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现代中国的爱国运动能发展为大规模的群众性运动,与媒体参与的社会动员密切相关。1919—1928年爱国运动中,一些爱国者为了抗议外侮、动员民众,愤极自杀。在一些爱国运动组织者的呼吁下,媒体对自杀事件的信息有选择地报道,彰显自杀行动的社会动员价值,向民众传播爱国运动的思想和主张,引导社会舆论的走向,并将公众注意力吸引到运动中最需要解决的问题之上,以此增强民众对团结御侮、一致对外的认同感,进而推动爱国运动向良性的、纵深的方向发展。通过媒体报道,自杀事件成了爱国运动中的公共事件。媒体对自杀事件的报道,也逐渐成为现代意义上爱国运动的有机组成部分。  相似文献   
逯淑娟 《攀登》2011,30(5):45-47
当前海东地区城乡社会救助体系尚处于探索和完善之中,建立和完善社会救助体系,要提高认识,不断加大社会救助工作力度;要加快推进城乡社会救助体系建设;要增加投入,完善救助资金筹措机制;要协调配合,逐步完善社会救助工作;要拓宽思路,从根本上脱困;要广泛动员,推进救助工作的社会化。  相似文献   
根据陶器类型学研究,把花厅墓地分为四期。把拥有玉琮、玉梳背饰、玉项饰的墓作为大型墓,把拥有玉镯、环等装饰品的墓作为中型墓,把只有陶石器等的墓作为小型墓。根据形态分析,把随葬陶器分为大汶口式、良渚式、薛家岗式、大汶口一良渚式和大汶口一薛家岗式五类,把玉器分为良渚式、花厅式和融合式三类。从死者头向、葬猪习俗、随葬品组合等方...  相似文献   
论文从社会学视角,对广东坎镇与海南文镇两个移民群体公共文化事业的捐赠活动进行了比较研究,认为海外移民对于侨乡公共文化事业的捐赠与其社会地位补偿密切相关,提出了"社会地位补偿"的解释范式。广东坎镇移民流向主要为美国、加拿大等经济发达国家,移民群体社会地位落差较大。他们的捐赠活动,不仅能够补偿他们某种身份及归属感的缺失,而且还能够获得一种额外的社会声誉。这种移民的补偿心态使得坎镇侨乡的公共文化事业出现了繁荣发展的盛况;而海南文镇移民流向主要是东南亚国家,经历了从"华侨"到"华人"的身份转变,祖籍地与移居地的经济差距缩小导致移民补偿成本升高,侨乡地方社会所构建的补偿体系对移民的吸引力在逐渐减弱,从而导致文镇公共文化事业出现衰落的发展态势。  相似文献   
杨皓然 《攀登》2011,30(6):86-88
青海省绿色发展考核内容主要涉及经济、社会和生态,考核工作是否合理、考核结果运用是否得当是对被考核者客观、准确评价的主要依据,也直接影响着绿色发展的质量和效果。文章指出,青海省绿色发展绩效考核中应注重目标考核与过程考核相结合、显性与隐性兼顾,重视考核反馈和纠正偏差以全面提升绿色考核的质量,不断推进青海绿色发展。  相似文献   
朱进芳 《攀登》2011,30(4):49-53
新民主主义社会构想是民主革命时期中国共产党理论创新的重要成果之一,它不仅对新中国的成立起到了直接的推动作用,而且对以后的实践也产生了深远的影响。选择和放弃新民主主义社会构想是党在一定历史条件下对自己的社会价值观进行调整的结果,正确认识这一历程,对于我们深刻理解中国共产党的历史、正确看待当前中国特色社会主义事业的发展,具有重要的启示。  相似文献   
Geographers working in mountainous northern Pakistan note that gains in accessibility following the Karakoram Highway's official opening in 1978 significantly reshaped social organization, economic activity, and land use across the region. These valuable regional‐scale analyses provide few insights regarding the contingent and variable ways new roads are conceived and experienced at the community and household level by the people whose mobility they drastically impact. This article addresses that limitation of regional research by focusing on an individual agricultural community called Shimshal that in 2003 completed a 40‐kilometre link‐road connecting it to the highway. Drawing from qualitative information gathered before and after the Shimshal road's completion, we briefly describe the community's motivation for constructing the road, villagers’ accessibility‐related hopes and concerns as it was being built, and some of the social, cultural, and economic changes that followed the road's completion. The article concludes by summarizing the community's response so far to landslide‐induced destruction of over 20 kilometres of the Karakoram Highway which, since January 2010, has left community members without vehicular access to the rest of Pakistan just seven years after their link‐road's completion.  相似文献   
Twitter, Facebook, and other social media are increasingly touted as platforms not merely for networks of friends and for private diversion, but as vehicles that allow ordinary people to enter and influence the many arenas of public life. On the surface, the disparate and shapeless population of “i‐reporters,” policy “tweeters,” and anonymous news web site “commentators” would appear to challenge the comparatively well‐defined cast of professional diplomats, journalists, and propagandists that Harold D. Lasswell identified as policy‐oriented communicators. However, to illuminate the roles and impacts of social media in politics and policymaking, insights from Lasswell's “science of communication” must be embedded in Lasswell's broader lessons on value assets and outcomes. A closer look at the so‐called democratizing functions of social media in politics reveals the influence of powerful intermediaries who filter and shape electronic communications. Lasswell's insights on the likelihood of increased collaboration among political elites and skilled, “modernizing intellectuals” anticipates contemporary instances of state actors who recruit skilled creators and users of social media—collaborations that may or may not advance experiments in democracy. Lasswell's decision process concept is deployed to discover social media's strengths and weaknesses for the practicing policy scientist.  相似文献   
David J. Hess 《对极》2011,43(4):1056-1077
Abstract: The concept of neoliberalism is explored with respect to the history of the electricity industry and policy in the USA. Rather than view “neoliberalism” as an all‐encompassing form of governmentality or a hegemonic regime, it is instead situated in a political field of competing ideologies, policies, practices, and agents that includes social liberalism, socialism, and cooperativism, with hegemonic and redistributive forms of both social liberalism and neoliberalism distinguished. The field approach enables a dynamic interpretation of the history of the electricity industry in the USA that tracks the relative role of government intervention in the economy, scale shifts in the level of government intervention, and the extent to which the policies favor elite accumulation or redistribution to less favored economic categories. The field approach also enables an analysis of local responses to market restructuring that suggest some examples of redistributive politics, even local socialism, that have emerged as a consequence of marketplace restructuring.  相似文献   
Roopali Phadke 《对极》2011,43(3):754-776
Abstract: While critical geographers have addressed how place politics impacts rural landscapes, less attention has been paid to the particular ways in which rural landscape identities are being impacted by the new energy economy. The nascent US wind energy opposition movement is evidence of broad, organized resistance to the landscape impacts associated with the re‐sculpting of rural energy geographies. Drawing from cultural landscape and place theory, this article examines the shifting terrain of wind opposition in the “New American West”. The article argues that wind energy opposition is fundamentally about who speaks for and negotiates conflicting social commitments to technology, economic values and an imagined American pastoral identity. By examining a case study of wind development in Nevada, this article considers how renewable energy development can constructively acknowledge the important role the “middle landscape” continues to play in American constructions of rural space.  相似文献   
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