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魏晋南北朝时期疫灾时空分布规律研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
魏晋南北朝时期是中国历史上的第一个疫灾高峰期,疫灾频度平均为21.0%,其中西晋时期疫灾最为频繁,疫灾频度高达34.6%。夏季是疫灾流行的最主要的季节,约41%的疫灾发生在夏季。疫灾周期具有波幅越来越小、波长越来越短的趋势。在空间分布上,疫灾范围有逐步扩大的趋势,疫灾重心有由北向南迁移的趋势,都城所在地为疫灾多发区,都城区位的变迁影响着疫灾重心的变迁。三国时期的疫灾重心在河南,西晋时期的疫灾重心在陕西与河南,东晋以后的疫灾重心在江苏。总体来看,经济相对发达、人口相对稠密、战争相对频仍的黄河中下游地区、长江中下游地区以及它们之间的淮河流域是魏晋南北朝时期疫灾的主要流行区域。  相似文献   
论井渠技术的起源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘兴林 《华夏考古》2007,(1):114-119
井渠是我国古代发明的一项用地下暗渠引水灌溉的技术,西汉龙首渠是最早见于记载和经考古调查证实的井渠,秦始皇陵园发现的排水暗渠早于龙首渠,且技术已较成熟。根据我国早期矿冶遗址和相关的文献记载,井渠之法至迟在春秋时期即已出现。井渠起源于本土,它是坎儿井的源头,该项技术被后世广泛应用于隧道的开凿等。  相似文献   
为抢救性修复保护我国著名旅法爱国女画家潘玉良众多的油画,选用欧洲的传统工艺和技法,采用与气候湿润的意大利、荷兰、日本等国家基本相似的材料,用整体托裱法等技法,并运用现代数码及电脑图片技术,对108幅油画进行修复。从列举的4个例子:《弹曼陀铃老人》、《新枝》、《南京夫子庙》、《黑白女人体》修复结果说明,修复后恢复了其原貌,效果良好,对类似工作具有示范意义。  相似文献   
L. Gentelli 《Archaeometry》2019,61(3):701-719
This research uses legacy data from shipwrecks to further our understanding of global silver movement in the 17th to 19th centuries by analysing a collection of silver coins held by the Western Australian Museum. Three hundred and eighty‐nine silver coins were analysed for their trace element fingerprint in order to identify provenance. The coins are a selection from the ships Batavia, Vergulde Draeck, Zuytdorp, Rapid and Correio da Azia, all wrecked off the coast of Western Australia between 1629 and 1816. Analysis was undertaken using laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS), a relatively non‐destructive technique with a sensitivity of parts per million to parts per billion. Data were interpreted using linear discriminant analysis (LDA), which allowed the coins of known provenance to be sorted into identifiable subgroups on the basis of their trace and minor elemental fingerprints, while 27 unidentified coins were compared with this database and their mint of origin predicted. These results have implications for the provenance determination of archaeological artefacts of many materials.  相似文献   
There is now an extensive body of academic literature examining how the environmental movement contributed to the colonization of Indigenous peoples and development of capitalism in northern Canada. This paper contributes to these discussions by considering how environmental assessment (EA) helped enable hydrocarbon extraction in the Qikiqtani (Baffin Island) region of Nunavut in the 1970s and 1980s. When exploration activities began to threaten the Inuit harvesting economy, communities protested with letters and petitions. The federal government responded to Inuit resistance by referring proposed exploratory drilling and extraction to its new EA process. While Inuit won significant victories during some assessments of proposed exploratory drilling and extraction, federal EA ultimately helped create the conditions for Inuit to consent to oil extraction. EA helped impose material compromises between Inuit and hydrocarbon industries, including preferential hiring of Inuit, a reduction in the scope of proposed extraction, and the rejection of especially controversial proposals for offshore drilling. These concessions, combined with a collapse in the market for sealskins due to international boycotts, persuaded several Qikiqtani communities to support oil extraction in the 1980s. The ensuing extraction and export of oil from the High Arctic accelerated processes of colonial dispossession and reinforced colonial political dynamics.  相似文献   
We present the results of geochemical analysis of silver coinage issued by Rome and dated between the fourth and second century BCE, which are complemented by data of coinage issued by Carthage, the Brettii, and the Greek colony of Emporion. Each of these minting authorities represents one of the major parties involved in the struggle for hegemony in the fourth to second centuries BCE Western Mediterranean region. This study retraces how the metal supply shifts in response to the transforming power relations and how this change is related to Rome's rise to the virtually uncontested ruler of the region.  相似文献   
