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This project offers a finer interpretation of whiteness by highlighting responses of white, working-class commercial fishermen and working-class African Americans to initiatives aimed at shifting Franklin County, Florida's economy from a production base to real estate and tourism development. We qualitatively examine the influence of working-class whiteness on workers' ‘structure of feeling’ or emotive responses regarding the move to post-production activities. Building on critical white studies, we argue that white fishermen have not been able to secure black support for the fishermen's resistance to restructuring because of differing structures of feeling these groups have towards economic diversification. In turn, alternative structures of feelings for whites and blacks derive from racialized, local landscapes and contemporary occupational segregation in fisheries.  相似文献   
The restructuring of the pulp and paper industry in the European Community is examined. The factors underlying recent restructuring are evaluated in the light of the impending creation of a Single European Market. Two main sets of factors are identified. ‘Pull’ factors relate directly to Europe as a unified market. ‘Push’ factors relate to sources of supply, as well as to markets.  相似文献   
While renewable resources appear to be the ideal basis for sustainable development, such development assumes that extraction can be restricted to the rate of natural increase in an intact ecosystem. The long record of failure to sustain the yield of biological resources suggests that such restriction is possible only in theory. While fish and timber are renewable, in practice they have not been sustainable. Although both may remain abundant, or at least stable, on a national basis, aggregate data disguise a sequence of regional cycles of boom and collapse, in which the market shares of regions in decline are taken by other regions which have not yet reached the point of crisis. Sustainability in regional resource extraction is achieved only in the chastening aftermath of resource collapse, and usually at levels significantly below those theoretically attainable from the productivity of the original ecosystem. This paper reviews the multiple, and mutually reinforcing, causes of the cycle of overexploitation and collapse, termed the resource cycle. It closes by considering the limitations that the resource cycle imposes on public policy, and their implications for the recovery of depleted resources. Bien que les ressources renouvelables apparaissent idéales pour le soutien du développement durable, un tel développement implique que l'extraction puisse être restreinte au niveau du taux de croissance naturel d'un écosystème intact. La longue liste d'échecs visant à soutenir la production de ressources biologiques semble indiquer qu'une telle restriction n'est possible qu'en théorie. Malgré le fait que le poisson et le bois constituent des ressources renouvelables, en pratique, elles ne sont pas encore durables. Bien que les deux demeurent abondantes, ou du moins stables, à l'échelle nationale, les données agrégées camouflent une séquence de cycles régionaux de croissance et d'effondrement. Ainsi, les parts de marché des régions en déclin sont soutenues par d'autres régions n'ayant pas encore atteint l'état de crise. Le développement durable de l'extraction des ressources régionales s'effectue donc seulement en réponse à l'effondrement de ressources, et généralement à des niveaux nettement plus bas que ceux théoriquement accessibles selon la productivité de l'écosystème d'origine. Cet article examine les causes multiples et mutuellement renforcées du cycle de surexploitation et d'effondrement, que l'on nomme le cycle des ressources. L'article conclue en considérant les limites qu'impose le cycle des ressources sur les politiques gouvernementales ainsi que sur leurs implications pour le recouvrement de ressources épuisées.  相似文献   
The tripartite division of physical geography into geomorphology, climatology and biogeography is still often quoted, but developments in the last two decades have resulted in restructuring of the discipline. Significant publications by physical geographers now occur dominantly in multidisciplinary rather than in core geography journals. Analysis of the contents of ten journals and of the submissions to the 1996 UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) demonstrate the current pre-eminence of two sub-disciplines: geomorphology with hydrology, and Quaternary environmental change. Complementing research in the sub-disciplines, six trends towards a more integrated physical geography are identified as indicators of restructuring that has already occurred. Three futures are suggested for physical geography. The first, the status quo, is thought to be unlikely. The second, the disappearance of physical geography into other disciplinary areas would leave holistic investigations to other disciplines and so is undesirable. Thus, the third alternative, a renaissance of a more integrated physical geography, provides the most likely future. It is supported by existing integrative trends, provides a natural sequel to reductionist specialization, reflects the strong identity for the geographical approach to the earth and environmental sciences and the spatio-analytical approach integrating deductive and inductive studies, and it focuses on human–environmental interactions that could have implications for geography as a whole.  相似文献   
张延吉  张磊  吴凌燕 《人文地理》2016,31(3):102-108
我国制造业的空间重构不仅表现为整体格局和职能强度的变化,更体现在内部构成要素的分化上。我国从事制造业的正规与非正规从业人员比例由2000年的41.7:58.3转变为2010年的29.3:70.7。两者的空间结构差异明显,非正规就业密度由沿海向内陆逐步递减,而正规就业在内陆省会城市存在明显高地。本文分析了制造业重构过程中的六类城市及其分布变化。研究表明,全球化进程和就业门槛显著促进了非正规就业增长;非正规就业也与经济发展存在共生关系,但与制度环境并无显著关联;此外廉价劳动力、市场可达性与规模经济对制造业的区位选择具有显著影响。  相似文献   
In an era of globalisation the 'global' is very much implicated in the 'local'. Local events like conflicts therefore need to be understood in the context of the dynamics of globalisation. This paper argues that neoliberal globalisation undergoes a thorough grounding in accordance with the pre-existing socio-cultural and economic specificities of places, which impact upon inter-community alienation and conflict. Using four case studies from a Hindu–Muslim conflict in a neoliberalising city, Ahmedabad, India, this paper illustrates how open market policies are implicated in local industrial restructuring and urban renewal that simultaneously utilise place-specific ethnocentrism to exclude and fragment the poor.  相似文献   
