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A micromechanical damage model for the Snite element modelling of historical masonry structures is presented in this article. Masonry is considered as a composite medium made up of a periodic assembly of blocks connected by orthogonal bed and head mortar joints. The constitutive equations, in plane stress, are based on the homogenisation theory and they consider the non linear stress-strain relationship in terms of mean stress and mean strain. Different in-plane damage mechanisms, involving both mortar and blocks, are considered and the damage process is governed by evolution laws based on an energetic approach derived from Fracture Mechanics and on a non-associated Coulomb friction law. The failure domain of the model is analysed both in the equivalent stress and in the principal stress space considering different orientations of the bed joints relative to the loading direction. A comparison with experimental results is provided. A numerical simulation of masonry walls subjected to horizontal forces proportional to their own weight is shown in order to discuss the model's capability of describing the influence of the masonry microstructure on its mechanical behaviour.  相似文献   

China’s sudden suspension of rare earth exports to Japan in September 2010 represented the opening of a new front in the international competition for natural resources. As the demands of the global economy change, the international demand for rare earths, which are used in a diverse range of high-tech industries, has also increased. As China is currently the largest rare earths exporter, its actions in regulating rare earths exports will directly affect the interests of other states in the supply chain. This paper therefore examines how China assumed this dominant position in the supply chain. It also looks at how major rare earths consumers such as Japan and South Korea are reducing their reliance on and vulnerability to Chinese rare earths supplies through means such as seabed exploration in disputed territories, which might contribute to geopolitical tensions and instability in the East Asian region.  相似文献   
This paper summarises the first phase of the fragility analyses of generic (representative) buildings in the area of Memphis, Tennessee, USA. The study was conducted at Cornell University as a part of the project Loss Assessment of Memphis Buildings (LAMB) for the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (NCEER). In this study, the fragility analyses focus on low-rise Lightly Reinforced Concrete (LRC) frame buildings with and without infill walls. The obtained fragility curves are compared with those of ATC-13 for different facility classes. Based on the obtained fragility curves, it is concluded that adding masonry infill wails to low-rise LRC frame buildings significantly reduces the likelihood of seismic damage.  相似文献   
随着桑地亚哥·得·卡姆波斯特拉朝圣之路(Santiago de Compostela)的成功申遗,以及近年来京杭大运河、丝绸之路申遗呼声的高涨,跨区域大型线性遗产正逐渐成为研究热点。本文在对文化线路和遗产廊道进行中国化的理论解读后,引入了文化廊道的理念。以西南丝绸之路(云南段)为例,在专家评价的基础上,运用地理学的方法,借助于GIS对廊道空间进行分析,提出了确定廊道范围的计算方法,并推导出文化元素"影响力半径"的计算公式;从节点、通道、域面三个方面对西南丝绸之路(云南段)的旅游空间进行了构建,并给出了廊道空间分析、构建的方法和指标体系,为西南丝绸之路旅游开发及其他文化廊道(茶马古道、京杭大运河等)的保护和开发机制研究提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
Cooking pots and bowls from two production locations ca. 200 m from each other at the rural settlement of Kefar Hananya in Roman Galilee were compared employing chemical element composition and vessel-shape analyses. Splits of each pulverized sample, all of which were taken from ceramic wasters, were analyzed by both instrumental neutron activation and high-precision X-ray fluorescence analyses, and computerized vessel-shape analysis was employed for morphological analysis of the same vessel forms from each location. Several statistical techniques (bivariate plots, principal component analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis) were used for analyzing the resultant data. It was found that both the cooking pots and bowls made at each location could be distinguished by employing either chemical composition or morphological analysis. The implications of this work, with regard to investigating both production and consumption sites, and for pottery provenance studies, are discussed. The findings suggest that these analytical techniques can be useful as an aid for chronological differentiations of archaeological pottery.  相似文献   
The pilot hole (VB) of the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB) was drilled to a depth of 4000 m, where large amounts of free fluids were met. The KTB‐VB 4000 m fluid can be related to either Mesozoic seawater or formation water from Permo‐Carboniferous sedimentary rocks of the Weiden embayment. During the Upper Cretaceous uplift of the Bohemian Massif both fluids could have passed organic‐rich Triassic to Carboniferous formations of the Weiden embayment before invading the uplifted and fractured basement rocks of Devonian amphibolites and metagabbros, where the chemical composition of the fluids was changed by albitization, adularization, and chloritization. Results of chemical mass balances for both sources are presented. In order to concentrate the formation water from the Weiden embayment significant amphibolitization has to be assumed. During a 1‐year pumping test the chemical composition of the 4000 m fluids remained constant. The accuracy of chemical analyses is critically reviewed. An improved preconcentration method of rare earth elements and yttrium in high‐Ca‐bearing saline fluids is described.  相似文献   
