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The purpose of this study is to examine and compare the effect of residents’ different dimensions of place attachment on their word-of-mouth (WOM) behavior in two cities: Sydney, Australia and Shanghai, China. A six-dimensional construct of place attachment is proposed based upon a detailed literature review: four attitudinal dimensions (place identity, place dependence, affective attachment, social bonding) and two interactional dimensions (place memory, place expectation) are proposed to reflect different aspects of a resident's attachment to a place. To test the dimensionality of place attachment and relationships between constructs, a survey was completed by 691 residents in the two targeted cities (361 from Sydney and 330 from Shanghai), and a structural equation modeling instrument was applied to analyze the data. The findings of the empirical study statistically support the dimensionality of place attachment proposed, and reveal that, in general, interactional dimensions of place attachment have an effect on WOM behavior. The results suggest that WOM behavior of residents of the two cities is influenced by different attitudinal dimensions of place attachment: Shanghai resident's place identity and social bonding predict one-to-one WOM, while Sydney residents’ affective attachment to Sydney influences their one-to-one WOM behavior. This analysis provides insights into residents’ psychology and behavior in different tourism destinations, as well as important inputs for the sustainable development of destination branding and C2C tourism communication in these two cities.  相似文献   
For cattle (Bos taurus), age estimations using dental criteria before the eruption of the first molar (3–8 months) have large error margins. This hampers archaeozoological investigation into perinatal mortality or the putative slaughtering of very young calves for milk exploitation. Previous ageing methods for subjuveniles have focused on the length of unfused bones, but it is rarely possible to use them because they are restricted to foetuses and because of the fragmentation of bones. This paper presents new age prediction models based on length, breadth and depth of post cranial bones produced from a dataset of modern calves (n = 27). This reference collection was compiled from material of known age at death, sex and breed from collections in Britain, France, Germany and Switzerland. Linear regression models were constructed using the modern data for age prediction, and these models were then successfully tested and assessed using a Middle Neolithic assemblage of complete calves' skeletons from Bourguignon‐Lès‐Morey, France. From the assessment, the astragalus and metapodials were determined to be the most reliable bones, and the femur was the worst. Measurements of the epiphyseal and distal elements and depth measurements were the most reliable. For ages before 12 months, these models can provide ±1 month age estimates. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
魏存成 《东南文化》2016,(4):73-76,127,128
分布于我国境内的众多高句丽墓葬,总体上可分为积石墓和封土石室墓两大类。大型的封土石室墓,不仅规模大,而且室内多绘有壁画。大量的中小型封土石室墓,石室与墓道合成的平面多为刀形和铲形,墓顶结构有平盖顶、叠涩顶和抹角顶不等。连云港地区发现的唐代封土石室墓与此相似,其墓主人,在以往推测为百济移民或新罗移民的同时,高句丽移民也要考虑在内。  相似文献   
越南境内院落明器在东汉中期开始出现并延续至三国初年,院落的主体房屋由平地式演变为干栏式,院落的布局由前庭后屋式结构演变为房屋三面环绕中庭的结构。越南境内汉墓出土的院落明器在干栏式结构和城堡式设计方面既受到两广地区汉代典型建筑明器的影响又形成了自身的地域特点,此外以天井为中心的院落平面布局以及房屋独特的制作技法也体现了鲜明的本地特色,东汉晚期至三国初年具有越南境内地区特色的院落明器直接输出到两广地区,上述文化交流现象产生的原因与东汉时期两地密切联系的历史背景有关。  相似文献   
In response to papers by John Coates and by Owain Roberts, the author re-evaluates mid- to late-20th-century reconstruction drawings and models of prehistoric sewn-plank boats Ferriby 1 and Brigg 2. He concludes that an impartial and informed group should re-examine all surviving evidence for these boats and then build a small-scale 'as-found' model of each one. After being subjected to criticism, these models could become the basis for generally-agreed reconstruction models of the original form and structure of these two boats. A similar process would be the best way ahead for the Dover sewn-plank boat.