This research analyzes the material and discursive transformations of children’s play in the urban context of socio-economic transformations brought about by neoliberal restructuring in Istanbul. Two new private play centers called ‘children’s cities’ and one public playground are investigated by using observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The findings of discourse analysis suggest that processes of privatization, exclusion and securitization underlying the city space deeply structure the new geographies of play. The hegemonic presence of private spaces is reinforced with the municipal neglect of public play spaces and also with particular framing of ‘good play’ as exclusive, secure and instrumental. The important conclusion is that neither the children’s cities nor the public playground observed in this study can fully meet the benchmarks of ‘the right to play’ that encompasses play that is free of charge and play as a right in itself rather than as instrumental for other developmental goals.  相似文献   
This paper reviews trends over the last two to three decades in the socio‐economic divisions in Australia, focusing on their spatial dimensions. It provides empirical evidence that our society is dividing on multiple dimensions – including shifts in industry and occupational structure, income distribution, the incidence of poverty. And it demonstrates that the differentiations across space in socio‐economic phenomena also have complex multiple dimensions, which are explained inadequately by a ‘city/bush’ dichotomy popularly espoused by politicians and reported in the media. Processes of globalisation, economic restructuring and employment shifts, and changing patterns of population movement are combining to create stark differentials between places both within the major cities as well as in regional Australia. As demonstrated by the recent One Nation phenomenon, voter backlash is strong, and it too has specific spatial characteristics.  相似文献   
This paper brings together two separate rural and small town community research areas. The first involves patterns of migration while the second involves the economic restructuring of work in Canada's single-industry resource-dependent communities. Our expectations regarding household migration in such communities still derive largely from Lucas' model of community development in single-industry towns where significant migration activity declines as the community matures. However, contemporary economic restructuring pressures are upsetting this stability and it is therefore appropriate to re-examine the conceptual model. Household mobility is examined using information for three communities in British Columbia's central interior. The “reasons for moving” which households identify are first examined to delineate a set of migration motivations. This is then extended by looking at the types of communities from which the households have moved. A community typology, based upon population size, frames a discussion which emphasizes previous residential experience with metropolitan and non-metropolitan locations. The findings suggest that most inmigrants come for employment opportunities. The findings also suggest that while urban locations are important contributors of in-migrants, most relocated from other rural and small town communities. The scale of contemporary economic restructuring and the scale of migration as a component of local population change suggest that there are a number of alternate futures for community development beyond the “Maturity” stage Lucas identified. Beyond the detailed results, implications for small resource-dependent communities include that: 1) in-migration for employment is an important community change dynamic, 2) the uncertainty of employment stability due to industry restructuring may be creating a ‘transient‘ cohort of workers, and 3) both of these processes generate important social geography pressures which in turn can affect local community development. L'intérèt de cet article est de réunir deux thèmes de recherches différents sur les communautés rurales et les petites villes. Le premier touche à la répartition de la migration et de la mobilité alors que le second touche à la restructuration économique du travail au Canada dans les communautés monoindustrielles essentiellement dépendantes d'une seule activité. La migration des ménages dans de telles communautés s'explique largement à partir du modèle de développement communautaire des villes mono-industrielles à vocation unique de Lucas, là où l'importance de la migration dæcline en fonction de la maturité de la communauté. Toutefois, les pressions économiques contemporaines de restructuration bouleversent cette stabilité, il est donc nécessaire de réexaminer ce modèle conceptuel. La mobilité des ménages est analysée en utilisant l'information de trois communautés de l'intérieur de la Colombie Britannique. Dans un premier temps, les raisons du déménagement que les ménages identifient sont étudiées pour décrire l'ensemble des motivations de migration. Ensuite, cette analyse des motivations est complexifiée en considérant les types de communautés que les ménages ont quitées. Une typologie des communatués basée sur la taille de la population soulève une discusion qui met l'accent sur l'expérience résidentielle antérieure dans les contextes métropolitains et non-méntropolitains. Les conclusions suggèrent que la plupart des migrants viennent pour les opportunités d'emplois. On observe également que bien qu'un certain nombre d'entre eux soient issue des localités métropolitaines, la plupart se sont relocalisés à partir d'autres communautés rurales ou des petites villes. L‘échelle de la restructuration économique et l’échelle de la migration comme composante du changement de la population locale suggèrent qu'il existe plusieurs possibilités pour le développement de la communauté audelà de la phase de “maturité” telle qu'identifiée par Lucas. Au-delà des résultats détaillés, les implications pour les petites villes mono-industrielles essentiellement dépendenates d'une seule activité incluent: 1) que la migration pour l'emploi est une dynamique importante de changement communautaire, 2) que l'incertitude dans la stabilité, des emplois, causée par la restructuration de l'industrie peut créer une classe de travailleurs de passage et, 3) que ces deux processus influencent la géographie sociale de ces villes mono-industrielles, et parconséquent, les stratégies de développement communautaire.  相似文献   
沈阳市工业空间重组及其动力机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
延善玉  张平宇  马延吉  李蕾 《人文地理》2007,22(3):107-111,41
在分析城市工业空间结构演进规律的基础上,对沈阳市改革开放以来工业空间结构的演变进行分析,发现沈阳市工业的空间扩散趋势明显,进入工业郊区化的发展阶段。城区传统工业企业外迁,优化了城区的土地利用结构。近郊工业化成效显著,成为沈阳市新的工业基地。指出工业发展和结构调整,城市土地使用制度改革,生态城市建设,跨国公司的FDI,文化观念的转变均是影响沈阳市工业空间重组的重要因素。  相似文献   
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