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在绘画创作中,李流芳的山水画在晚明画坛颇具代表性,其山水画在空间处理上已呈平面化趋势,树木山石的画法也具有某种符号化的特征,这种为追求形式之美而舍弃写实的描绘与明末形式主义画家有共同之处。  相似文献   
中国谋求打开对欧关系的努力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪60年代初,随着国际形势的变化,特别是中苏关系的破裂,中国在对外关系方面做出重大调整,重点是谋求打开对欧关系。为此,中国在公共关系、经济和政治外交等领域积极展开活动。总的来说,中国在上述领域所做的努力是有成效的,特别是中法关系正常化标志着中国对欧外交的一个重大突破。但也要看到,中欧关系总体上依然发展缓慢,这主要是由于大多数西欧国家仍不能摆脱美国的控制来发展对华关系造成的。  相似文献   
“苟”与“苟”本是两个形、音、义皆不同的字。由于隶定之后,字形相近,而“苟”字又在传世典籍中鲜有用例,故二字混而不别。“”本是“苟”的古文异体,亦被误认为是“苟”的异体,并因此由不同角度讹变出不同的字形。本文力图阐明“苟”、“苟”混而不别及相关异体产生的原因由来。  相似文献   
The white ash of Sibudu hearths sometimes became cemented and, when this was the case, some of these crusts were used as work surfaces or receptacles, particularly in occupations dating about 58,000 years ago. Substantial deposits of red and yellow ochre powder have been found on these crusts. This suggests that the ochre was not associated with hearths for heat treatment because yellow ochre readily transforms to red even at low temperatures. XRF readings suggest that the ochre used at the site derives from different geological sources. Micromorphological studies imply that phosphatization caused the cementation of the ashes in some hearths, while gypsum growth hardened one of the hearths described here.  相似文献   
Umhlatuzana Rock Shelter is a long-sequence Middle and Later Stone Age site in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Jonathan Kaplan excavated the site and analysed the material in the 1980s as a rescue project. For many years thereafter the collection remained untouched, partly because of doubts raised about the stratigraphic integrity of the site. Using single-grain OSL dating we show that post-depositional mixing of sediment was restricted to time-specific, small-scale events. The OSL ages obtained for the Howiesons Poort and pre-Howiesons Poort are comparable to those of other southern African sites with unambiguous Howiesons Poort and Still Bay Industries. Based on morphological and other characteristics, we reason that the Still Bay is represented at Umhlatuzana, and announce the presence of a serrated point assemblage closely associated in time with the Still Bay points.  相似文献   
习裕军  蒋建新 《攀登》2010,29(6):3-10
本文从概念内涵、发展演进、内容架构、基本特征、价值意义等主要方面对近年来中国特色社会主义理论体系研究进行了梳理和评述,在此基础上提出了深入研究中国特色社会主义理论体系应重点关注的四个问题。  相似文献   
泉州清源山的老子石造像,时人定为宋代所作。本文考证认为是穆斯林蒲寿、蒲寿庚兄弟出资,造于至元二十一年后的若干年内。  相似文献   
Despite uniform geochemistry 40Ar/39Ar ages of 0.6, 1.25, and 1.3 Ma on obsidians from a source flow (Worja) and from archeological artifacts at the sites of Kulkuletti (near Gademotta, Ethiopia) have been interpreted to suggest that they derive from different source flows of different ages. A further suggestion is that the magmatic source of the obsidian flows was chemically homogeneous between 1.3 Ma and 0.6 Ma. Chemical analysis of these obsidians indeed suggests that they derive from a single flow. Reexamination of the argon isotopic data reveals that argon isotopes may have been fractionated within the flow, so that the assumption of an atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar ratio of 295.5 is inappropriate to use for computing ages. Three groups of data are apparent, and internally all yield ages near 1.3 Ma if the intercept value for 40Ar/36Ar from an isotope correlation plot is used for computation instead of using the atmospheric ratio. The Soret thermal diffusion effect provides a possible mechanism of fractionation of argon within the obsidian flow that is of approximately the right magnitude to explain the observations by in-diffusion of already fractionated atmospheric argon.  相似文献   
在吐蕃统治敦煌时期所开凿的洞窟中,榆林25窟是相对较特殊的一个,窟内南北两壁的观无量寿经变与弥勒经变延续了盛唐洞窟中经变画的构图、风格,而正壁残存的一佛八菩萨图在造像样式上与窟内其他图像则有一定的差别。从正壁残存的主尊、菩萨名号题记中可以发现,唐代不空译《八大菩萨曼荼罗经》能够与之相对应,但是该经对八大菩萨身形的描述与榆林25窟的图像有一定差别。此图像与藏经洞中的部分绢画具有类似的风格特征,其中一部分有藏文题记,表明它们与居住在敦煌的吐蕃信众有密切的关系,而藏经洞中发现的藏文抄写的《八大菩萨曼拏罗经》可以证明此地的吐蕃信众确实信奉这一经典。一佛八菩萨的图像在吐蕃本土拉萨及青海地区屡有发现,其中西藏昌都与青海玉树的两处摩崖石刻由高僧益西央开凿,年代均在九世纪初,这些遗迹说明一佛八菩萨图像在吐蕃本土的流传情况。在这几处图像与榆林25窟的一佛八菩萨的比较中可以发现,吐蕃流行的八大菩萨图样并不十分固定,但其构图和风格是基本接近的,而榆林25窟所采用的图像可能来源于吐蕃地区。  相似文献   
宋代石藏葬制的发端一般被认为是治平四年(1067)英宗永厚陵,仔细查考文献可知,此时实以石椁作为变通形式。真正在皇堂内设置地下石藏,始自元丰三年(1080)慈圣光献皇后陵。而在此之前,熙宁八年(1075)韩琦墓已首次特诏构筑石藏。此后,又有少数与皇帝关系特别密切的王爵及对朝政起重要作用的宰臣得以使用。通过排比北宋后期帝陵、后陵、特制亲王宰臣墓、亲王墓资料,发现在墓室尺寸、石藏尺寸、石门有无等方面都构成了比较明显的等级差别。在考虑宋代墓葬等级问题时,除了地上设施诸因素需要纳入考察视野外,对于特制墓例地下形制的独特之处也要给予充分的注意。  相似文献   
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