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Limestone outcrops that form a north-south belt approximately 1.4 km long, 15 km east of Manilla and previously referred to as the Uralba Beds, and associated rocks, are shown to be an olistostromal component of the Wisemans Arm Formation. Elongate olistoliths up to 100 m in length are flanked by limestone conglomerate with clasts set in a volcaniclastic matrix derived from a range of volcanic rock types. Volcanic olistoliths, including a mass of ankaramitic basalt, are also present. Conodont faunas of differing ages were obtained from various outcrops. A Late Ordovician (Eastonian, Ea3) fauna of over 400 elements from some outcrops is identical to one recently documented from elsewhere in the Wisemans Arm Formation. A small Early Silurian (late Llandovery-early Wenlock) fauna from four outcrops (including two formerly thought to be Ordovician) comprises the first documented conodont fauna of this age from the New England Fold Belt.  相似文献   
有机残留物分析是国际科技考古领域的热点之一,蛋白质分析是其中的重要组成部分。本研究为对新疆小河墓地出土草篓所含的黄褐色颗粒状残留物进行了分析,以期探索其种属来源,揭示小河墓地先民生活方式和社会活动的相关信息。本工作首先采用红外方法对墓M13出土草篓中的颗粒状残留物进行了分析,结果发现了较高的蛋白质含量;提取蛋白质后,利用蛋白质组学方法鉴定出牛酪蛋白、牛免疫球蛋白和牛β乳球蛋白,据此推断该残留物为牛奶制品。需要指出的是,这是迄今为止我国发现最早的牛奶加工证据,说明牛奶是小河墓地先民食物的重要组成部分。本工作还显示,蛋白质组学方法灵敏度高、所需样品量小,应可广泛地应用于古代残留物分析。  相似文献   
阮元是乾嘉汉学的领袖人物。他组织起清代最大的学术幕府,创办诂经精舍和学海堂,开展声势浩大的学术活动,成绩卓著。然而在与幕宾相处、主持学术研究、领导学术流向、创办书院进行教育改革及实践的过程当中,阮元也有着鲜为人知的尴尬与无奈。这是整个清代学术及士人的真实写照。  相似文献   
Next to agriculture, road development is one of the most significant sources of stress to wetlands in Prairie Canada. However, there currently exists limited guidance for incorporating direct, indirect, and induced effects to wetlands in impact assessment and mitigation planning for small and often routine developments, including access roads or highway improvement initiatives. Based on the Louis Riel Trail, Highway 11 North twinning project in Saskatchewan, Canada, this article demonstrates a methodological approach and decision support framework for assessing and managing direct, indirect, and induced effects to wetlands from linear developments. No regulatory‐based environmental assessment was required for the highway project; effects were deemed to be insignificant under current wetland mitigation practices. However, our results show that 1115 ha of potentially affected wetlands are located within a 500 m impact zone on either side of the proposed highway. More than 50 percent of these wetlands are seasonal, less than 1 ha in size, and typically not included in mitigation planning. An expert‐based multi‐criteria evaluation of impact and mitigation options for wetlands in the study area indicated “no net loss” as a planning priority, and a preference for a spatially ambitious mitigation plan focused on direct, indirect, and potentially induced impacts. In practice, however, mitigation is often restrictive, focused on mitigating only direct impacts within the project's right‐of‐way, in this case less than 50 ha of wetlands, resulting in the potential for significant net loss of wetland habitat and function. If the risk to wetlands is to be given due consideration in project planning and development for roads and road improvement initiatives, then structured assessment methods and decision support frameworks should be sensitive to the time and resource constraints of small projects and screening‐type assessments. This requires also that wetland mitigation policies are developed and implementation plans formulated as part of project planning and assessment initiatives for linear developments.  相似文献   
A prototype diesel generator equipped with a vibration isolation system consisting of restrained isolators (denoted as I/system) is quasi-statically and dynamically tested. Sequentially, the seismic simulation tests are conducted to further investigate the effectiveness of additional snubbers incorporated into the vibration isolation system (denoted as I/R system). Comparing the test results to the static design demands specified in ASCE 7-10, the recommended component amplification factor could represent the horizontal acceleration amplification phenomenon of the generator equipped with I/R system; however, the seismic force demands for static design of I/R system might not be appropriate and conservative enough.  相似文献   
This paper analyses how much culture is valued in a newly-developed economy with a distinct dichotomy of an arts-appreciating population segment and a less-culturally aware mass. An analytical framework weaving together the intrinsic, business and societal benefits of arts and culture is applied to explore whether arts festivals – a popular tourism event in many countries – are a temporary fad, an expensive governmental fetish or a naturally-evolving fixture. This has implications for government funding and cultural policy. Empirical evidence supports the notion that the long-running performing arts festival is a not a fad but a fixture with some fetish elements while the visual arts festival appears to be a fad but has the potential to be a fixture. Of particular concern, however, is the evidence from both festivals that the perceptions of community benefit, business benefits as well as bequest value from the arts are not significant determinants of willingness to pay for these events.  相似文献   
Known primarily for his reformist proposals in the areas of military affairs, foreign policy, the salt monopoly, and the grain tribute system, the influential early nineteenth-century literatus Bao Shichen 包世臣 (1775–1855) also made throughout his life numerous suggestions regarding the improvement of agricultural practice and of rural life. Contrary to the arguments of his older contemporary Hong Liangji that the empire was facing an imminent demographic and provisioning crisis, Bao argued that there was ample possibility for increasing crop yields, and improving popular livelihoods, if a more rational approach was taken to cropping decisions, farm labor allocation, agricultural commercialization, and local-level social organization. Bao was fond of quantification, and, far more than Hong, employed statistical analysis (albeit crude) to bolster his arguments. Fundamentally committed to increasing the power and wealth of the imperial state in the face of threats both foreign and domestic, Bao was highly optimistic that this could be achieved simultaneously with fulfilling his other basic commitment, relieving what he saw as widespread popular immiseration.  相似文献   
战后日本女性文学伴随着日本社会体制的剧烈变化,以及民主主义思潮的冲击,女权主义的鼓噪和经济高速增长下衍生的都市化情怀的洗礼,呈现出与以往全然不同的盛况,使同时代的日本女性文学基于富饶的时代土壤,开出绚丽的花朵。  相似文献   
乐府立于何时,至今学界仍争论不已.究其原因,一是文献自身抵牾,二是考古实物的发现动摇了一些成说的基础.断句错误,造成文意不明亦是重要原因.如将"乃立乐府,采诗夜诵"断为"乃立乐府采诗夜诵",问题即涣然冰释. "乃立乐府"非指"始建立"乐府这个官署,而是始"设立" "采诗夜诵",这个新的职能于乐府.这一职能的赋予,使乐府从内朝皇帝私人性质的御用机构转变为参与国家札乐文化造作的机构,承担起造作大汉新一代礼乐文化的伟任.武帝重用乐府为的是在学术上实现以内驭外的政治格局.  相似文献   
清军将领章高元在中日甲午战争中奉命增援前往辽东战场,在盖平战役中他不畏强暴.奋勇杀敌,建树了英雄业绩,虽败尤荣,表现了可贵的爱国主义精神.章高元在胶州湾事件中坚持抵抗态度,但违心服从清廷旨意,对其后丧地负有一定责任.应肯定章高元是一个有作为的抵抗派人物,是功大于过的爱国将领.  相似文献   
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