This study presents the results of compositional and lead isotopic analysis of coinage issued by the Greek colonies of Syracuse, Metapontum, Taras and Thurium in the fifth to third centuries bce . The data suggest that each colony in Magna Graecia, regardless of its motherland roots and despite ongoing conflicts between the cities, had access to the same silver, and that this supply was stable overall throughout their period of minting and issuing coinage. The paper retraces the silver sources of the colonies and points out a potential supply route for the metal. It includes a method development for a multi-standard quantification approach for laser ablation-inductively coupled-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analysis of silver.  相似文献   
刘凤云 《史学集刊》2022,(1):41-58,87
在对清前期钱粮亏空案的考察中,可以看到“挪用”与“垫支”、“摊捐俸工银”与“摊捐养廉银”,以及“蠲免”与“捐纳”等制度之间的关联性。由“挪用”到“垫支”的支出行为发生由非法到合法的转变时,并没有解决难以归款的问题。而由“摊捐俸工”到“摊捐养廉”,说明财政体制上存在着公私■的制度缺陷,虽一定程度上填补了不断增大的财政缺口,却产生了官员低俸甚至是无俸的政治风险。此外,“蠲免”在被誉为造福于百姓的惠政加以推行的同时,被蠲免的直省因无征赋税不得不以备受诟病的“捐纳”“挪垫”“捐输”等作为解决财政短缺的途径。以上制度与措施之间有着互为因果的关系,诸问题都指向了清朝低存留的财政体制,这成为清朝国家难以解决的政治隐患。  相似文献   
A combined review of three volumes in the series Formation and Interpretation of Old Testament Literature. If these volumes intend to give an impression of the discussion among scholars of the Deuteronomistic History, and of the composition of the Pentateuch, the series is a failure, presenting mostly one side of the debate. On the other hand, the articles on the ancient reception history (nothing modern here) are excellent introductions into that discussion.  相似文献   
Although recreational planning in national parks has long taken visitor characteristics and perceptions into consideration, economic valuation to date has not been part of such planning. Our study applies economic valuation for recreational planning in the Horton Plains National Park (HPNP) in Sri Lanka. The study, using a pretested questionnaire, interviewed 188 respondents in order to identify existing visitor satisfaction levels as well as visitor perceptions on available facilities. The existing visitor satisfaction at HPNP was 54%. Two alternative recreational scenarios were, therefore, developed based on visitor perceptions on how to enhance visitor satisfaction at the park. A hypothetical travel cost method and contingent valuation method (CVM) were used to estimate (1) the welfare benefits in terms of consumer surplus and (2) the demand in terms of willingness to pay (WTP) for the proposed recreational scenarios. The sample size for the economic study was 352 respondents. The per-visitor welfare benefits were financially valued at Sri Lanka Rupees (SLR) 3794 (USD 1 = SLR 130) and SLR 7045 for scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. These values show a 15 to 30 times increase from the existing value of the welfare benefits. The net present value of benefits also increased from SLR 516.8 million to SLR 5296.92 million and SLR 9835.73 million under scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. Under CVM, the estimated mean WTP values were SLR 132.00 and SLR 190.32 under scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. These values can be used as a tool for revising pricing policies at HPNP. Visitors' response to the proposed recreational scenarios suggests the need for planners to institute proper recreational schemes to enhance the welfare benefits of visitors. The study underscores the role economic valuation can play in policy decisions relating to recreational planning in national parks.  相似文献   
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