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As a knowledge domain, contemporary indigenous tourism is framed in reference to cultures conventionally recognized as ‘indigenous,’ and engages this almost exclusively from a supply-side perspective. This paper reimagines indigeneity and indigenous tourism as embracing also the other 94% of global population. From a utilitarian perspective, this inclusion of ‘nonconventional indigenous people’ harbors opportunities to advance the sustainability agenda by reconnecting modern mainstream cultures, through personal exposure in dispersed settings, with ancestral roots and associated sustainable livelihoods. Such reconnections are framed as a form of re-indigenization that may be especially attractive to ‘travel promiscuous’ diasporic populations such as those found in the ‘settler’ countries of Canada, United States, Australia, and New Zealand. Articulation of this concept could be facilitated by existing knowledge domains and products in heritage tourism, rural tourism, and urban tourism, as well as sustainable tourism. Rather than usurping conventional indigenous efforts to re-indigenize and re-empower, it is contended that the nonconventional dimension can coexist with and even reinforce the latter, while enriching the dimensions of indigenous tourism as a dynamic knowledge domain.  相似文献   
论文基于质性研究方法,以人口国际迁移现象比较突出的明溪县H村为研究个案,从家庭收支特征、家庭地位、婚姻生活状态和社会支持网络等方面考察和分析了丈夫跨国迁移对农村留守妇女婚姻家庭生活的影响。研究结果显示,丈夫出国使家庭条件和物质生活得到改善,推动了农村妇女家庭地位的改善,电话联系弥补了夫妻空间分离造成的负面影响,但丈夫缺位使留守妇女承担了多重责任,婚姻品质和社会生活也因为丈夫出国而改变。与此同时,留守妇女的消费结构和消费观念并没有因为丈夫出国而发生明显的改变,社会生活支持网络并未弱化,仍是传统的亲属网络。  相似文献   
抗战爆发后,鲁西冀南乡村平民宁静的乡土生活被打乱。他们在战乱中过着恐慌与被掠夺的日子,日伪不间歇的"扫荡"中,"跑反"成为生活的一部分。由于日伪残酷掠夺和榨取,加之灾荒连绵不断,使得鲁西冀南乡村平民百姓生活极度困苦,吃、住、行都与战前呈现出不同的样态。鲁西冀南乡村平民百姓的战时生活状态,某种意义上是中共抗日根据地某个时段老百姓日常生活的一个缩影。  相似文献   
本文从历史、经验和理论三个角度论证了乡村地理学以乡村区域系统为研究对象。在对乡村区域系统特征分析的基础上概括出当代乡村地理学13个方面65个要点的基本研究内容,并偿试性地建构了以结构、进化和与环境关联为主体的乡村区域系统理论框架。  相似文献   
本文选择"世界文化遗产"丽江(大研)古镇近旁的三元村作为乡村旅游研究对象,以其原生态民族文化为靓点,发展特色独具的乡村旅游,补偿"世界文化遗产"核心区丽江古镇纳西东巴文化受到过分商业化的冲击和原创文化不断流失的缺陷,搭建高端民族文化型乡村旅游平台,其主要目标是吸引中远程游客,满足其深入了解,亲身体验原创性民族文化的真谛之需,同时又推动民族地区乡村经济开放式健康发展,保障优秀民族文化得以传承。  相似文献   
以广东省五华县为例,以行政村为单元,在政策指标测算法的基础上,从自然环境状况、经济保障能力和社会因素等3方面构建理论潜力修正模型,将理论潜力修正为可实现潜力,并根据土地适宜性评价估算增加耕地潜力,以期为科学编制农村土地整治规划提供依据。研究表明,五华县农村居民点用地布局分散、规模小、空间差异显著,呈现出沿河谷、沿交通线路分布的典型特征。到2020年,农村居民点整治理论潜力为5683.91 hm2,北部村庄的整治潜力较大;可实现潜力修正系数为0.54,与理论潜力相差较大,各行政村之间差异明显;新增耕地潜力系数介于0.32-0.94,预计新增耕地1943.41 hm2,琴江、五华河沿线村庄的新增耕地潜力较大。建议实施差别化的农村居民点整治对策,推进五华县农村土地整治。  相似文献   
本文首先探讨了西方社会对乡村认知转型的基本思潮,其演进脉络经历了生产主义、后生产主义和多功能乡村三个阶段。在此基础上,本文尝试建立了从主体和功能两个维度进行乡村认知的基本框架,并从历史视角对中国乡村的认知变迁进行了回溯。新中国成立以来,对于乡村的认知大致经历了牺牲型乡村和追赶型乡村两个阶段,直至城乡统筹的概念提出,才有一定的改变。本文提出了当前中国乡村的三重价值——乡村的农业价值、乡村的腹地价值和乡村的家园价值。基于这样的多元价值,尝试性地提出了"乡村复兴"的概念框架。  相似文献   
Many chronological and cultural facets of Early and Middle Holocene Prehistoric Oman are still unclear. Archaeological excavations of settlements and cemeteries are adding new data to the reconstruction of a chronological and cultural framework. Wadi Shab-GAS1 is a Middle Holocene site found at the beginning of the 1980s and later destroyed by urbanisation. It is located in a rich environmental niche, on a cliff facing the sea and near a permanent freshwater source. Three years of fieldwork at this site brought to light structural remains, a cemetery and interesting material culture.  相似文献   
新时期农村合作医疗改革述论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新时期农村合作医疗经历了曲折的发展历程。随着家庭承包经营的推行,农村合作医疗迅速瓦解,覆盖率由20世纪70年代末的90%下降到1985年的5%。90年代初开始,党和政府努力恢复合作医疗,但重建工作一再受挫。农民自费医疗的境况带来了严重的社会问题。2003年初,新型农村合作医疗制度出台,这是又一项富有中国特色的社会主义制度创新。几年来的试点和推广实践证明,新型农村合作医疗制度符合我国的实际,对保障农民身体健康、维护社会和谐和促进经济发展具有重要意义。同时,建立完善的农村医疗保障制度需要各方力量的整合,任重而道远。  相似文献   
According to Bruno Latour, the imposition of crude classificatory schemes onto complex entities has two main effects: firstly, the classifications lead social actors to sift the world into the schemes' simple categories; secondly, underlying relations subvert the schemes' functioning, resulting in the production of transgressive 'hybrids'. Thus, classification and relation interact and this interaction shapes both the practice of classification and the world that is classified. In this paper, we examine the interaction between a scheme of spatial classification and the spaces that are enrolled within the scheme. We show that a division between urban and rural areas was put in place in post-war England in order to protect a 'vulnerable' rural nature from urban advance. However, as soon as it was imposed, this division was transgressed by complex socio-economic processes. We assess the response to this transgression by considering the activities of the Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE), an environmental group that played some considerable part in constructing the urban–rural divide in the first place. We show that the CPRE has responded to the 'paradox of preservationism' by placing urban–rural divisions in the context of 'ecological' relationships. We illustrate this 'ecologization' of the modernist divide using the example of housing and we argue that the CPRE's ecological approach illustrates how a new alignment between 'urban' and 'rural' may herald a new and more sophisticated form of spatial classification.  相似文献   
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