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韩静  张茵 《旅游科学》2016,(5):24-36
游憩价值评估是识别旅游资源经济价值的重要手段.TCM作为传统评估方法,其评估结果的准确性受多种因素影响,其中游憩需求的影响因素对评估结果的影响是尚待解决的关键问题.游客感知价值是影响游憩需求的重要因素,考察其对评估结果的影响是提高评估结果精确性的一种有益尝试.本文以TCM的两种基本模型ZTCM和ITCM为基础,探索不同介入方式下感知价值对评估结果的影响机制.研究表明:感知价值作为自变量介入ZTCM模型后使人均消费者剩余下降了7.3%、游憩价值下降了4.4%,大于它作为中介变量介入ITCM模型后对评估结果的影响,说明感知价值主要通过与旅行花费共同作用对价值评估结果产生影响.这不仅揭示了游客感知价值影响的复杂性,更体现了游憩价值评估体系中考虑游憩需求影响因素的必要性.  相似文献   
庞博  方创琳 《人文地理》2015,30(2):7-14
全球城市化进程的加速使得用于城市发展建设的资金规模日益扩大,特别是通过现代化融资借贷手段为城市发展筹集资金的方式给城市建设提供了巨大的支持和动力。但是,全球经济金融危机和地区性主权债务危机的蔓延,也使得城市债务的累积和扩大问题愈发严重。为了更加清晰地了解城市负债的影响效应机制和测度预警内容与方法,为城市的健康可持续发展提供指导和借鉴,本文对相关内容研究进行了文献梳理和分析总结,并展望了进一步研究的重点方向。结果表明:国外的研究已取得了不少成果,而国内的研究尚处于初期阶段,研究视角较局限,缺乏多学科、广领域、立体层次的研究。因此,未来研究应注重从人文地理学的角度,综合分析城市负债对于城市发展的影响路径、累积效应、互动耦合作用等,通过多种分析方法对多层次尺度的数据进行更加细化深入和全面的分析,探索城市负债和经济社会发展的时空分异格局、演变规律和作用机理。  相似文献   
文化遗产保护是我国可持续发展战略的一项重要组成部分,为做好这方面的工作,发挥科学技术对这一领域的支撑和带动作用,国家文物局通过对科研机构的遴选,建立起一批文物保护重点科研基地,搭建开放、共享的创新平台。笔者认为首要的是建立一套科学合理的评估指标体系,通过科学选取评估指标、确定指标权重、采用适当的计算方法,遴选出合适的科研机构,进入到文物保护重点科研基地。  相似文献   
黄圣佑 《旅游科学》2005,19(4):44-48
本研究的目的是探讨台湾旅游区游客解说服务的经验与制度。研究首先指出解说服务对于旅游区管理的各种功能,介绍正职解说员与解说志工的角色及特性,并整理目前旅游解说志工制度的特色。其次,讨论志愿服务的3个理论,以及志工绩效评估的意义、流程及重要性。再透过实证的量化问卷调查,分析阳明山旅游区解说志工的个人背景、参与特性、环境素养、组织满意度以及带队解说表现情形。研究最后归纳解说志工制度的经验与推展流程,为相关保护区或风景区管理单位提供参考。  相似文献   

Fieldwork is the most powerful learning invitation in the toolkit of Geographical Education. This review of papers in The Journal of Geography in Higher Education (JGHE) suggests seven modes in the development of fieldwork. These are arrayed as a kind of historical, perhaps evolutionary, sequence but most remain current in Geography fieldwork practice. At the far end (1960s) of the sequence are didactic modes that are teacher centred and use the field as an adjunct to the classroom, in the middle (1990s) are modes that involve active learning and focus on the development of students as investigators and at the near end (2010s) are those that centred on the field study area and its qualities, that involve concern about the ethics of student engagement and that employ blended learning technologies. The review charts the JGHE’s gradual shift away from its original, almost exclusively, UK-focus toward something rather more international and inclusive. Fieldwork is where Geographers learn “from doing” Geography to “do” Geography. Its special attributes include providing experiential, sometimes transformative, learning through the immersion of the learner in the field experience. In 40 years, JGHE has helped Geography Fieldwork move from the margins of the curriculum to its current place at its core.  相似文献   
This paper tests the validity of the circumference at the nutrient foramen of the tibia for sex determination on two human osteological collections: the Lisbon Collection of Identified Skeletons (n = 160) and the São Martinho medieval archaeological collection from Leiria, Portugal (n = 57). The methodological approach chosen to conduct the test was the sectioning point method. The overall accuracy (males and females combined) in the Lisbon Collection was 78% and in the São Martinho Collection it reached 90%. In both series, females were more accurately classified than males. This paper advocates the importance of developing and using sample specific methods for sex determination in modern and in archaeological human osteological assemblages. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper examines recent trends in sex ratio at birth in all the major states of India, based on three rounds of the National Family Health Survey. It finds evidence of an increase in the ratio, particularly at the second-order birth among women having a first daughter in many states in the northwestern region of the country. Also, there are signs of daughter aversion emerging in Odisha, an eastern state. Based on parity progression ratios and the trend in sex selection, an attempt is made to estimate the peak of sex ratio at birth in India. With moderate intensification in sex selection in the northwestern region, sex ratio at birth is expected to reach a peak of 117–119 males per 100 females around the period 2021–2026. If, in addition, sex selection spreads further in the southeastern region, the sex ratio at birth in India could even increase to a level of 124.  相似文献   
The preference for sons in China and discrimination against girls have resulted in a male marriage squeeze. This paper develops two new indices of the sex ratio among potential first marriage partners by normalising first marriage frequencies and by eliminating the tempo effect in first marriage. Using two newly developed indices and two existing ones, the authors predict China's marriage squeeze for the period 2000–2100. The authors find that the new indices produce almost the same results as the existing ones when measuring the sex ratios of marriageable males to females. For the years 2015 to 2050, the sex ratio of potential males to females is over 1.15, and then fluctuates around 1.1 after 2060. From 2015 to 2045, China will face an annual surplus of one million males. However, if the high sex ratio at birth cannot be controlled, the male marriage squeeze will be much more severe.  相似文献   
鉴于目前我国在构建价值转移模型中存在的限制因素,本文采用基于Meta分析的价值转移方法并尝试利用国外游憩活动价值评价的实证研究结果,构建基于Meta分析的国际间价值函数转移模型,估算了我国10种游憩活动的日平均消费者剩余.通过将价值转移模型估算的游憩活动价值“转移值”与国内97个游憩价值评价的“真实值”做比较,对价值转移模型的有效性和可靠性进行统计检验,平均转移误差为18.74%.最后,总结了提高我国Meta回归价值转移模型的具体、可操作性方法及途径.  相似文献   

In the 1990s, there was a change in capitalist thinking on environmental issues in many global settings, which materialised in what has been termed corporate environmentalism. Beginning with a history of the moulded fibre egg tray and one of its primary manufacturers, this is a case study of how corporate environmentalism came about and was enacted as a confluence of corporate priorities, environmental concerns, production processes, materials, and the development of new measuring tools. Unlike the many environmental history studies that emphasise the role of NGOs and policy developments, this study begins in the business world. More specifically, it is based in the making of environmental knowledge in the form of life cycle assessments and environmental accounts and in the environmental reframing of materials like moulded pulp and plastic. In this way it is the story of how it became reasonable for a manufacturer of egg trays to choose the slogan, ‘Choose Fibre. Save Nature’.  相似文献   
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