Assessing biodiversity in natural landscapes continues to be a focus of attention. While some researchers assess the value of predictive features, such as land‐form, others examine concentrations of rare species, seeking insight into their significance. In this paper I examine two inter‐related concepts. I explore the distributions of rare species on the landscape, assessing correlations between landform, numbers of rare species, and protected areas. I also examine the role of protected sites in maintaining biodiversity. Using records of rare plant collections for the south‐western portion of Ontario (the Carolinian zone) that were compiled as part of the Atlas of Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario project, and combining these with a) a map of the landforms of south‐western Ontario and b) the locations of protected areas within this region, an analysis was made of the spatial coincidence of rare vascular plants, landforms and protected areas. The findings here indicate that protected areas are critically aligned with the distribution of rare vascular plant species. While protected areas occupy less than 2 percent of the study region, approximately 20 percent of the 4379 unique rare plant records analyzed (representing 170 of the 293 rare species in the database or 68%) were collected from a protected site. In addition, while 42 percent of the rare vascular plant records occur on a single landform type, sand plains, sand plains occupy only 18 percent of the region. And while 24 percent of the study region is composed of till plains, less than 2 percent of the rare plant collections were found on this landform. Significantly, four land‐forms, representing 50 percent of the study region, support over 80 percent of all rare plant collections. L'évaluation de biodiversité dans les paysages naturels continue d'être un point de mire. Pendant que certains chercheurs estiment la valeur des caracteristiques prédictives, telles que des formes de relief, d'autres examinent les concentrations d'espèces rares pour comprendre leur signification. Dans cet exposé, j'examine deux concepts intereliés. J'explore les distributions d'espèces rares dans le paysage, évaluant les corrélations entre les formes de relief, les nombres d'espèces rares, et les sites protégés. J'examine aussi le rôle des sites protégés dans la conservation de biodiversité. La coïncidence spatiale des plantes vasculaires rares, formes de relief, et sites protégés a été analysée. L'analyse utilise, en partie, l'inventaire de collections de plantes rares pour une région dans le sud‐ouest de l'Ontario. Cet inventaire a été compilé pour le projet Atlas of Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario. L'analyse totale combine cet inventaire avec (a) une carte des formes de relief dans le sud‐ouest de l'Ontario et (b) les emplacements des sites protégés dans la même région. Les resultats indiquent que les sites protégés sont fortement alignés avec la distribution d'espèces rares. Alors que les sites protégés occupent mains que 2 pour cent de la region étudiée, environ 20 pour cent des 4379 plantes rares uniques analysées (représentant 7 70 des 293 espèces rares dans la banque de données ou 68%) se trouvent sur des sites protégés. De plus, alors que 42 pour cent des plantes rares se retrouvent sur un seul type de forme de relief (plaine de sable), ce type occupe seulement 18 pour cent de la région. Et alors que les plaines constituent 24 pour cent de la région, mains que 2 pour cent des plantes rares se retrouvent sur celles‐ci. Fait révélateur, quatre formes de relief constituent 50 pour cent la région étudiée mais elles soutiennent plus que 80 pour cent des plantes rares.  相似文献   
In combination, the analysis of carbonized food residue for stable C and N isotopes, elemental composition, and plant microfossils (phytoliths and starch granules) offers a powerful tool for understanding patterns of prehistoric maize (Zea mays) consumption in small-scale societies. Using this approach, we conclude that maize was more widely consumed in North America than previously suspected. Between ∼AD 700 and 1600, despite little or no archaeological evidence of gardening, corn was a widespread component of diet on the eastern Canadian prairies. This pattern, furthermore, extended into the adjacent boreal forest at about the same time. However, carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) values on food residue samples vary widely, suggesting significant overall dietary differences from one region to the next. Analysis of a subset of residue samples for elemental composition (using ICP-OES [inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry]) may help identify broad trends in the provenience of foods consumed at these sites.  相似文献   
堆子岭化以湖南湘潭县堆子岭遗址为代表,是湘江流域新石器化谱系一个重要的组成部分。堆子岭化以红陶系为主要特征,纹饰复杂,器形以三足器为主,另有圜底器与圈足器。该化可分四期,各期有相应的承袭关系及自身特点。从其特征及源流分析,堆子岭化的来源既有本土因素,也有外来因素。洞庭湖区及汉东皖西南地区的史前化均对其有一定程度的影响。堆子岭化的消失与整个长江中游的史前化变迁有关。  相似文献   
宁波保国寺大殿北倾原因浅析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
宁波保国寺是浙东现存最古老的宋代木结构建筑,自清乾隆时期起,大殿结构发生北倾,后对4号转角檐柱进行修缮并加固至今,通过跟踪测试没有发现新的倾斜趋势。然而,探讨大殿曾经北倾原因以及经修缮后现今大殿的可靠性无疑仍是必要的。古木结构的特点是梁柱的榫卯连接具有半刚性性质。采用有限单元法对大殿结构进行力学分析时,榫卯连接可采用空间二节点虚拟弹簧元进行模拟,单元刚度矩阵中相应的刚度特性系数可由接触有限单元法近似求得。这样,大殿结构可离散为杆、梁、壳、体元和上述虚拟弹簧元等的组合,在屋面荷载、雪荷载和风荷载作用下采用有限元法可求得各节点的位移和相应应力。通过计算表明,不计4号柱时产生的向北位移比考虑该柱参加受力时要大得多,可见北倾原因确系4号柱年久失效而引起。计算结果也表明,现今大殿结构由受力来看是安全的。同时预示了可能出现的最危险部位。保国寺大殿结构的力学分析结果,为物保护工作提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
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