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明末清初的嘉湖平原由于内部微地形条件的差异,形成了以崇德、桐乡为中心的专业桑园集中区域,产生了适应当地生态环境的专业化桑园经营模式。专业化桑园的形成,是高度繁荣的蚕业经济对嘉湖平原内部地理环境适应的结果。专业化桑园经济的发展对当地的地貌景观带来很大程度的改变。  相似文献   
清代,因应边疆烟瘴地区特殊的自然环境和治理需求,创制烟瘴缺制度,逐渐形成“拣选题补”“俸满优升”的制度原则,并遵循“人地相宜”的宗旨选任官员赴任烟瘴缺。烟瘴缺主要在水土恶劣的边疆地区,在边疆治理深化过程中,针对各区域特点,形成了独特的时空分布特征。广西呈现二元治理格局,烟瘴缺的设置与分布是治理一体化进程的前序与基础;云南烟瘴缺呈“沿边”分布态势,是中央行政力向边疆推进的保障;广东琼州府烟瘴缺为梯度分布,是国家治理顺应海岛特殊自然环境的表现。烟瘴缺的创设,从职官角度保障了边疆烟瘴地区治理体系建立,提升了地方治理能力。  相似文献   
清代是中国历史上疫灾流行高峰期,乾隆朝又是其中重要阶段之一。综合运用疫灾指标法、Grapher时序分析法、GIS空间分析法、SPSS相关分析法对乾隆朝疫灾地理进行研究,结果表明: (1) 乾隆朝有疫灾之年58个,疫灾频度为96.67%,其中1748、1756、1786年为三次大规模饥疫。疫灾流行以夏季最多,春秋次之,冬季最少,且以多季节流行为主。 (2) 省域尺度上,形成南北两条疫灾指标高值区分布带,疫灾指标总体自西向东逐渐上升,其中江苏省(含上海)受灾最严重。县域尺度分布具有阶段特征和集聚特征,疫域范围不断拓展,集聚程度持续提升;疫灾分布具有区域差异,疫灾重心始终位于南方。 (3) 疫灾分布格局受制于人口分布格局、区域开发强度、自然灾害多寡等因素,表现为省级尺度上与疫灾强度呈显著正相关性,相关系数R值分别为0.886、0.664和0.685(P均为0.01)。  相似文献   
Urban populations increasingly diversify in their socio-economic, cultural, religious and linguistic profiles as well as in their lifestyles, attitudes and activity patterns. This hyper-diversification can complicate feelings of belonging and community. Since diversity is negotiated at the neighbourhood level, micro spaces are central in building communities. Micro spaces tend to be semi-public and stimulate diverse groups to intermingle, which results in on–off as well as repetitive and structural interactions. Understanding the creation and impact of encounters is central to capturing contemporary notions of belonging and living with difference. This paper compares encounters experienced in two semi-public spaces in the hyper-diverse neighbourhood of Feyenoord in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Although encounters at the library were lighter and shorter than at the community-centre, all positively impact collective life in the neighbourhood. At the community-centre, encounters result in light as well as deeper relationships, making visitors feel more at ‘home’ because they recognize others elsewhere in the neighbourhood. At the library, encounters are lighter but visitors become familiar with diversity, making them feel more at ‘home’ and safe in their neighbourhood as well. The study suggests that fleeting encounters require more serious attention within the context of negotiating diversity.  相似文献   

Iron production was integral to political and ritual practices during the South Indian Iron Age (ca. 1200–300 b.c.), yet the investigation of the social relations of metals production during this period has been overshadowed by studies of iron consumption, particularly of iron objects in megalithic mortuary contexts. Recent archaeological research in the Tungabhadra River Corridor, Karnataka, has revealed iron production debris within and between settlements in more ephemeral occupational contexts, such as rockshelters. One notable discovery is the earliest ironworking facility in South India at Bukkasagara. The regional pattern suggests that iron production involved at least two classes of specialist producers—smelters and smiths—who exercised varying degrees of control over the practice and products of their craft. It also suggests that iron production was an important component in the construction and negotiation of Iron Age social differences, affiliations, and inequalities.  相似文献   
