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《Central Europe》2013,11(2):102-126

Dezs? Szabó (born 1879, Klausenburg/Kolozsvár/Cluj, Austria-Hungary, died 1945, Budapest) was a towering figure of his generation. Literary critic, social pamphleteer, satirist, and novelist, he aroused strong passions on all sides with his rhetorically freighted prose and his fluid, yet forceful, political views. All accounts of his work concentrate on its intent, content, or consequences, and it is widely agreed that Szabó’s ‘style’ was his most prominent trait. And yet it is as if the political and ideological impact of the man has all but eclipsed the writing itself: with the exception of one brief monograph of 1937, we have no study devoted to the detailed examination of the ways in which he used Hungarian. Such a study is what is attempted in this essay. The method is primarily linguistic: all pertinent features of Szabó’s use of Hungarian are discussed, from the submorphemic (alliteration and other sound-patterning) through his immoderate derivational morphology, overstuffed noun phrases, and idiosyncratic lexis.  相似文献   
唐代诏敕即唐朝皇帝的圣旨。宣谕天子之命、教化臣民的政治功用性。以及草诏者高超的文章技巧,赋予了唐代诏敕高雅华丽的主体风貌,纯熟的用典艺术是它突出的文学特征之一。用典美化了唐代诏敕的文章形式:使其语辞华丽,对仗严整,切合声律;使其援古证今,言之有据;使其减少了冗词赘句,以微言传达出深意。对唐代诏敕用典艺术的考察,是一项有意义的文学研究活动。  相似文献   
《红楼梦》是宽政六年末(1795年初)传入日本的,而最早的日译诞生在将近100年后的1892年。这一年4月,森槐南在《城南评论》上发表了《红楼梦》第一回楔子部分的译文,题为《红楼梦序词》,署名“槐梦南柯”。这篇译文的产生并非偶然,它是在清朝首届驻日公使馆员们向日本文人学者大力推介《红楼梦》的背景下诞生的,同时也与坪内逍遥否定劝善惩恶的小说写作传统,提倡写实主义的日本近代文坛的变革遥相呼应。本文重点考察这篇译文的翻译背景、徒用底太、翻译风格、翻译目的等问题.  相似文献   
周浩集  张书林 《攀登》2011,30(2):5-11
建党90年来,党的作风建设的任务、原则、路径都已经初步定型化。90年党的作风建设的探索,建构了思想作风、学风、工作作风、领导作风、干部生活作风建设等领域内的任务体系;确立了包括必须以优良作风与时俱进的发展内容为指针、必须牢牢抓住保持党同人民群众的血肉联系这一核心、必须紧紧围绕党的领导机关和领导干部这一重点等在内的一系列原则要求;探索形成了包括加强对党员和干部的作风教育、推进作风建设的制度化、建立健全作风建设的监督机制等在内的一整套推进作风建设的方法路径。  相似文献   
The consumption of hallucinogenic substances is a long-standing tradition in the Americas. San Pedro de Atacama (SPA) in Northern Chile is the archaeological zone with the highest incidence of snuffing implements in the world. Snuff trays from SPA have been studied under a variety of prisms but their provenience, in particular that of the wood used in their manufacture, has not yet been addressed. The delicate nature of trays and their excellent state of preservation call for the use of non-invasive analytical methods. Wood density was used to demarcate a possible range of species and hence as a broad provenience marker, and its value determined for 169 trays from the museum at San Pedro de Atacama. The results showed that although some of the SPA snuff trays studied may have been manufactured with local wood, most of them used exogenous wood as raw material. At this point, it is not possible to ascertain the precise origin of such wood, but Bolivia and NWA appear as likely candidates. Three distinct styles have been defined for SPA trays: Tiwanaku, San Pedro, and Circumpuneño (encompassing the area around the Puna de Atacama and including SPA). The effect of style on density points to different sources of wood in Tiwanaku style trays and trays in San Pedro and Circumpuneño styles. As expected from geographically and temporally dynamic patterns of interaction of SPA with neighboring regions, diachronic differences in wood density distributions were found. Tray manufacturing technique was not dependent on wood density, suggesting that the skill of artisans and the quality of their tools allowed them to use any type of wood for their art work, independent of its complexity.  相似文献   
人口的增殖流动与明清华北平原的村落发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影响村落生长的因素主要是村落人口的自然增殖与流动。融入型人口流动改变了村庄的姓氏结构,它是多姓村落形成的主要原因,而寄居型人口流动不但在一定时段改变了村庄的姓氏构成,对村落的裂变以及村落数量的增加也具有很大的影响,它是村落裂变分化的主要原因之一。  相似文献   
孙甫是北宋史坛上最有影响的人物之一 ,他讲史、论史、私撰史书《唐史记》 ,是引经入史的倡导者和实践者 ,并在效法《尚书》、《春秋》大义的口号下 ,强调史学要为现实提供借鉴。他的史学思想及其史学成就对于宋代史学风气的转变和编年体史书的复兴具有重要影响。  相似文献   
汉铜印以其规范模式、艺术成就与风格奠定其历史地位。汉官印字是一种从篆书向隶书过渡。汉官印的特色:严谨中见生动、规矩中见流畅,自有刚毅雄强之气。汉私印则形式自由,款式灵活,丰富多样,印幅面较小,制作精细。从这些古印中可窥测到汉代铜印艺术特色与风格。  相似文献   
在中国古代文学批评史上,存在着一种文学发展逐渐退化的观点,它们成为影响甚大的复古文学思想的重要理论基石。退化观是古人对我国古代文学发展状况的一种解说,它又对文学的走向、文学批评理论有一定的影响。  相似文献   
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