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对可持续发展与城乡发展的理性思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
冯健 《人文地理》1999,14(3):31-35
一定区域内城市与乡村的发展及城乡关系的合理演进构建了区域可持续发展的整体框架。本文从逻辑和现实的角度出发,提出城市内涵发展和乡村生存与有序发展模式,尤其强调指出:扩展城市可持续发展领域、探寻新的城市发展理论是城市内涵发展的重要内容;可持续发展模式不适于贫困乡村及一般乡村的发展。对城乡关系的演进,从演进态势、促进其合理演进的契合点及营建区域可持续发展空间关系网络角度等几个方面展开讨论,以揭示城乡发展与可持续发展的关联,力求对新形势下区域整体合理发展有所裨益。  相似文献   
The development of Chinese ceramics culminated during the Song dynasty. At this time, exquisite celadon works emerged, such as Ru Guan celadon and Southern Song dynasty official kiln celadon, which exhibited the glory of their era. Since the excavation of Zhanggongxiang kiln celadon in Ruzhou city, Henan province, China, it has been attracting widespread scholarly attention at home and abroad. Most scholars have suggested that Zhanggongxiang is the official kiln of the Northern Song dynasty. In this paper, taking the celadon unearthed from the Zhanggongxiang kiln as a sample, the combination of laser Raman spectrum and thermal expansion methods is used to study the inheritance relationship between Zhanggongxiang celadon and Ru Guan celadon in the firing process. Meanwhile, the rationality of using Raman Ip value to evaluate the firing temperature of ceramics is reviewed. The main conclusions are as follows. First, the firing temperature of Zhanggongxiang celadon with various glaze colours is quite different, whereas the firing temperature of the same glaze colour is similar, thereby inheriting the firing technology of Ru Guan porcelain. Second, the Ip value of glaze cannot evaluate the firing temperature of porcelain with similar firing temperature. The Ip value corresponds to a range, within which it does not fully conform to the rule that the larger the Ip value, the higher the firing temperature. The Ip value is also associated with the formulation in addition to firing temperature. It is applicable to evaluating porcelains with a similar formulation but a large temperature difference.  相似文献   
黄剑 《安徽史学》2016,(4):89-96
民元鼎革之际,中华书局以共和教科书为突破口,抢占商务教科书市场份额。面对危机,商务领导人张元济将其丰富从政经验与政治智慧导入商业模式,加之苦心经营政学商三界高端人脉有年,故得以及时调整并挽回颓势。商务也适时利用其丰沛人脉,在动荡不安的历史年代夹缝中求生存,以文化出版事业为桥梁,无分新旧左右、禹内域外,效仿科举大举储才,将各方势力活成一片,使人脉在商务这个"变相之官场"的平台上,继续在政学商界良性延展,获得了自身历史上义利双赢的黄金时代。  相似文献   
This paper contributes to the dawning disruption of the prevailing notion of the child–nature relationship through a new materialist reading of children’s dens, and proffers a re-grounded and worldly gaze on the relationship with implications for the promotion of children’s outdoor lives. The study is an ethnographical field study among 10–12-year-old boys in a Danish school. Data were generated through participant observation, and include video recordings and photographs of children’s dens. Drawing on a flat ontology and plugging in key Ingoldian concepts of meshwork and growing (Ingold 2011a, 2013), the analysis suggests that children’s relations to dens cut across taken-for-granted subject–object binaries and go beyond common notions of nature as inert materials. I find that dens are growing in an ever-becoming meshwork comprised by human and non-human intra-actions, and that agency or vitality can be ascribed broadly to the material world. Possible implications for planning are considered.  相似文献   
徐象平 《人文地理》2005,20(6):115-118
人地关系是历史地理学研究的核心。本文以系统方法论为指导,对人地关系发展过程中所体现出来的宏观、中观和微观的时间特征进行了初步分析,认为历史地理学在探讨人地关系中,其所揭示的过程是完整性和阶段性、连续性与差异性的统一过程,因而是最富有揭示人地关系动态过程及其规律的学科之一。  相似文献   
黄河沿岸人地关系与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文明的产生与扩散是人地相互作用的反映,不同的文明与不同的地理环境密切相关,不同发展阶段的文明又反映了不同类别的地理要素的组合及其共同作用。产生古文明的区域,在新的发展阶段由于地理环境优势的变化,又面临着严峻的发展挑战。本文分析了黄河文明的起源、扩散与地理环境的关系,黄河特殊的"曲流"形式以及中国特殊的地形阶梯及气候带与晋商的形成,黄河沿岸东西、南北经济的相互作用及其现代发展滞后的地理因素的影响,得出了一些新的观点。在此观点的基础上,本文认为黄河沿岸的现代发展应该考虑:由河流治理为主转变为发展为主,重新认识黄河流域特殊的地理要素和社会文化要素的优势,充分利用黄河沿岸的上下互动、两岸腹地的左右互动,系统地考虑和反思黄河对国家和沿岸地区发展的综合作用,综合谋划黄河沿岸地区的发展。  相似文献   

The return of Berengar of Ivrea to Italy in 945 was a point of great change for the political networks of the kingdom of Italy. Berengar is typically presented assuming control, first ruling in practice with the Bosonids Hugh and Lothar as puppets, then openly taking the crown following Lothar’s death in 950. Berengar, we are told, installed those who supported his insurrection in key positions, and marginalised or suborned those who had supported the Bosonids. This account is based almost exclusively on the narrative of the Antapodosis of Liutprand of Cremona. Liutprand’s work had complex personal and political motivations which led him to construct carefully an image of Hugh, Lothar, Berengar and of Italy as a whole. Moreover, Liutprand’s narrative conflicts with contemporary accounts of the period, as well as the charter record. This article demonstrates these inconsistencies and describes more nuanced changes in political structures in 945–50.  相似文献   
本文选取滇池南缘的柴河三角洲为研究对象,试图在小尺度范围内复原明清以来柴河三角洲乡村聚落的发展、分布,并进一步揭示明清以降在人类活动加剧的背景下滇池流域的人地互动。研究发现,从明代中后期至清代,柴河三角洲在滇池水利开发、三角洲营田技术的运用以及南岸入滇河流自然沉积的共同作用下得以迅速沉积,最终形成于18世纪。聚落随着三角洲的沉积不断向滇池岸边拓展。受到土地开发过程和土壤肥力分布等因素的影响,聚落分布的密度则从三角洲上部到底端逐渐递减。  相似文献   
以往关于中国古代城市选址的研究多注重宏观因素,本文认为虽然这些宏观要素对于城市选址起到了一定的决定因素,但城址最终是由人来选择的,而人对于各种因素、利弊必然有着不同的认识,其结果不是一种必然。地理因素或者宏观因素在很大程度上决定了在某一区域中可能会产生城市,但是否产生了城市以及城市的微观选址则是由人决定的。这些问题是以往研究所忽视的。本文认为城市选址是一种过程,是一种以人为主体的"人地关系"。  相似文献   
海河水系以"清"为名的大清河其实只是相对于位居其南、其北著名浊流滹沱河与永定河而言的"清"河。历史时期,随着上游水土流失的日益加剧,大清河南系各河含沙量不断增高,干流段决徙逐渐频繁。本文利用历史文献,对先秦以来在自然与人类活动共同影响下的大清河南系的变迁进行了探讨,揭示和总结了两千余年来水系格局变动的基本过程及主要特点。大清河南系又是白洋淀湖群地表径流补给最大的水源,上述研究结论还将是理解和分析这一著名湖群演变不可忽视的重要基础。  相似文献   
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