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清王朝在覆亡前最后几年所推行的“预备立宪”是中国谋求政治革新的开端,是“宪政”在中国的最初试验,在很大程度上影响了此后政治观念、政治建设的走向。厘清“预备立宪”的起点无疑是一个至为关键的问题,直接关系到我们对清政府宪政改革动机以及当时社会发展脉络的认知。然而,学界对“预备立宪”起点的认识并不一致。通过梳理当时的朝野政治倾向可以判定,清政府于1905年7月16日颁布派遣王公大臣出洋考察的谕旨实为“预备立宪”之起点。  相似文献   
我国境外无人继承文物面临流失的风险。国外法律一般规定境内无人继承的遗产归国家所有,对此,我国缺少明确的政策法规,赋予特定的主体追回境外无人继承文物的资格。此外,我国法院在受理此类案件时,会遇到管辖权、冲突规范和实体法律规定不完善等问题,难以作出有利于我国文物保护的判决。控制我国境外无人继承文物的流失风险,要求我国从原则、规则和程序等方面进行规制和完善。  相似文献   
Traditionally, repeat photography has been used to analyze land cover change. This paper describes how repeat photography may be used as a tool to enhance the short-term study abroad experience by facilitating cultural interaction and understanding. We present evidence from two cases and suggest a five-step repeat photography method for educators to use to increase participation and cultural interaction of students involved in fieldwork, long-haul fieldwork, and study abroad programs. We suggest that through the five steps developed in this paper that students' potential to understand and interact within the host culture is increased.  相似文献   
In this study, we assess whether students and their faculty mentors in a Research Experience for Undergraduates program have similar perceptions about the relative importance of different outcomes of their study abroad experience. Results of a Q-analysis reveal a significant difference of opinion between the students and the faculty mentors. It is argued that the faculty mentors need to spend more time in the field with their students and recognize that undergraduate research provides students with skills and a confidence to conduct research in the future, rather than personal and professional development, and the ability to think like a scientist.  相似文献   
当纪念中国改革开放30周年刚刚落下帷幕、新中国成立60周年华诞日益临近之际,我们欣喜地看到中共党史出版社新近出版了任贵祥主编的《海外华侨华人与中国改革开放》一书。该书是国家社会科学基金资助课题的最终成果,并经国家新闻出版总署组织专家评选,入围2008年纪念改革开放30周年全国百种重点图书。  相似文献   
作为中苏关系史中的重要事件,1969年中苏之间一系列的边界冲突不仅是自20世纪60年代初以来中苏关系恶化到达顶点的标志,而且是影响未来中苏关系、中美关系甚至冷战结局的重要因素。目前国外学术界对于中苏边界冲突已经有了一些新的研究成果,从最初着重探寻事件发生的真相,到后来较多地探讨该事件  相似文献   
Over the past three centuries, Palestine, a country rich in historic and archaeological sites, has drawn many archaeologists, historians, scholars, clergymen, adventurers and treasure seekers, all wishing to study or, at times, to exploit the cultural heritage of the land. Historically, these Westerners have enjoyed the intellectual and financial fruits of their explorations, while the native population was traditionally relegated to the role of simple laborers in the field-work. Until 1977, when the President of Birzeit University, with the support of the Director of the W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem, founded the archaeology program at Birzeit University, there was no indigenous institution dedicated to the preservation, protection and study of Palestine’s cultural heritage. Since then, four additional Palestinian universities—al-Quds University, an-Najah National University, Hebron University and the Islamic University of Gaza—have developed archaeological programs designed to train qualified professionals committed to the management, preservation, restoration and conservation of cultural resources throughout Palestine. Yet, despite the tireless efforts of countless dedicated men and women at these institutions, there exist numerous political, economic, social and bureaucratic obstacles that greatly diminish the operational effectiveness of these programs and, as a consequence, further jeopardize the future of Palestinian cultural heritage resources. The purpose of this analysis is to diagnose the actual efficacy of these programs so that Palestinian stakeholders and policymakers may develop legislative and bureaucratic remedies which will ensure the continued protection and preservation of the Palestinian cultural heritage.  相似文献   
李喜所 《史学月刊》2004,(11):49-56
20世纪30年代前后的现代新儒家队伍中有相当数量的归国留学生。这和百年来中国留学生的思想化走向不大协调。本选择冯友兰和吴宓两个典型,通过对他们出国前的化观的解析以及出国后的思想走向和化追求的具体考察,旨在说明出国留学何以反而让他们步入了化保守主义的行列,从而以个案研究的方式来探讨中国留学生与现代新儒家的关系。  相似文献   
逐步引导企业从资源开发向综合利用方面转变,努力提高资源综合利用水平,转变经济增长方式,走可持续发展道路,是当前各级党委政府迫切需要解决的现实问题。本文简要回顾了青海能矿资源综合利用工作的开展情况,分析了存在的问题,提出了提高青海能矿资源综合利用水平的政策建议。  相似文献   
罗成 《攀登》2006,25(4):97-98
音乐社会学的研究是一种经验的方式,是对音乐生活中人们的行为态度、关系以及由此形成的各种社会音乐现象所进行的科学探究活动。音乐社会学在其发展过程中根据特殊的研究对象和范围,又形成了许多分支学科,本文应用社会学研究的理论和方法,结合作者从事音乐创作研究的实践经验对其进行新的综合研究。  相似文献   
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