© 2007 The Author  相似文献   
Over the past few decades, geographies of care have flourished, and have offered important insights into the importance of care in our worlds. This introduction provides a broad review of the literature on care ethics and introduces the key themes evident in this special issue that stretch the empirical and theoretical boundaries of care. In particular, the four papers in this special issue de-emphasize the role of the conventional dyadic care-giving relationships in the home and focus on wider structural power relations within which individual care relations are often formed. Such analysis reveals the workings of hegemonic white masculinity in perpetuating unequal caring and uncaring relations and reminds us that care is not always good or positive; rather care can cause harm and exacerbate violence. While ‘care’ is often seen as the antidote to resolve the vastly uncaring practices and politics evident across time and scale, this special issue acknowledges that more critical engagement with care ethics and the politics of care are necessary to achieve such a goal.  相似文献   
陈小晔  孙斌栋 《人文地理》2017,32(4):95-101
制造业是城市经济的重要组成部分和推动城市空间格局演化的重要驱动力。本文采用上海1996年、2004年、2008年制造业企业分街道就业数据,分析上海都市区制造业的空间格局演化,采用计量模型探究了制造业就业分布的主要影响因素。研究表明,上海都市区制造业就业空间格局已经基本实现了郊区化,并涌现出了稳定的制造业次中心;区位、交通、地价和政策因素对制造业就业格局的形成有着显著作用,而且这些因素的作用存在着显著的行业间差异性。为实现制造业的合理布局和城市空间结构优化,政府应该尊重市场规律和不同产业的特点,为不同产业选址布局提供相应的空间供给和基础设施。  相似文献   
This article attempts to shed some light on the origins of Ptolemy’s map of the world, which remains a mystery. The premise is that Ptolemy and other ancient geographers largely drew on the same or a similar pool of sources and common beliefs. Similarities between them can, therefore, give us a key to understanding the prehistory of Ptolemy’s map. Comparison of distances on his map with those given by other sources leads to the conclusion that a large area of the map, approximately from the Bosporus to the Indus, reproduced Eratosthenes’ geographical system, with linear distances converted to angular degrees according to Eratosthenes’ own scale. It is argued that this area represents a remnant of an earlier version of Ptolemy’s map. Analysis of latitude and longitude reveals notable differences between Ptolemy’s map and Eratosthenes’ ideas concerning the latitude of Babylon and the Alexandrian prime meridian, and the impact this seems to have had on the shape of neighbouring regions is noted.  相似文献   
生态敏感性高的城市地域的土地利用是城市规划、建设、管理过程中比较"棘手"的问题之一,经常因为环境保护与建设发展的矛盾而使之处于两难的境地。本文在总结和思辨一般性城市土地利用模式的基础上,借助GIS技术对长春市净月经济开发区的土地利用现状进行生态敏感性评价。结果显示,因特定的水域和人工林环境导致净月区总体上生态敏感性较高,按照划分的极高、高、中、低、非敏感5种生态敏感区,其中度及以上生态敏感区占全区50%左右。作者进一步以生态敏感性分区为前提,总结提出其土地利用的空间结构模式、类型结构模式和管理模式,并指出其中后二者尚在不断完善过程中。  相似文献   
旅游目的地形象一般被认为是由认知形象、情感形象和总体形象构成的三维结构,是影响旅游行为的重要因素,但却很少有经验研究证明该结构及形象与旅游行为之间的关系。本研究以江苏周庄旅游形象为例,用结构方程分析(SEM)方法检验形象结构三维度之间的关系,以及目的地形象与游客行为意图的关系。研究发现:①认知形象对情感形象有较强的正向影响(路径系数=0.77);②情感形象对总体形象有显著正向影响(路径系数=0.26);③认知形象对总体形象有显著正向影响(路径系数=0.37);④情感形象和总体形象对游客行为意图有显著正向影响(路径系数分别为0.33、0.14),而认知形象对游客行为意图的直接影响不明显(路径系数=0.11),情感形象对认知形象的影响未得到支持。研究证明了目的地形象三成分结构及其在中国文化背景下的适用性,以及情感形象是影响游客行为意图的最主要的形象成分。论文最后指出了本研究的意义、存在问题及对将来研究的建议。  相似文献   
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