tierra del Fuego, Southern South America. Twenty-one archaeological samples have been analysed through XRD, SEM–EDX, FT-IR and GC–MS in order to characterise their inorganic colouring components and to search for the presence of organic substances used as binders. Lipids found in some samples are considered as potential binders. These organic components are compared to those found in archaeological sediment samples from the same layers where the pigments have been found, in order to search for potential taphonomic contaminations of the latter by the former. Results show that such contaminations are unlikely, hence the lipid contents are deemed of anthropic origin. The pigment sample results are also compared to data from analyses of natural sediment samples collected in several localities of the Beagle Channel in order to search for potential natural pigment sources. Results show that organic and inorganic components of these sediments are not the same than those present in the archaeological pigment samples, hence the pigment raw material sources have not been yet located. All these data provide for the first time evidence of the existence of ancient activities of pigment sourcing and paint preparation with organic binders which range from 6000 BP to 1900 BP in the southernmost region of the planet.  相似文献   
In the sixteenth century Jews began to produce maps showing the Exodus to the Promised Land. My aim in this article is to show that, through unique compositions of written biblical references and pictured symbolism (both Jewish and Christian), maps such as the Mantua map (1560s) and, a century later, the Amsterdam Haggadah [Passover] map (1695) were a means of constructing Jewish cultural memory and identity in the Diaspora and fostering aspiration for a second salvation through a return to Zion. I also explore the Jewish approach towards the biblical land as this was reflected in the maps.  相似文献   
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