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新中国成立60年来,我国经济建设围绕计划与市场这个基本问题,进行了长期的艰辛的探索。从新民主主义经济转变到社会主义计划经济,再由社会主义计划经济向社会主义市场经济过渡及社会主义市场经济体制的发展与完善,呈现出一个辩证的发展过程。坚持科学发展观,把这个更高层次的综合做好,发挥计划和市场两种手段在市场经济中的调节作用,全面保持和凸显社会主义市场经济的内涵和特征,到了非常关键的时候。综合得好,社会主义能够坚持,我国经济能够继续发展,改革开放的道路光明灿烂,中国的未来将更加辉煌。  相似文献   
宋学勤  杨越 《史学集刊》2022,(1):98-105
20世纪50年代中国农业机械化的进程,不仅是以农业机械为主的"技术下乡"的过程,也是改造农民传统思想、形塑与农业机械化相适应的新农民,进而完成"思想下乡"的意识形态社会化的过程。在农业机械化的实践中,国家将对新农民的塑造嵌入农业生产和农民生活中,以此整合农民思想观念、强化农民的集体观念、激发农民的主体观念、培养农民的科技观念,从而塑造了具有"高度社会主义觉悟的、有技术、有文化、有全面才能"的社会主义新农民。这一历史进程对"十四五"时期加强现代农业技术对农民思想的正向引导,以及对培育新型职业农民,均具有重要的历史借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The proceedings of the Problems of Peace conferences held annually at the League of Nations headquarters in Geneva from 1926 to 1938 included lectures from an array of ideological positions. Some contributors were from the Left, ranging from moderate liberal socialists to the more firmly anti-capitalist thinkers. Those of the latter category presented challenges to the existing international order, holding views that bore some affinities to E.H. Carr's beliefs. They were, however, unlike Carr, committed to liberal-democratic processes as a means to change. Nevertheless, in the turbulent environment of the inter-war years optimism gave way to anxiety among many on the Left. A wider division between the moderate and more radical British democratic socialists emerged. Some thinkers repositioned themselves within the broader Left. These different positions and shifts are evident in the Problems of Peace lectures, and this helps expose the limitations of Carr's binary utopianism/realism division of inter-war international thought. A weakness of the socialists in question is that the demands for change are conventional and thus undeveloped where the real have-not peoples of the empires are concerned. Nevertheless, by ignoring the lectures Carr neglected diversity and innovation in the internationalism of the British inter-war Left.  相似文献   
The Irish Revolution of 1916-1923 posed a huge challenge to Marxist organizations in Britain. Although Marx and Engels themselves had supported Irish independence, later British socialists were not able to frame a consistent response to the Irish national question. Few organizations supported the Easter Rising in 1916 and although attitudes changed markedly during the Irish War of Independence, most British Marxists, with some notable exceptions, did not seem to view the Irish struggle against British imperialism to be connected to their own struggle for revolutionary change in Britain.  相似文献   
毛泽东巩固人民民主专政的思想轨迹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建国以来 ,毛泽东率领全党全国人民为巩固人民民主专政的国家政权 ,在政治、经济、思想文化建设等方面进行了极其艰难、复杂、曲折的探索。我们应该严肃地、实事求是地、全面准确地、科学地进一步加以认真的总结和研究。因为它关系着对党和国家近 30年的历史评价 ,关系着 1 0亿中国人民在共产党领导下努力探索社会主义建设道路的伟大实践的评价。  相似文献   
在全面建设社会主义时期,朱德在深入调查研究的基础上,就如何使农民家庭富裕、农村经济繁荣和山区改变落后面貌这三个发展农村经济的主题和难题,提出了比较成熟的思想和主张。这些思想和主张是我们党领导农村经济建设的重要经验,在今天新的社会主义市场经济条件下,仍然具有重要的启示和借鉴作用。  相似文献   
研究毛泽东与社会主义的中国的关系,首先应关注毛泽东在建国后所面对的国际国内环境,从他所处的环境出发,研究其探索建设道路的思想脉络。概括讲毛泽东在建国以后主要抓了三件大事,即:抓建设,使中国赢得大国地位,巩固无产阶级政权。毛泽东晚年犯错误的原因,主要在于对社会主义的理解和国际共产主义运动的观察出现了偏差,对国内政治状况、社会主义的主要矛盾和对党内意见分歧的定性处理上出现了错误。  相似文献   
How new was the New China? This article explores the experience of Beijing tailors in the early years of the PRC in light of this question. After 1949, many long-established tailors simply continued to ply their trade in their old business premises, giving a strong impression of continuity in the social fabric of the city. They were increasingly challenged, however, by newcomers to the industry, including petty entrepreneurs who chose to invest in a socially useful trade, and the graduates of newly established sewing schools, usually women. Policy shifts from the New Democracy period through the “three anti” and “five anti” campaigns to the eve of the socialist transformation in 1956 affected old and new businesses, men and women, in different ways. Overall, the reduction in entrepreneurial freedoms that characterizes this period of Chinese business history was, in this sector of industry and commerce, most strikingly manifest in limitations on what tailors were licensed to make, which had effects on what Beijing people wore. From these various perspectives, 1949 can be seen to be a rather clear dividing line in the history of Beijing, but it was possibly a rather faint line at first, becoming darker and thicker as the 1950s progressed—or should that be “regressed?”  相似文献   
1957~1958年,在反右扩大化的直接影响下,根据毛泽东和中共中央指示,中共山东昌潍地委在全区农村普遍开展了一次以两条道路大辩论、农业生产建设问题大辩论和整党、整团、整社为主题的三个阶段的社会主义教育运动.这场政治思想批判运动,虽然达到了预期的目的,但同时也掩盖了一些问题,使阶级斗争扩大化进一步蔓延到农村,也使"左"倾冒进的苗头进一步发展,给农村的政治、经济发展带来了长期的负面影响.  相似文献   
认识、分析、撰写党在新中国成立后至十一届三中全会前所犯的错误,很重要的一条是正确分析和评价毛泽东同志在这一过程中所起的作用和应负的责任。这不仅是尊重历史客观的需要,也是正确总结教训、以资今日之鉴戒所必需的。  相似文献   
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