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The paper offers a theory-based evaluation of the ongoing reforms in the Finnish spatial planning regime. The paper argues that Finnish planning is moving in a reactive and market-driven direction. This development is not being brought about solely through a direct decrease in public discretionary powers in planning, but is also unfolding indirectly through a process of rescaling in the spatial planning regime. These processes increase municipal autonomy in relation to other planning scales, despite problems observed in the municipality-centred market-driven planning orientation. The resulting reduction in manoeuvring room in public planning is conceptualized in the paper as expanding vacuums of strategic planning. Building on concepts from the literature on state transformation theory and scale theory, the paper draws together theoretical and empirical conclusions from several case studies conducted in close-to-administration projects.  相似文献   
The benefits of urban open spaces for improving the quality of life and sustainability in cities are widely recognized. The functions they perform within the framework established by urban planning, as well as their metrics, are now more complex than in the past. It is convenient to develop methodologies for the evaluation of these spaces adapted to the present time to check their level of efficiency, which is useful in urban planning for the establishment of new urban open spaces. The aim of this study is to classify such spaces through a methodology that integrates spatial analysis, configuration analysis, and decision support so as to understand their complexity from a more advanced analytical perspective. In order to do this, a prior exploration of specific literature is carried out, which allows the characterization of the functions of urban open spaces by means of the corresponding analysis variables in a weighted manner. The integrated combination of these advanced tools is a step forward in achieving consistent and detailed results for urban open spaces. They perform their functions best in dense, central, equipped, accessible, connected, and easily walkable urban environments. In addition, future recommendations are provided.  相似文献   
The paper provides a theoretical contribution to the multi-level governance debate, discussing the role of the policy instruments in tailoring polities for local development strategies. To this purpose, it examines the Community-Led Local Development (CLLD), a policy tool of the EU Cohesion Policy 2014–2020, which has generated more than 3000 local initiatives across the EU. An institutionalist perspective enables a reflection on the multi-level normative dimensions of these local initiatives. A combination of the post-functionalist governance theory, the soft space debate, state-theory and strategic-relational approach provides an interpretative framework to be deployed for a dedicated research agenda. The interpretative challenge is about whether the CLLD enables spatial-temporal fixes in which a deliberative polity pursues a spatial imaginary for an ad-hoc territory. The consequent analytical dimensions can be found in (a) the relationship between attendant ad-hoc polity, policy agenda, territorial design and societal processes; and (b) the meta-governance dimensions that locate the bottom-up constituency of this institutional technology in the shadow of state’s hierarchy. An overview of the CLLD implementation across the EU provides evidence on the latter.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper, prepared to present at the 2018 joint Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) and International Geographical Union (IGU) regional conference, is to suggest three strategies, framed as proposals, that geography and geography education can deploy to “save the world.” The first proposal is to expand explicit instruction in spatial thinking to close gender‐based achievement gaps. The second proposal is to apply research from the learning sciences to develop persuasive geography curricula and instructional materials. The third proposal focuses on ways social media and geospatial technologies can be employed in civic education, an idea termed “spatial citizenship.” The paper suggests a re‐envisioning of geography education with an enhanced focus on teaching for, in, and about a world that fully appreciates difference and acts on that appreciation.  相似文献   
Quiet urban areas are places with low noise levels that can help people to support physical and mental wellness. This paper has two objectives: to identify quiet urban areas in Montreal and to check for the presence of environmental inequities in access to such areas for vulnerable groups (children, older people, low‐income individuals, and visible minorities). Using a GIS‐based methodology, 2,282 quiet urban areas were identified in Montreal. The results of a mixed effects logistic regression model analysis showed that there are no major inequities in access to quiet urban areas for the population groups studied. The analysis did, however, revealed substantial spatial disparities in terms of the distribution of quiet urban areas across the boroughs and municipalities examined.  相似文献   
