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甘青地区是史前时期重要的用玉地区之一,其用玉进程表现为从前仰韶时期至马家窑时期,一直处于相对沉寂的状态,而大规模和较成体系用玉文化的兴起应始于齐家文化。齐家文化巫玉色彩浓重,玉器更多被用来祭祀。从用玉进程和用玉动机看,甘青地区用玉文化并非独立起源,而是从东部和中原引进与兴起,同时促进了甘青地区玉矿的开发与利用。  相似文献   
Nihewan and Zhoukoudian are important areas where early humans and cultures originated and reproduced in northern China and even East Asia. Geologically, both site groups belong to the Haihe River valley; chronologically, the Nihewan sites date to ca. 1.7 million years ago, and the Zhoukoudian sites date to ca. 0.5 million years ago; and culturally, both are dominated by the small-flake-tool culture. Thus, it is speculated that the early culture in the Zhoukoudian sites came from the migrants from the Nihewan Basin who facilitated cultural diffusion in the area; in turn, it also affected the culture in the Nihewan area during the subsequent development. This paper proposes the development path of the Paleolithic culture in northern China, that is, early humans in this region roughly experienced three stages of subsistence from lake-dependent to cave-dependent and then to river-dependent.  相似文献   
明清以降,滇池在岁修制度下常年疏浚海口,水域范围基本稳定,但受季风气候影响,其水位存在明显季节性变化,夏秋上涨,冬春下降,主要表现为沿岸低田在雨季即周期性被湖水淹没的特点。随着滇池流域坝田开发趋于饱和,滇池沿岸低田的深水稻“水涨谷”,在明清之际逐步系统种植,实现滨湖低田稻作与滇池水位季节性变化的生态耦合。这种局面到20世纪60年代末彻底改变,入滇河道上游大小水库的修建,使滨湖低田逐渐干田化,水涨谷生长的水域环境发生变化。观察滇池水域环境与稻作生态互动的关系,发现当区域环境呈现出长时段的规律性变化,就可能变“害”为“利”,这是人与自然相处中适应并利用自然的智慧展现。  相似文献   
The emergence of stone-tipped projectile weaponry was an important event in hominin evolution. A common archaeological approach to identifying projectile weapons is to extrapolate from optimal values of ballistically-relevant attributes as determined from ethnographic North American weapons and modern experiments. Among the most significant of these attributes is “tip cross-sectional area” (TCSA) because it determines a point's efficiency in penetrating an animal. The warranting argument for projecting these data onto prehistoric artefacts is that past “research and development” necessarily led to stone projectiles with optimal TCSA values for a given delivery system. However, our test of this warranting argument, involving analysis of 132 hafted ethnographic Australian stone projectile points and 102 hafted knives, demonstrates that Aborigines did not optimize TCSA values, thus offering a challenge to TCSA-based narratives about the first appearance of projectile weaponry. This illustrates the difficulty of inferring ancient stoneworkers' design intentions from narrowly-defined optimal values. Instead, tool designs should be considered in the context of the reduction sequences that produced them and the dynamics of transmission of those reduction sequences across generations.  相似文献   
By 1900, most Swedish servants had a rural background. They had migrated to the city from the countryside to perform domestic service in private households. Here they met bourgeois ideals of the comfortable home where the masters could demand home-cooked meals, clean clothes and pleasant surroundings. Servants were needed in order to fulfil this ideal. Yet, the number of domestic servants declined strongly in urban Sweden during the first half of the 20th century. This problem is often called ‘the servant crisis’. We explore the background to the scarcity of servants, the relationships between masters and servants and the role of servants in creating economic and cultural distinctions. We analyse the various adaptations of bourgeois households to the decline of domestic servants. Qualitative sources from private letters, diaries and autobiographies are combined with quantitative evidence from censuses.  相似文献   

Heritage plays a central role in narratives of coastal regions that promote them as places of leisure. This paper compares this role of heritage in Sørlandet (Norway) and the Dutch Wadden Sea area. Both regions have rich and related cultural histories, but at the same time exhibit striking differences in the role of cultural heritage and other aspects of heritage in regional identity narratives that are aimed at attracting tourists. We conclude that while the narratives of Sørlandet affirm a romantic, picturesque image of pre-industrial, societies, those in the Dutch Wadden Sea area frame this region as a pristine and timeless wilderness, in which human history has no place.  相似文献   
广州大都市外围地区二元发展的矛盾及治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范凌云  雷诚 《人文地理》2010,25(1):44-48
结合广州案例选择界定研究范围,从空间形态、产业发展、土地利用、规划管理多方面分析大都市外围地区二元发展矛盾与特征,认为该地区承担了主城"自上而下"的空间外拓和外围撤市(县)设区后"自下而上"式的城镇蔓延。进而运用区域治理理论分析,指出其根源在于双轨城市化路径依赖下,现有规划编制与实施体系难以协调当前城乡二元土地管理制度下不同团体的利益冲突,认为广州应当从传统集权管理转向治理理念的协作方式,由此提出建立"发展需求管理、土地开发共同决策、发展利益分享"三个机制的对策研究。  相似文献   
河南境内的丹江流域、淮河流域及黄河之滨史前文化遗址中,均发现有稻作遗存。有充分的证据证明,史前河南境内的稻是本地种植的。河南所处的黄淮地区是稻粟混作区。  相似文献   
云纹瓦当在洛阳地区的发展与演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓦当,作为一种建筑构件,其外形或当面图案纹饰在不同时期有着明显的变化,是现代考古发掘与研究工作中确定某一城址或建筑基址时代的可靠标志物。本文通过对洛阳地区出土的东周──魏晋云纹瓦当进行收集与整理研究,确定时代并总结出发展演变规律。  相似文献   
西北干旱区旅游业持续发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西北干旱区发展旅游业具有明显的资源优势,本文通过分析西北地区旅游业发展的背景、现状、资源条件和客源市场条件、限制性因素和存在问题,探讨了旅游业持续发展的动力机制,总结出西北干旱区旅游业发展模式并提出了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   
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