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This paper argues that the agricultural aspect of the Umm an-Nar economy has been largely ignored by researchers, due to an overemphasis on copper production and trade. This is true at the level of the smallest rural settlements, villages and settlements whose primary focus was agricultural production.
The key social developments of this period have often been explained by linking them to the exploitation of copper ore and its trade with surrounding regions such as Mesopotamia and the Indus. However, this paper will argue — based on quantified pottery analysis — that it is during this time that we see the development, for the first time in the Oman peninsula, of widespread sedentary occupation that was based on small agricultural villages where there is no evidence of copper ore exploitation, thus suggesting that the economic basis of Umm an-Nar society was essentially agricultural.
Furthermore, it will be argued that, through the use of a new survey methodology, it is possible to locate such settlements, even where they have left no traces of monuments, such as tombs or round towers. The methodology allows preliminary comparisons to be made between the intensity of occupation in different periods. The paper also argues that the Umm an-Nar period was one of the most intensive periods of occupation in pre-Islamic history.  相似文献   
张羽  刘妮 《人文地理》2009,24(1):119
中国共产党在延安时期新闻传播事业所形成的纪念地、纪念物及其所承载的革命精神在红色旅游中具有重要地位。清凉山承载着中国革命战争和新闻传播事业的厚重历史,有着许许多多可歌可泣的动人故事。发展清凉山红色旅游,须建立"政府主导,各方参与、市场运作"机制,保持其核心竞争力;要以新闻传播行业及其高校为依托,开拓客源市场;活化清凉山红色旅游资源,强化游客精神体验等。  相似文献   
衡阳市博物馆 《江汉考古》2005,(4):19-24,F0002,F0003
该墓是带墓道长方形土坑竖穴墓,出土随葬器物54件,其中有5套陶礼器鼎盒壶钫完整组合,出土30件日常生活陶器,还伴出大量泥郢称、泥半两.随葬器物从侧面反映了楚国故地衡阳在西汉早期,一方面承袭战国晚期楚国的礼制习俗,另一方面又开启西汉中晚期的封建田园经济生活新风尚.  相似文献   
陕西榆林地区夏代文化遗存考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据目前发现的考古资料,对陕西榆林地区的夏代文化遗存作了初步分析,考察了文化因素及其来源,认定了文化性质,对该地区夏代文化的内涵和特征提出了新认识。  相似文献   
This article is an account of the pottery found at the Studland Bay wreck, Poole. The assemblage includes an important group of Spanish pottery made at Seville at the beginning of the 16th century, including the largest group of lustreware and blue-and-purple wares ever found in an archaeological context. These wares were probably carried as cargo and collected at a stopping-off point along the itinerary of the ship, probably to be sold in northern Europe.  相似文献   
古陶瓷修复仿釉涂料的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古陶瓷修复是一门综合多种学科的传统技艺,长期以来因缺乏系统的整理和总结,故发展缓慢,在古陶瓷修复中瓷釉工艺直接关系到修补部位的质感和色泽效果,是极为关键的一道工序。传统上采用的仿釉涂料有虫胶漆、醇酸清漆、硝基漆、丙烯酸漆等。为了提高古陶瓷修复质量,在对现有材料测试和筛选的基础上,结合国内外研究的现状,制定出对丙烯酸涂料进行交联的双组分丙烯酸-聚氨酯复合型仿釉涂料的试验路线。通过对引发剂、流平剂、消泡剂、附着力促进剂等多种助剂进行了分门别类的实验研究,确定了树脂合成的最佳配方为:甲基丙烯酸甲酯40%-50%,丙烯酸1%-2%,甲基丙烯酸丁酯10%-20%,丙烯酸丁酯20%-40%,甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯20%-30%,引发剂533M75为1.5%,溶剂为醋酸丁酯。合成工艺为:将醋酸丁酯加热至回流温度为130-140℃,在3小时内滴加单体混合物,滴完后保温1.5小时,冷却,出料得到丙烯酸树脂。固化剂采用HDI三聚体,比例为树脂:固化剂=3:1,搅拌均匀后可直接涂刷。该仿釉涂料经测定,其耐水性、耐溶剂性和耐紫外老化性等指标均优于传统硝基和纯丙烯酸涂料。  相似文献   
本文在充分收集豫北地区二里头时代遗址资料的基础上,对遗址中出土的陶器构成的变化进行了详细的分析,并从多地域间交流的角度,对豫北地区和其他周边地区的动态关系进行了检讨,以确定豫北地区在中国初期国家形成过程中应有的地位。  相似文献   
该墓位于陕西安康市张家坎,是20世纪80年代抢救性清理的一座残破墓葬。该墓为长方形砖室墓,出土了陶俑、画像砖和其他随葬物品,尤为重要的是发现了带有南朝梁"天监五年"纪年的铭文砖,故刊布该墓资料的意义重大。  相似文献   
夏晓伟 《江汉考古》2003,(3):68-72,67
楚人有“尚红”之俗,以红色为贵。本文以楚墓出土的丝织品为主要考察对象对楚人的“尚红”习俗进行了进一步探讨,认为红色在楚人的色彩观念中占据重要地位,以红色为贵,明确带有政治和社会功能,表现了鲜明的等级观念,可以说,红色是楚人上层社会的标志之一。我们不能把”尚红”简单地理解为楚地流行红色或以红色为主。  相似文献   
也说“商”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从“商”字甲骨演变考察,“商”字的初始系来自对史前陶鬹的象形,与商人的鸟图腾信仰有关。  相似文献   
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