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The 2013 Australian Defence White Paper categorically termed Australia's zone of strategic interest the Indo-Pacific, the first time any government has defined its region this way. This raises questions about what the Indo-Pacific means, whether it is a coherent strategic system, the provenance of the concept and its implications for Asian security as well as Australian policy. Indo-Pacific Asia can best be understood as an expansive definition of a maritime super-region centred on South-East Asia, arising principally from the emergence of China and India as outward-looking trading states and strategic actors. It is a strategic system insofar as it involves the intersecting interests of key powers such as China, India and the USA, although the Indo-Pacific subregions will retain their own dynamics too. It suits Australia's two-ocean geography and expanding links with Asia, including India. The concept is, however, not limited to an Australian perspective and increasingly reflects US, Indian, Japanese and Indonesian ways of seeing the region. It also reflects China's expanding interests in the Indian Ocean, suggesting that the Chinese debate may shift towards partial acceptance of Indo-Pacific constructs alongside Asia-Pacific and East Asian ones, despite suspicions about its association with the US rebalance to Asia. Questions about Australia's ability to implement an effective Indo-Pacific strategy must account for force posture, alliance ties and defence diplomacy, as well as constraints on force structure and spending.  相似文献   
20世纪50年代中国在引进基础上的技术创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪50年代中国的技术引进和技术创新活动集中在“一五”时期和“大跃进”时期,虽然这两个时期在引进基础上的创新活动都是在重工业优先发展战略下的体制框架内进行的,但在引进技术的行业构成、规模、项目建设的实施和技术的消化乃至技术创新机制、成效等方面都有所不同。“一五”时期采用了全面、系统、灵活多样的方式和重点攻关,在消化、吸收引进技术方面取得了明显的成效,某些领域实现了技术再造,技术创新能力得到了迅速积累,但从总体上看仍处于对引进技术的翻版、修改阶段。“大跃进”时期的技术创新机制被严重干扰,群众运动代替了深入细致的科学研究,在群众性技术革新运动中引进基础上的创新活动格外活跃,通过技术革新运动学会了自行制造一些成套设备、生产工艺,但并没有从产业部门或行业整体上真正实现引进基础上的再次创新,其整体水平依然停留在对引进技术的“初级模仿”阶段。  相似文献   
新四军争取帮会抗日的方针与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周建超 《安徽史学》2006,(5):112-117
帮会工作一直是新民主主义革命时期中共面临的实际问题和政策策略问题.在敌强我弱的态势下,为了最大限度地孤立和分化敌人,必须团结一切可以团结的力量.抗战时期华中地区帮会林立,它们既是新四军可以争取和团结的力量,同时又存在被日军收买充当汉奸,或为国民党顽固派利用充当反共急先锋的现实危险.因此,争取帮会大部分成员积极参加抗日,便成为华中新四军领导抗日民族统一战线的重要任务之一.在中共领导下,华中新四军不仅提出和制定了正确的争取、利用和改造帮会的政策和策略,而且还有效地实施了这一政策,使帮会中的大多数成员成为抗日民族统一战线的一员,从而为抗日的胜利作出了可贵的贡献.  相似文献   
以王朔为代表的“颓废文学”既是对高举“载道”、“代言”大旗的“伤痕文学”的嘲笑,又是对追求“民主”、“现代化”征兆的“朦胧诗”潮的反戈;既是对“重建乌托邦神话”的“寻根文学”之叛逆,又是对“先抑后扬”、“入世”和“转轨”的“先锋小说”之变脸。在此基础上,主创者们再佐以“新写实”中“甘为卑贱”、“粗痞”和“反禁忌”的人生原汁,就做成了一道“颓废”十足的世纪末之文化快餐。这一股文学思潮极大地迎合了广大市民不要信仰、及时行乐和对金钱占有之世纪末“颓废情绪”,是市场经济发展到一定阶段所必然出现的文学过程。  相似文献   
荀子与霍布斯都从现实性上也即“人情论”的立场上来观察和把握了“人性恶”的事实,都意识到人性恶的肆意膨胀和发展会导致社会乃至整个世界体系的无序和混乱。然而,在如何限制人性之恶进而去构筑良好社会秩序的对策上,荀子强调“礼教”,霍布斯注重“理法”。荀子要达到的是“王道社会”,霍布斯欲建立的是“理性和正义的国家”,虽理想有别,但目的都是为了实现人与人以及人与社会的和谐相处。  相似文献   
川江的特殊历史地理背景及其在三国时期的战略地位决定了围绕川江对峙的双方政权对这一地区的经营擘画。由于对峙过程的持久性和地域的复杂性,双方的军事方略均在一定程度上体现为政区建置的调整。本文即从政区建置入手,剖析三国时期两个阶段中峡口东西两个政权,即鼎立时期的蜀国与吴国以及蜀亡以后的司马氏与吴国之间,围绕川江战线的攻防策略。  相似文献   
李志强  李茂春 《攀登》2008,27(4):123-126
经济全球化已经成为当代世界的发展潮流,它不仅改变着整个世界经济和文化的格局,而且也深刻地影响着每一个国家的政治发展进程。在这一背蓄下,确定符合当代中国实际和发展阶段的政治发展战略,就是要在价值取向上发展社会主义民主政治,在发展模式上遵循渐进式发展。  相似文献   
During the Neolithic period, the Chengdu Plain was a key region where two important crops, rice and millet, were cultivated together. Millet was probably introduced from north-western China c.3500–3300 cal. bce , and rice came from the Middle Yangtze River c.2600 cal. bce . In this study, human and faunal remains, as well as charred crop grains, were collected from the Yingpanshan (3300–2600 cal. bce ) and Gaoshan (2500–2000 cal. bce ) sites where the dominant crop was millet and rice, respectively. Carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses were conducted on human bones and the ecofact samples in order to reconstruct the subsistence at the sites. The results indicate that the diets of two individuals recovered from the Yingpanshan site consisted of both C3- and C4-based foods, predominantly the former. By contrast, Yingpanshan pigs consumed a large quantity of C4 fodder. This result, combined with the ecofact evidence, suggests that millet was the main crop at the Yingpanshan site. It also highlights the fact that the two Yingpanshan individuals might be non-locals and/or belonged to later periods. On the other hand, the diet of the Gaoshan community was dominated by C3-based foods. When considering the archaeobotanical evidence at Baodun, a site contemporaneous with and near to the Gaoshan site, it can be stated that rice was an important food resource for the Gaoshan community. This study also suggests how crops were managed at the two sites. The Yingpanshan people might have used manure for growing millet. Both manuring and irrigation might have also been practised by Gaoshan's rice farmers. However, more studies are required to understand the extent of manuring and irrigation in their agricultural economies.  相似文献   
生态文明:21世纪中国发展战略的必然选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
亦冬 《攀登》2008,27(1):73-76
生态文明已成为21世纪中国发展战略的必然选择。其理由为:生态文明理念是时代发展经验的总结;历史教训不能忘记;能源资源日渐短缺;生态环境容量约束加大。  相似文献   
报纸的核心竞争力包括必读性、整体性、品牌性、独特性、不可替代性和延展性。报纸的核心竞争力主要体现在报纸本身,体现在报纸的新闻及其思想的质量上,取决于新闻采编人员的综合能力。一份报纸是否拥有核心竞争力,关键要看这张报纸是否能够满足自己核心受众的信息需求,而且是否能够保持受众对自己报纸的品牌忠诚度。提升报纸的核心竞争力,则要有准确的定位,完整的营销策略,版面的整合,人才的培养,优秀的品牌意识和核心的竞争机制,最终形成自己的报纸企业文化。  相似文献   
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