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试论中西历史文化之差异对博物馆的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
博物馆是晚清国人面临民族危难,奋力图强时,伴随着向西方学习的热潮而被引进中国的舶来品。文化的整体性不能被人为割裂,博物馆在西方能够产生并获得发展的社会历史背景和文化土壤,其中某些部分确实是我们的历史传统文化所缺失的,诸如民主意识和制度的确立;用财富换取社会地位的价值导向;具有世界性、现实性、视觉冲击感强、易于交流的藏品;需要以物辅助完成的历史教育、宗教敬畏、科学实践和探索等等。这些部分的缺失,在某种程度上可以作为博物馆在我国公共生活中参与程度始终不高的一部分原因。  相似文献   
中国国民的健康指数及其区域差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用“健康指数”来表征我国国民的健康状况,以预期寿命为核心,选择27项与寿命有密切关系的、能反映人的身体素质和化素质的健康指标,综合求得健康指数,基本上反映了各地区人群的健康状况及其区域差异,表明我国大城市和东南沿海地区人群的健康状况较好,西部地区稍差。  相似文献   
晚清之前,中国始终认为自己是世界的中心,将中国之外的其他一切民族都看作是未开化的“蛮夷”。特别是明代朝贡制度形成后,“夷”“夏”卑尊泾渭分明。晚清从鸦片战争到中日甲午战争近六十年间,实现了从“夷”到“洋”的艰难转变。本文从“中国中心观”的形成入手,对这一转变进行了分析。  相似文献   
湖北宋代墓葬形制分布的空间差异与宋代的路的划分相吻合,对照文献中有关入宋后迁入今湖北地区的移民情况,可以认为宋墓形制空间分布的差异,主要由官方组织和民间自发的移民活动造成。  相似文献   
This paper examines the relative earnings and wages of immigrants working in the hi‐tech sector in Canada's cities. Between 1990 and 2000, a sizeable earnings advantage of immigrants over nonimmigrants employed in the hi‐tech sector evaporated, and this change was most noticeable in the largest cities. We use population census microdata to examine the geographical dimensions of this shift. After controlling for individual characteristics, we show that immigrants in the largest and tech‐intensive cities earn significantly less relative to nonimmigrants than those in midsized and smaller cities. We also present results comparing the hi‐tech immigrant wage and earnings gap for the five largest Canadian cities. The findings are consistent with the notion that geographic differences are an important component of the overall earnings gap between immigrants and nonimmigrants.  相似文献   
Along with a number of scholars in feminist, English-language geography, the author makes a case for renewed attention to be paid to causal processes of differentiation in the analysis of geographies of gender. In particular, she argues for a greater concern with the gendered spatiality of organisations and institutions themselves, rather than seeing them as ‘black boxes’, or unchanging and exogenous aspects of the contexts to be analysed. The paper discusses the manner and the extent to which feminist geographies have examined differentiating processes associated with three notional ‘sites’ examined closely in feminist geography: the city, the family and the nation.  相似文献   
This article discusses the history of equality and recent efforts to write that history in the context of a detailed discussion of Siep Stuurman's The Invention of Humanity: Equality and Cultural Difference in World History. It begins by pointing out the surprising paucity of writing on the history of equality, particularly its conceptual and intellectual history, despite that notion's centrality in modern political and philosophical discussion. It proceeds to examine recent efforts to make amends for that lack. What Pierre Rosanvallon has described as the contemporary “crisis of equality” gives urgency to these efforts, while also, it is suggested, providing an opportunity to more fully explore the contingencies and complexities of this beguiling notion. Stuurman's examination of the invention and deployment of “cross‐cultural equality”—the basic equality of all people living in the world, regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, or race—is an important step in this exploration. But as Samuel Moyn has emphasized in his own recent intervention on the history of social rights in an unequal world, it is not, on its own, enough. Future efforts to write the history of equality must integrate the social and economic dimensions of the idea more fully in an effort to better understand our contemporary dilemma.  相似文献   
The mutual production of space by sexuality and technology has been differently addressed in the often-disparate disciplinary pursuits of queer geographies and critical studies of technology in geography. Building on Dodge and Kitchin’s ‘code/space,’ we highlight how studies of technology in geography are already concerned with questions of sexuality through the examination of biopolitics and the regulation of bodies, together with the (re-)establishment of new and old lines between the public and the private. The immanence of sexuality in code/space foregrounds the importance of spatial processes characterised by their difference and normativity in the geographies of technology. Queer geographies critically examine such different experiences and processes of differentiation through space in their nuanced conceptualisations of spatial regulation and transgression. We illustrate how these two bodies of geographical scholarship might be synthesised by outlining three approaches for studies of ‘queer code/space.’ To show how there are a variety of relationships between sexuality, code, and space, we play on the double entendre of ‘code’ as a set of social rules and norms, and ‘code’ as the set of algorithmic instructions underlying software systems. In both senses, codes constrain forms of intimate life, but can also transgress, disrupt, and distribute the norm. To queer code/space is to emphasise the complexities of difference and normativity in living with technologies, where technologies might both proliferate and regulate socio-spatial experience.  相似文献   
本文从区域经济学角度,以山东省为例,探讨了资源禀赋条件对农业剩余劳动力转移区域结构、转移强度、转移类型的影响,定量计算出不同资源对区域农业剩余劳动力转移压力指数,得出了相关结论。  相似文献   
中国人口寿命的时间变化和区域差异   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文论述了我国人口平均预期寿命的时间变化和区域差异,分析了我国"百岁寿星"的地理分布态势,提出了防治老年性疾病和艾滋病、增进延年益寿的积极意义。建国后,我国人口寿命的年度变化可分为快速增长和平缓增长两个时期,在区域差异上有明显的城乡差异,东、西部地区之间和民族地区之间的差异也比较明显。  相似文献   
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