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《弘历鉴古图》是清代宫廷画家姚文瀚创作的一幅乾隆皇帝"御容"图像。该图磨损较重,在卷藏过程中出现的霉变,导致受损部位纸质糟朽,一些重要画意脱离画心粘在背纸之上。此图因破损情况比较特殊,修复方法也因此十分复杂,本文即针对其修复情况所作的探讨。  相似文献   
中国传统社会是一个以农业文明为主的乡村社会,乡村治理问题是中国传统政治中的一个基本问题.朱熹的乡村治理思想是中国古代自秦汉以来乡村治理问题的历史延续.在朱熹乡村治理思想中,既提倡孝敬、乡情、信睦、良善、仁厚等儒家的传统道德规范,又提倡具有强制约束力的法律规章制度,还提倡经济上的发展与救助.其乡村治理理念的实质是为中央集权服务,帮助维护封建统治的基层社会基础,但不可否认的是,在长期的社会实践中,对实现社会稳定、加强邻里团结、消弭和化解乡村矛盾、改进乡村治安方面起了不可忽视的作用.  相似文献   
在纪念敦煌藏经洞发现100年之际 ,甘肃人民出版社对甘肃境内收藏的敦煌汉文文献进行普查、鉴定、整理、拍摄 ,结集出版了《甘肃藏敦煌文献》一书。本文对书中文献来源及特点 ,与混其中的疑伪品未收入此书的赝品作了述论。  相似文献   
揭取壁画实在是一种迫不得已的举动。为消除寺观壁画以往因分块揭取给其造成新的人为伤害,在掌握了壁画泥层的层状结构的可分性和理论计算的基础上,以四川剑阁觉苑寺和云南丽江大宝积宫两处明代壁画揭取为例,采取拆除背墙使用临时背衬悬掉壁画的方法,完全可以不分块地将整铺壁画揭取下来,从而实现了对壁画更好的保护。  相似文献   
湘西自治州各族人民紧紧抓住国家西部大开发、扶贫开发、中部崛起等战略机遇,在农村积极探索基层治理与脱贫致富结合之路,把基层治理效果体现在脱贫致富成果上,实现农民富、集体富、村干富。注重加强村级领导班子建设,充分发挥村级党组织在推进农村基层治理与脱贫致富中的核心引领作用;加强党员队伍先进性建设,充分发挥党员干部在推进农村基层治理与脱贫致富中的模范带头作用;凝聚人民群众力量,充分发挥人民群众在推进农村基层治理与脱贫致富中的主体性作用。  相似文献   
The paper addresses the switch‐off of analogue television in the UK and explores key issues about technology, audiences and communications policy. The main argument is that the characteristics of the “second 50%” are very different from the first half of households that have chosen to adopt digital, and that concerns are as much about content as cost. The paper reports a small, largely qualitative, study of households where analogue television has been switched off – the only place in the UK where this has happened, as a Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) trial. Qualitative data on the transformation of audience behaviour with the arrival of digital is contextualised by an analysis of British government policy on analogue switch‐off. The paper compares and contrasts the discourse of digital TV with viewing expectations and experiences. It reflects on choice, viewing behaviour and the shaping of technology and raises critical questions about government policies on analogue switch‐off.  相似文献   
上海展览业市场特征实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以实地调研获得的第一手资料为基础,以上海主要展览场馆举办的展览会为研究对象,从展览业的行业类型、参展商和专业买家对展览会的认可度评价、影响展览市场的不同因素对市场影响的强度等方面,对上海展览业的市场特征进行了统计分析,并据此提出了改进和提升上海展览业的对策建议。  相似文献   

Although nowadays barely remembered, the dancer and singer Consuelo Tamayo Hernández, “la Tortajada” (1867–1957), once was a Spanish performer of considerable talent. She was a diva skilled at self-fashioning who knew how to exploit her public image both on and off stage. Born in Santa Fe (Granada, Spain), Tortajada hardly ever performed in her country of birth. But although her presence on the Spanish stage was merely marginal, as a “Spanish dancer” she achieved celebrity status in the music halls of Europe and the United States. Tortajada perfectly exemplifies the mobility and cultural transfer that took place between the cosmopolitan stages at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. This article explores how Tortajada obtained international fame and success, not so much because of the authenticity of her performances—which were often contaminated by the music halls where she performed—but because of her ability to export a certain idea of Spanish “otherness” and “marginality” by staging a series of traditional movements and dances. It is by skillfully embodying a stereotype construction of “Spanishness” (elapsing it into an Oriental fantasy) and a certain type of femininity that the artist achieved international celebrity.  相似文献   
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