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以工代赈是中国古代传统的救荒方法,明代继承了这种赈济手段。明代的工赈主要由地方政府来组织进行,地方富民(士绅)也在其中扮演了重要角色,但国家缺乏相应统一的政策和制度。明代中后期,随着地方财政收入的多样化和人们认识的转变,工赈获得了更加广泛的运用。明代工赈虽然在实际运用中取得了较好地效果,大批饥民得以生存,但并没有突破其"临时性"的特征,因此其局限性仍然明显。  相似文献   

Historiographies of humanitarian aid and aid agencies alike had suggested an ever-growing politicization and militarization following the end of the ‘cold war’. But already in the 1980s, the field of humanitarian aid underwent extensive changes; new aid agencies no longer relied on Christian ideas of charity or leftist internationalism, short-term aid gained new importance and an ever-growing disaster awareness can be observed. The relief organization ‘Cap Anamur ’/’ German Emergency Doctors’ (GED) was founded in 1979 with the purpose of saving the so-called ‘boat people’. Typical for its time, it ascribed to a pure and innate humanitarian impulse summarized under the term ‘radical humanism’. Using the example of GED the article sets out to scrutinise the policies of this new humanitarianism that can be summarized as ‘controlled demerging’. The article brings into focus humanitarian aid as such, its own logic deriving from a particular idea of humanitarianism, considering both site-specific practices and also specific policies that are not necessarily congruent with political or economic interests. It becomes clear that the basis for the new political meaning humanitarian aid gained from the 1990s onwards was already laid by the humanitarian-aid agencies themselves.  相似文献   
Historians of early-modern poverty have emphasized the ways in which the poor ‘made shift’, reducing or even preventing their dependence on formal poor relief. This article looks at one aspect of that ‘economy of makeshifts’: the casual support of the poor by their neighbours. It uses evidence from a uniquely extensive archive of pauper petitions from Lancashire (1626–1710), many of which contain incidental information about strategies of making shift. The petitions suggest that neighbourly support for the needy was common in Lancashire, both through localized begging and in more stable supportive relationships. Nonetheless, the charity of neighbours could easily be exhausted, leaving those in poverty forced to call upon the more formalized support of the Poor Law.  相似文献   
城市规模分布的分形和分维   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
研究城市规模分布的分形特征,修正了一些位序—规模模型,将历史上出现的有关城市规模分布的模型统一在分形形式之下,并给出了具有一般意义的三参数Zipf模型:P(k)=A(K-a)-q。将Zipf维数与大自然1/fβ起伏的β指数进行类比,认为分维D=1/q=1是一种先验的优化维数,进而提出结构优化的1/r型城市位序—规模分布,以此作为城市体系等级结构规划的依据之一。  相似文献   
The study of the life cycle of pottery, from the selection of raw materials and the production stage through distribution and use to ultimate discard, can make a valuable contribution to archaeological research. The aim of the present paper is to provide a summary and critical assessment of the particular contribution of the physical sciences to the reconstruction and interpretation of this life cycle, in large part through the presentation of selected case studies. The topics covered include the reconstruction of the technology used in pottery production, through a combination of microscopy, radiography, and chemical analysis; the investigation of the extent of craft specialization and the organization of pottery production; the reconstruction of pottery distribution from its production center, using thin-section petrography and chemical analysis, and the interpretation of these data in terms of exchange and trade; the reconstruction of the consumption stage or uses to which pottery was put, from the study of surface wear, organic residues, and performance characteristics; and a discussion of the reasons for the introduction of pottery and for the different technological choices made in pottery production. Throughout, the importance of considering the overall environmental, technological, economic, sociopolitical, cultural–ideological and historical context in which the pottery was produced, distributed, and consumed is emphasized. The paper is concerned, almost-exclusively, with unglazed earthenware spanning prehistory through to circa 1500 AD.  相似文献   
山东临沂吴白庄汉画像石墓   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东临沂吴白座汉画像石墓由墓道、墓门、墓室、回廊、耳室组成,出土了少量随葬品和大量画像石材,画面内容丰富,主题鲜明,雕刻技法婚熟,线条流畅,为我们研究汉代的政治、经济、宗教信仰等提供了宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   
为了研究吐鲁番地区古遗址分布特征,运用GIS的空间分析方法对吐鲁番地区不同时期古遗址的空间分布特征进行了分析研究。从地形特征进行分析发现吐鲁番地区古遗址在海拔-100m~200m,坡度0~15度的洪积平原区集中分布。通过点线分析发现吐鲁番地区古遗址距河流,距道路距离都在一定的范围之内分布,可以得出古遗址的分布有线性分布的特征;通过聚集分析,发现吐鲁番地区古遗址具有以交河古城和高昌故城两个比较明显的聚集点为中心分布的聚集特性。研究古遗址的空间分布特征为古遗址的进一步的研究和保护提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   
兰州城市建筑构成与空间分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用高精度卫星影象和大规模实地调查方法获取数据,采用GIS手段和数理统计方法,利用建筑占地面积和建筑面积两项指标,分别研究了兰州市及其各区、功能区、各组团圈层的现状建筑构成与空间分布特点和规律。研究结果表明了兰州市各圈层的各种建筑类型所占的地位及其差异、不同区不同圈层不同建筑类型建筑的年代构成和现代化趋势及其差异。  相似文献   
采用GIS技术、百度大数据和相关模型,以1994、2004和2014年为时间节点,对中国足球俱乐部的空间分布格局、动态变化规律及其社会影响力进行了分析。结果表明:①1994-2014年,中国足球俱乐部主要分布在环渤海、珠三角、长三角、长江与黄河中下游、京广沿线,分布范围扩展、集聚性先增后减;中超俱乐部主要分布在东部沿海城市,集聚性逐渐增强,中甲和中乙俱乐部空间分布格局趋向均匀化;②2014年,中超、中甲和中乙俱乐部综合影响力之比为28:7:1,俱乐部影响力前三强广州恒大、北京国安和山东鲁能,影响力空间分布格局表现出明显的圈层分布特征,中西部地区俱乐部较少、影响力低,强影响力区与高密度区并不完全重合,影响力与俱乐部历史、成绩、升降级、区域足球文化相关。  相似文献   
区域创新中心建设对区域创新资源整合优化,发挥区域创新优势意义重大。研究运用最邻近距离、核密度估计、探索性空间分析等方法,分析浙江省区域创新中心空间分布、聚类特征及影响因素,得出以下结论:2013年浙江省区域创新中心空间分布整体呈现"周边少,中心多"的态势,空间点分布呈现凝聚特征,空间核分布存在明显不均衡现象;各县市区域创新中心空间分布同样呈现集聚特征,且存在明显的高值与低值集聚;区域创新中心的建设与发展需要市场各级主体的共同合作,同时还受到区域创新能力、经济发展水平、产业集群优势、政府政策因素以及空间邻近效应的影响。  相似文献   
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