The average citizen often does not experience government policy directly, but learns about it from the mass media. The nature of media coverage of public policy is thus of real importance, for both public opinion and policy itself. It nevertheless is the case that scholars of public policy and political communication have invested rather little time in developing methods to track public policy coverage in media content. The lack of attention is all the more striking in an era in which media coverage is readily available in digital form. This paper offers a proposal for tracking coverage of the actual direction of policy change in mass media. It begins with some methodological considerations, and then draws on an expository case—defense spending in the United States—to assess the effectiveness of our automated content‐analytic methods. Results speak to the quantity and quality in media coverage of policy issues, and the potential role of mass media—to both inform and mislead—in modern representative democracy.  相似文献   
The article investigates homemaking processes of mature age gay men living in a provincial Australian town. All too often the experience of older gay men living in non-metropolitan centres has slipped the attention of scholars. The article draws on interview data collected in Townsville (Queensland, Australia) from ten men over 40 years of age who self-identified as gay. These men were asked to explain why they live in Townsville, their understanding of home, and if they understand Townsville as home. We investigate the spatialised understandings of home articulated by these gay men, focusing on two mutually constituted geographical scales: Townsville-as-home and house-as-home, including the material objects within domestic space. For older gay men to call a provincial town home is an ongoing, complex process of reconciling multiple and contradictory subjectivities across different geographical scales. How older gay men constitute Townsville-as-home provides important insights about both non-heterosexual life in provincial centres and how to conceptualise home—as a paradoxical space, contested site, and as multiscalar.  相似文献   
Major corrosion has been found at depth in carbonate hydrocarbon reservoirs from different geologic provinces. Fluid inclusion microthermometry and stable isotopic compositions of carbonate cements, predating major corrosion, constrain the interpretation of the evolution of parental fluids during progressive burial and prior to the major corrosion event. Post‐major corrosion mineral paragenesis includes pyrite (‐marcasite), anhydrite, kaolinite (dickite) and fluorite. Although the post‐corrosion mineral paragenesis represents minor volumes of rock, it may provide valuable insights into the post‐corrosion brine chemistry. Using reactive transport numerical models, the roles of cooling and/or mixing of brines on corrosion have been evaluated as controls for dolomitization, deep burial corrosion and precipitation of the post‐corrosion mineral paragenesis. Modelling results show that cooling of deep‐seated fluids moving upward along a fracture may cause minor calcite dissolution and porosity generation. Significant dolomitization along a fracture zone and nearby host‐rock only occurs when deep‐seated fluids have high salinities (4 mol Cl kg?1 of solution) and Darcian flow rates are relatively high (1 m3 m?2 year?1). Only minor volumes of quartz and fluorite precipitate in the newly formed porosity. Moreover, modelling results cannot reproduce the authigenic precipitation of kaolinite (dickite at high temperatures) by cooling. As an alternative to cooling as a cause of corrosion, mixing between two brines of different compositions and salinities is represented by two main cases. One case consists of the flow up along a fracture of deep‐seated fluids with higher salinities than the fluid in the wall rock. Dolomite does not precipitate at a fracture zone. Nevertheless, minor volumes of dolomite are formed away from the fracture. The post‐corrosion mineral paragenesis can be partly reproduced, and the results are comparable to those obtained from cooling calculations. Minor volumes of quartz and fluorite are formed, and kaolinite‐dickite does not precipitate. The major outputs of this scenario are calcite dissolution and slight net increase in porosity. A second case corresponds to the mixing of low salinity deep‐seated fluids, flowing up along fractures, with high salinity brines within the wall rock. Calculations predict major dissolution of calcite and precipitation of dolomite. The post‐corrosion mineral paragenesis can be reproduced. High volumes of quartz, fluorite and kaolinite‐dickite precipitate and may even completely occlude newly formed porosity.  相似文献   
曾国军  李忠奇  陈铮  周尚意 《人文地理》2022,37(4):22-31+45
流动性的增强不但意味着人口、信息、资金流动强度增加,也意味着流动范围的扩大。在此背景下,以稳定的人口构成为基础的传统地域饮食文化区的边界也开始发生变化。同时,流动性也使多元地方饮食文化在空间扩散的基础上展开了互动与交融。本研究将除港澳台地区以外的中国全域作为研究区域,基于海量餐饮服务设施POI数据,运用核密度分析方法分析中国目前的流行菜系空间扩散格局并描述其特征,并从流动性视角阐释其形成与扩散的文化地理逻辑。研究发现,中国现流行的菜系主要包括川菜、湘菜、粤菜、东北菜、徽菜、云贵菜、西北菜、鲁菜;中国流行菜系的空间扩散格局具有差异明显、多中心发展的特点。其中,川菜、湘菜、粤菜数量多分布广;鲁菜、徽菜分布集中,扩散较少;东北菜、云贵菜、西北菜数量较少但分布范围广。这种流行菜系空间扩散格局背后的文化地理逻辑与流动性密不可分,人口、资金等的流动促使地方饮食文化在空间内扩散,同时也带来了地方饮食文化间的交融互构。  相似文献   
中国城市流动人口的空间结构   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用中国公安部1996年流动人口统计数据,采用空间统计分析方法和断裂点法,对中国城市流动人口的空间结构进行研究发现,中国城市流动人口主要集中在沿海地带,而且客观存在着三大城市流动人口圈:①京津连流动人口圈。为中国第三大的城市流动人口圈,具有性别比高、来自圈外的流动人口比重大、以亲缘、地缘为纽带聚居等特点。②沪宁杭流动人口圈。为中国第二大的城市流动人口圈,具有来自省内的流动人口比重高、暂住时间差距大等特点。③广深厦流动人口圈。为中国最大的城市流动人口圈,具有女性流动人口比重高、来自外省的流动人口比重大等特点。  相似文献   
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