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以法制保障社会主义新农村建设   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
向长艳 《攀登》2006,25(2):9-11
建设社会主义新农村,要适时的把党的政策制度化、法律化,达到政策和法律的有效互动。健全、完善的农村法律体系是推进新农村建设的制度保障;浓郁的农村法律氛围是推进新农村建设的基础;良好的执法体系、完善的执法监督是新农村建设的关键。  相似文献   
把高校图书馆建设成为传播先进文化的阵地   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
林肖宁 《攀登》2006,25(1):132-134
充分认识高校图书馆的文化传播功能,以传播先进文化为目标,进一步搞好高校图书馆建设。  相似文献   
杨松义 《攀登》2006,25(2):128-131
中共青海省委党校近期举行了“全面贯彻落实科学发展观”研讨会,本文为这次研讨会综述。文章主要归纳了三个方面的内容:关于科学发展观与邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的内在联系和有机统一;关于青海新阶段的主题;关于切实抓好未来五年青海经济发展的几个重大问题。  相似文献   
党校图书馆信息服务工作之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李桂荣  安秀荣  赵立鸣 《攀登》2006,25(4):162-163
随着信息时代的到来,党校教育的整体信息需求同教职员工的个性化信息需求都呈现出一定的特点,其馆藏、服务方式和内容等各方面也具有鲜明的党校特色。这些都要求党校的图书管理人员必须以读者的需求为本,结合党校图书馆服务对象的信息需求特征,做好信息资源建设工作。  相似文献   
谢海云 《攀登》2006,25(5):169-170
图书馆以其丰富的馆藏文献信息为校园文化建设提供了良好的保障,成为校园文化的活动中心之一。充分发挥图书馆的作用,有效服务于校园文化建设已成为图书馆管理工作的重中之重。  相似文献   
Insights from social system–environmental system coevolutionary thought experiments are abstract, mind opening, and can only be conveyed by leading readers through the experiment themselves. Undertaking applied coevolutionary analyses requires one to bound processes and fix some of the categories, contrary to the nature of the broad, opening nature of coevolution itself. Being conscious of these contradictions makes it difficult to engage in a sustained research programme or form a community of coevolutionary scholars. In this article we engage with the epistemological tensions of conducting coevolutionary research and put forward tentative strategies for managing them.  相似文献   
Michael Foot had good reasons for resenting Dr David Owen, who played a prominent role in the formation of the breakaway Social Democratic Party (SDP) while Foot was Labour's leader. In Loyalists and Loners (1986), a book of political pen‐portraits, Foot duly delivered a blistering attack on Owen, focusing on two charges – that Owen was consumed by personal ambition from an early stage of his career, and that he was an ideological turncoat who had wilfully misused the word ‘socialism’. The present article examines Foot's allegations in the light of various historical sources, including the private papers of both protagonists. It is argued that, though Foot's charges seem devastating at first sight – and have never been refuted by Owen or his admirers – they cannot be sustained after an impartial review of the evidence. This reappraisal provides new insights into Owen's remarkable and controversial career at two pivotal stages – his initial rise to ministerial office, and his decision to leave Labour.  相似文献   
This article discusses the (re)construction and use of an Early modern instrument, better known as Herman Boerhaave's (1668–1738) little furnace. We investigate the origins, history and materiality of this furnace, and examine the dynamic relationship between historical study and reconstructing and handling an object. We argue that combining textual analysis with performative methods allows us to gain a better understanding of both the role of lost material culture in historical chemical practice, pedagogy, and knowledge production, and provide a deeper understanding of the embodied experiences and knowledge of historical actors. Having made and used two versions of Boerhaave's furnace, we provide insight in what present-day working models can tell us about historical materials and practices approximately three centuries ago.  相似文献   
大高玄殿始建于明代嘉靖二十一年,殿内供三清等道教诸神,是明世宗建造用于祈祷斋醮的一座皇家道观。清代沿用,仍作为皇帝拈香祈拜之所。乾隆朝,曾对大高玄殿建筑进行局部调整,但宫殿主体格局未变,一直保持至清代末年。民国以后,为了便利交通,拆除了山门外的牌楼和音乐亭,其他宫殿保存至今。这些宫殿建筑类型齐全,大木结构各具特色,反映了明代中期建筑营造的技艺水平;宫殿的平面布局以及遗存的建筑彩画、石质雕刻等具有鲜明的皇家道观特点。这处曾作为皇家宗教活动重要场所的明清宫殿建筑群,无论在宫廷建筑史还是宗教史领域都有较高的研究价值。  相似文献   
“土木之变”是明王朝一件很不光彩甚为屈辱的事件,不仅文武大臣死难惨重,20万大军全军覆没,而且连最高统治者英宗皇帝也被俘。四川道监察御史申祜也死于此难,景泰元年朝廷本已有敕赠,然英宗重登帝位后,却独不见褒恤申祜,后世颇多不平。考察历史,始知申祜缺祀,当为英宗耻于申祐代驾死难矣。  相似文献   
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