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郭店楚简《语丛四》中有“善使其下,若 蛩之足,众而不割,割而不仆。”句,旧读“割”字为“害”,本文认为“割”字读为本字亦通。《唐虞之道》有“(?)=不(?)”向,本文读为“身穷不困”。《尊德义》有“(?)利”一词,本文读为“(?)利”。《尊德义》有“由礼知乐,由乐知哀”句,本文认为与《逸周书·度训解》的“知和以知乐,知乐以知哀”相同。  相似文献   
铜鐎斗的器形演变及用途考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鐎斗是汉至唐代墓葬中常见的器物。通过对铜鐎斗的综合研究,根据柄部的不同,可将这种器物分为四类,其器形变化清晰,地域分布明确,具有一定规律性。铜鐎斗兴起于汉代,盛行于六朝,至唐代趋于消亡。根据器形和分布范围的变化,以及出土器物的组合,并结合中国饮茶习俗的发展历程,推断铜鐎斗应为煮茶的器具。  相似文献   
Alongside military conquest which characterized great part of globalization during the 19th century, the globalization of markets no doubt was its main manifestation. Addictive consumption goods played a leading role during this process, as observed in the case of China, tea and the opium trade had the largest impact. Owing to the importance of Britain’s growing demand for tea and its concomitant tax revenue, Anglo-Chinese trade became the dominant trade that Britain had in the East. To make up the trade deficit with China, Britain took advantage of its Indian colony and did its best in expanding its opium trade. Within this triangular trade scheme, Britain was the master, India was the instrument, and China was the ultimate victim. Confronted by the irresistible trend of globalization, China was ill prepared when facing this challenge leading to a complete failure in both military and commercial warfare and later on to an overall crisis in the 19th century.  相似文献   
“茶叶末釉”始见于《陶雅》,是指清代官窑中釉面呈失透状.釉色黄、绿参杂的瓷器。本文追溯了茶叶末釉的渊源和演变,着重介绍了其在清雍正、乾隆朝的突出特色.并揭示了其于釉色、造型方面的审美特征。  相似文献   
本文结合《茶经》等文献记述,对河北宣化辽墓壁画中所见之茶具作了考辨,并对其时北地饮茶之俗的流播、自身的地域特色及古人的"一器多用"现象作了探讨。  相似文献   
陶德臣 《安徽史学》2007,10(3):5-12,44
印度是当今世界主要产茶和茶叶出口大国.100多年前,为了打破中国茶叶对世界茶叶市场的垄断,牟取厚利,英国殖民当局从中国全面输入茶籽、茶苗、茶工、种制技术,大力发展印度茶业.经几十年努力,一跃成为世界主要茶叶生产和出口地区,对世界茶业产生了深远影响.  相似文献   
日语谚语是承载日本文化涵的一个重载体,同时也是反映日本文化特征的具体表现形式。本文从消费观、经商观、风险观等方面对日语谚语进行了归纳整理、试译与分析,并从中抽取出了日本传统商业意识与商业规范的特质。采用将语言、文化、经济、商业等多元因素相结合的手法,对日本谚语中所蕴涵和折射出的商业文化特征加以系统性论述。  相似文献   

This Comment offers a response to Guillaume Alevêque’s ‘Remnants of the “Wallis Maro ‘Ura”” (Tahitian Feathered Girdle): History and Historiography’, The Journal of Pacific History, 53:1 (2018). The response is from a specialist, Tahitian perspective. While Alevêque is applauded, the paper disputes many English terms applied to maro ‘ura, places maro ‘ura in a wide Polynesian context and insists on the enduring mystic and political power of maro ‘ura for the people of Tahiti. The Comment also discusses the materials used in the ‘remnants’ described by Alevêque.  相似文献   
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