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在日本冲之岛发现23个祭祀遗址,可分岩上、岩阴、半岩阴半露天、露天4类型,年代约为4世纪中叶至9世纪后期。祭祀由当时日本的中央政权主持,当地豪族宗像氏参与,目的在于向统管此海域的女神祈求航海的平安。古代日本与中国交往频繁,这在冲之岛祭祀遗址出土的许多供品上都有反映。  相似文献   
张勇 《华夏考古》2002,(3):24-30
所谓明器 ,又叫做冥器 ,是古人专为随葬而制作并无其它实用价值的各种物品的模型。明器究竟是如何产生的 ?最早的明器出现在什么时候 ?又是怎样演化的等等 ,都是值得认真探讨的问题。一笔者认为 ,明器作为一种特殊的随葬物品 ,属于人类丧葬礼俗活动的范畴 ,如果追根求源 ,探讨其来历 ,还应该从人类丧葬礼俗的产生说起。丧葬礼俗是人类所独有的一种社会活动和文化行为。它的出现和其他事物一样 ,取决于人类物质生活的生产方式 ,是诸多复杂因素交互作用的综合产物。据研究 ,当人类经过极其漫长的历史发展过程 ,进化到早期智人阶段以后 ,人类的…  相似文献   
王霞 《中原文物》2005,(5):57-60
宋明清三朝各有不同规模的仿制三代青铜礼器之举,器物质地有铜、瓷、木、竹、漆等.表面上这种仿制活动只是不同时期决策者的个人爱好,深入研究则可以发现其目的是要借此复建以青铜礼器为代表的夏商周三代的礼乐制度,并规范社会行为,是对三代青铜文明的渴求与复兴.  相似文献   
大清定鼎中原前夕和之后一个半世纪,在满汉文化思想接触、碰撞、相互融合的历史过程中,清帝出自居安思危、巩固皇权和延缓政权衰落周期的目的,在皇族宗室子孙、八旗子弟及中枢臣僚中开展民族传统教育,强调“力戒汉俗”、“不忘满洲骑射旧俗”,并将其视为“祖宗家法”和与国家民族命运攸关的基本教育之法。自太宗至仁宗嬗递六代,其间因各朝政治形势和教育针对性的变化,发生诸多修正,由此反映出社会进步的历程。  相似文献   

This article investigates the importance of papal letters and crusade sermons for the process of recruiting crusaders and analyses different communicative aspects which were at play during events recruiting for the crusade. It argues that both papal letters and sermons were vital elements for effective crusade propaganda but that they fulfilled distinct functions. While letters emanating from the papal curia set the strategic, organisational and legal goalposts for crusade propaganda, crusade sermons were central to the successful recruitment of crusaders. The article highlights the performative aspects of crusade preaching by Pope Urban II at Clermont in 1095 and Abbot Martin of Pairis at Basel in 1200 and shows that ritualised communication played an important role during recruitment events.  相似文献   
Postprocessual archaeology has placed great importance on individuals and social interaction, though in practice this often proves a difficult project to realize. The rich archaeological and cultural data offered in an Egyptian context suggest that it is possible to identify how specific individuals and groups functioned with a domestic context, taking into account the complex vectors of social inequality—age, sex, class, status, and life experience. In the process, this paper seeks to question the narrow construal ofgender as analogous to the domain of women, and show the inadequacies of such an approach. It offers an opportunity to mesh material culture with social theory by linking sociocultural, spatial, and temporal data.  相似文献   
The Phalaborwa region in the Northern Province of South Africa has one of the richest copper- and iron-bearing deposits in southern Africa. These deposits have been worked for 1200 years and are still being worked. The abundance of ore reduction and metal production sites, dating mostly to the Late Iron Age, testifies to the importance of these deposits. Those sites that were excavated provide valuable insight into the industrial processes, economy, rituals, and use of animals by these specialized communities. The faunal remains reflect different lifestyles, but also indicate that animal husbandry was not of primary importance. The communities were focused predominantly on metal production. The soils and climate of the region are not very suitable for herding and agriculture. Subsequently products of the metal working activities such as hoes were used as replacement for cattle in bride wealth. La région Phalaborwa dans la province Nord d'Afrique de Sud constitue l'un des dépôts les plus riches de cuivre et de fer du sud d'Afrique. Ces dépôts ont été exploités pendant 1200 années et le sont toujours. L'importance de la réduction du minerais et de la production de métal de ces sites, datés pour la plupart sur la fin del'Age de Fer, témoignent de la richesse de ces dépôts. Deux sites qui furent fouillés, donnent des renseignements valables à propos des processus industriels, de l'économie, desrites et de l'utilisation des animaux par ces communautes spécialisées. Les ossements de la faune reflètent différents modes de view, mais indiquent également que l'économie animalière n'était pas de la première importance. Les sols et le climat de la région ne sont propices, ni à l'agriculture. D'autres produits issus du travail du fer, comme des houes, ont été utilisées en remplacement de l'élevage.  相似文献   
我国商周时期的青铜礼器数量大,种类丰富,制作精致,是华夏古文化的精华。在商周社会,礼器是贵族奴隶主在祭祀、宴享等重要的仪礼性活动中使用的一种器物。青铜礼器只有贵族才能使用,不同等级的贵族所使用的铜礼器的数量、种类、大小都有严格的区别。所以,铜礼器在奴隶社会是“明...  相似文献   
The prehistoric to post-Roman site of West Hill, Uley in southwestern Britain was excavated between 1976 and 1979, and yielded a quarter of a million animal bones. Part of the site was a ritual complex, and this in particular produced a considerable amount of domestic fowl. A major problem has been to evaluate the immature domestic fowl bones and determine whether all ages are represented. This presents problems because the varieties of fowl represented are unknown. Therefore, can the osteometric data be seen as homogeneous? In fact the distribution of adult measurements suggests that one variety was mainly represented, that a wide range of ages of fowl were sacrificed, and that the selection of birds was probably not entirely random. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
殷墟仿铜陶礼器墓试析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
殷墟四期偏晚阶段出现仿铜陶礼器墓,其器物组合较固定,所含器类较全,学者对其认识不一。作者认为其出现有深刻的社会原因,同时又和人们的意识形态、思想变化密不可分,是人们对资源利用观念的一种转变。  相似文献   
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