我国家谱源远流长、内容丰富、数量巨大,一直是众多领域学者关注的焦点。但是,家谱研究始终处于初级阶段,家谱的价值尚未得到充分利用。其根本原因在于家谱资源分布广泛、共享困难、研究方法和手段单一。各方通力合作,利用高新技术整合现有家谱资源,建立中华家谱总数据库和总平台已迫在眉睫。本文针对家谱典型的时空特性,提出采用GIS技术整合集成海量家谱资源,并进一步探讨了家谱资源整合集成的若干关键问题,设计了家谱资源整合集成的基本原则和平台框架,为家谱研究提供了新的思路、方法和技术。  相似文献   
北京居民日常休闲行为的性别差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
休闲的性别差异研究是西方休闲研究的重要研究主题。本文以北京市2007年居民活动日志问卷调查数据作为基础,多角度地分析了居民日常休闲行为中的性别差异。研究发现:男性拥有更多的休闲机会;女性休闲时间显著少于男性,并要花费更多时间在家务和照料活动,同时,女性更乐意将时间用在社交活动,而男性更倾向于将时间用在体育锻炼和上网活动;对于休闲地点的选择,男性和女性居民选择家内和家外休闲差异不大,但对于文化娱乐活动,男性平均出行距离更远,女性更倾向于选择较近的地点;在休闲中,男性倾向于一个人休闲而女性更倾向与家人一起休闲,表明女性更重视休闲活动中的社会关系。  相似文献   
Diana Bocarejo 《对极》2012,44(3):663-683
Abstract: The focus of this article is a paradox inherent in the political effects of spatial claims undertaken by multicultural policies in many nation states: though territory is considered as one of the primary means of achieving autonomy and self‐determination, it is at the same time a mechanism that encloses difference. Through a combination of archival and ethnographic research I study the political effects of binding indigenous people's minority rights with indigenous reservations in Colombia. I focus on analyzing the legal ways in which an “ethnic indigenous type” has been attached to an “ethnic indigenous rural topos” in the jurisprudence of the Colombian Constitutional Court. I also examine how ethnic groups in the capital city of Bogotá have questioned the multicultural ideals of indigeneity and the romantic desires of what an indigenous place should look like. Ultimately, my intention is to draw attention both analytically and politically, to the necessity of more thorough analyses of the consequences of strict forms of spatializing ethnicity.  相似文献   
本文以2000-2017年人文地理学的SSCI论文为基础数据,通过文献计量法分析了国际人文地理学的发展格局、地区差异和多样性。结果显示:①国际人文地理学存在着高度极化的发展格局,其中英美占据绝对的优势,欧洲国家构成了第二圈层,中国是唯一进入世界人文地理大国的发展中国家。②根据不同国家的学科结构,全球人文地理学大国大致可以分成四大阵营——盎格鲁国家、亚太国家、中南欧国家和北欧国家,这些国家的学科分异表现出了很强的地域性和历史传承性。③最后,本文发现人文地理学学科的多样性与单位研发投入的SSCI论文之间存在着较为显著的正相关关系,即学科结构越均衡越有利于学科的创新和高水平论文的产出。  相似文献   
In many African societies, children are not directly targeted when designing developmental objectives. It is usually assumed that the benefit of interventions will naturally trickle down to the children from the household, family or parents. This erroneous impression leads to the exclusion of vital inputs that should form the bedrock of a child's education. However, with children's theatre and theatre for children, young people are able to familiarize themselves with ideas and notions dealing with diverse aspects of life that present sundry learning environments in a practical fashion, through which the child becomes familiar with different concepts of life and living. This is what Zimbabwean theatre for young people strives to achieve through CHIPAWO (Children's Performing Arts Workshop) and others in the same tradition. With these theatrical activities, Zimbabwe is certainly building a crop of people who would be the mainstay and ambassadors of its tradition and culture in the foreseeable future. Theatre for young people is also capable of making a positive difference in the lives of Zimbabwean children and youths in ensuring a better tomorrow for the society.  相似文献   
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