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关于隋文帝民族政策与开皇之治关系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何根海 《安徽史学》2003,(5):107-109
该认为隋初“开皇之治”的迅速形成除政治、经济原因外,还与隋帝推行的民族政策有重要关系。作认为,帝根据各少数民族的实际情况,采取了不尽相同的民族政策,对威胁较大的突厥采取“离强合弱”、恩威并用的政策;对西域、吐谷浑采取以和为主的政策;对东北、长江流域和关中以北诸族采取“以德御之”的怀抚政策。这些政策为隋初的政治稳定、经济的恢复与发展创造了条件。  相似文献   
杨慎《词品》因袭前人著述考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨慎《词品》6卷是明代篇幅最大的一部词话,在词学史上具有广泛的影响。本文经过查核比勘,认为杨慎《词品》在很大程度上存在着因袭前人著述的现象。除了直接称引前人论词文字约50条之外,其不合规范的袭用方式有以下多种:有的是直接抄袭,有的是片段截取,有的变换语序或拼接文献,有的是取其观点而增演词例。这些构成了杨慎《词品》的重要内容或主要内容。因为是大段文字全同,所以这些既不可能是认识偶合,亦不可能是仅凭记忆写出。把这些有思想、有观点的文字著作权剥离之后,杨慎《词品》的学术价值就需大打折扣了。  相似文献   
针对孔孟在入仕问题上的理想主义所引发的矛盾和困境,荀子提出了士人可以根据不同类型的君主采取相应的入仕策略等主张。苟子入仕观的现实主义取向拉近了儒家理想与现实的距离,也造成了儒家理想主义的缺失。  相似文献   
Violence was a reality of life in early medieval Ireland (AD 400–1200). Its omnipresence is indicated from numerous narratives of regicide, mortal conflicts, battles and warfare that survive in ancient myths, legends and annalistic accounts. The archaeological evidence of violence and conflict is mainly identified in the osteoarchaeological record, and approximately 13% of all skeletal populations from excavated early medieval cemeteries in Ireland have shown evidence of weapon trauma. This study considers the osteological representation of violent deaths in two contemporaneous Irish skeletal populations dating to this period: Mount Gamble in County Dublin and Owenbristy in County Galway. This analysis involves assessing the different anatomical regions of the body for evidence of lesions that can be attributed to weapon trauma. The results indicate that these populations are likely to have been exposed to violence under differing circumstances; the evidence suggests that the individuals from Mount Gamble may have been well equipped or skilled at interpersonal battle, in contrast to the majority of individuals from Owenbristy who may have been unprotected and unprepared. The presence of two adolescents and two adult females amongst the victims from the latter population gives insight into a wider social dimension of weapon trauma in early medieval Ireland. There is also evidence of postmortem mutilations and decapitations, which reflect ritualistic aspects of violence. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Our project uses the narrative policy framework (NPF) to explore narrative effects on attitudes about transgender rights. The framework focuses on the stories that are told about public policy. As opposed to conceptualizing communications as informational, NPF suggests that getting lost in the story is primary for attitude change. We also incorporate a perspective taking exercise to examine its effects on individual attitudes. Using an experiment on 1784 American adults, we found that individuals who received the inclusive transgender policy narrative by either watching or reading the narrative held views more supportive of transgender rights, with the effect greater for watching than reading. Those who experienced greater narrative transportation, being more lost in the story, reported more supportive attitudes. We further find that those with traits that lead them to become more imaginatively involved in stories occasionally are more greatly affected by watching policy narratives than those who are less imaginatively involved. However, perspective taking did not influence attitudes and weakened the treatment effects of the narratives. Our findings suggest stories can affect policy attitudes and beliefs, which may be conceptually distinct from traditional framing-based accounts and implies distinctive causal mechanisms that result in attitude change.  相似文献   
邓小平发展观略论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
发展是邓小平理论形成的一个轴心。邓小平理论框架中十分清晰地显示出他的发展观。以经济建设为中心,是邓小平发展观的基点;全面、持续、协调发展的构想,反映了邓小平现代化建设的总体设计;以人为本是邓小平发展观的根本目的,坚持党的基本路线是实现这一发展观的根本保证。  相似文献   
李广斌  王洪霞 《攀登》2007,26(6):111-115
行政问责制在我国正从权力问责向制度问责转变。进一步革除权力问责的诸多弊端,努力完善现代政府的行政问责制度,则是破解我国政府执行力低效的重要举措。  相似文献   
《明孝宗实录》是明朝中期纂修的一部重要官修史书,其编纂方式带有资料汇编的性质。该书在诏令、奏疏的收录和人物传记的撰写及评论等方面都体现了直书实录的编纂思想,而且还首次专设"稽考参对"官以保证纂修质量。孝宗皇帝被誉为"中兴圣主",后人对其虚怀纳谏、勤于召对等事迹的传播,以及对其施政措施的借鉴主要来源于《明孝宗实录》的记载,反衬了实录纂修中垂训后世、以史资治的思想。《明孝宗实录》还是一部以帝王为中心的编年史,纂修官出于君臣之义以及现实考量,又要塑造出高大丰满的贤君形象,体现了为尊者讳的编纂思想。  相似文献   
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