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张汉 《人文地理》2012,27(2):6-11
通过对宁波天一广场治理机制的个案研究发现,中国新城市空间的治理已经成为中国共产党进行党建工作的一项地域性工程。在市场化改革与地方间竞争的背景下,地方党政机关极为关注基于行政辖区的地域性身份认同和利益,有意识的与非公有部门的经济精英共同塑造和强化地域性身份认同和利益诉求,并结成新形式的城市治理联盟。中共及其附属的群众组织的地方组织力量,通过地域导向的组织重构,加强了对非公有部门的控制力,填补了市场转型造成的新城市空间治理的真空,也加强了自身在新城市空间中的组织网络和治理能力。  相似文献   
解析信息社会流动空间的概念、属性与特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伴随着20世纪90年代以来的数字技术革命,围绕信息而产生的概念被广泛纳入到了城市与区域空间研究框架中。流动空间是全球化进程中在信息技术的推动下产生的一种新的空间形式。信息技术、经济和空间的共同作用改变了传统的时间、空间和距离的概念,产生了全新的流动空间场。为了在城市与区域规划中更好地理解与应用流动空间这一概念,在把握国内外相关研究的基础上,我们总结出流动空间的概念,认为其具有实体空间与虚拟空间的二元属性,提出流动空间具有流动性、共享性、高时效性、空间弹性和高级网络性五大特征。在信息时代,对于流动空间的概念、属性与特征的研究强调了流动空间作为区别地方空间的一种新空间形式的内涵,突显出信息技术改变我们居住、生活空间的同时,将使我们主动地迎接空间转变的挑战。  相似文献   
随着我国快速城镇化的进程和城市规模的扩大,多元化的能源设施、废弃物处理设施、社会类设施、特殊交通等邻避设施必将陆续进入城市规划区,并成为城市新的风险,基于公众对不同类型邻避设施风险接受度的差异而形成了不同特征的邻避空间。本文提出了邻避空间的概念,分析了其形成机制、扩散模式和类型,在此基础上以南京市殡葬邻避空间为例,分析其在“产生-挤压-消亡-再生”的空间生命周期中,邻避空间和城市空间之间经历的“侵入-竞争-协调-融合”的互动肌理,由此形成在城市中“边缘-近郊-市区-中心”的空间演变规律及再生手法,理论上丰富了邻避设施风险认知的范式和邻避空间的分析,实践中有利于提高邻避设施在城市中的顺利布局并应对邻避冲突。  相似文献   
西方国家移民聚居区研究进展及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方国家对移民聚居区的研究可以追溯到20世纪初的美国“芝加哥学派”,随后经历了同化主义、多元主义、异质本地化和跨国主义研究思潮,不仅拥有丰富的实证研究成果,而且形成了较为完整的理论体系和研究框架。总体上看,对移民聚居区的研究,区位选择方面经历了中心城区到郊区的演变,空间类型包括族裔飞地、族裔社区和族裔郊区,移民聚居区经济经历了单个案例到不同案例的对比研究,形成机制方面从民族团结理论转向不同作用者和空间生产理论,此外,西方移民聚居区还加强了反作用和空间效应的研究。本文在评述西方移民聚居区研究的基础上,结合国内移民聚居区研究现状,提出中国相关研究在研究视角、研究问题和研究方法的借鉴之处。  相似文献   
电影旅游集群的文化空间生产研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高红岩 《人文地理》2011,26(6):34-39
作为电影产业与旅游产业相互融合的产物,电影旅游受到越来越多国家和地区的重视。本文在分析国内电影旅游发展的现状问题的基础上,通过对电影旅游的内涵和类型进行辨析,指出电影产业与旅游产业的深度融合是影响电影旅游发展的关键。通过分析产业集群的内涵与组织成因,指出我国影视基地和影视城等电影旅游地理集聚体存在的产品多样化不足是影响集群网络形成的原因。电影旅游产品的多样性主要体现在文化多样性上,而文化空间就成为电影旅游集群发展的重要维度。通过对文化空间的相关研究成果进行分析,指出文化空间超越了地理空间与产业空间的限制,具有开放性和动态性特征,在生产文化产品的同时,也不断生产着新的文化空间。电影旅游集群的文化空间生产需要建立政府、企业和社会的互动机制,这是电影旅游集群进行文化空间生产的关键,也是电影旅游可持续发展的保证。  相似文献   
避难行为活动的高效开展是避难空间产生并进行合理布局的根本动因。居民自主的避难行为具有有限理性的属性,其特征是避难空间布局的重要依据。老城区的避难资源缺乏是各地的共性问题,在避难场所规划布局的工程实践和相关研究中,缺少对避难行为和空间的相关性的研究。本文以南京老旧住区为例,系统研究了居民选择紧急避难地点的空间特征和行为特征,并从心理学的角度解释了典型避难行为的产生原因;最后,基于对避难行为选择统计分析的结果,提出了未来避难场所规划中应注意的关键原则,研究结论可作为避难场所布局的重要依据。  相似文献   
后消费时代城市文化资本空间生产状况解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,以文化资源为消费目标的空间克隆生产逐渐成为我国城市营销发展的重要手段。本文从新马克思主义视角切入,以消费社会大众心理研究为基石,以"文化资本"为理论依据,探索文化进入市场循环生产的模式,并结合当代中国文化消费空间生产性状况,揭示其"异质的同质化"与文化认同偏差的弊病:一方面推崇所谓异质多样的空间以迎合大众消费心理;另一方面市场经济体制下文化与资本的结合,使文化不可避免地沦为市场的奴隶,最终导致文化断层。文章最后在简要对比国内外文化资本空间生产状况的基础上,套用资本循环理论探讨其症结之所在。  相似文献   
One of the defining features of the material culture of space exploration is the fact that much of it is “out there”: in orbit around celestial bodies and on planetary surfaces. In outer space, we have to rethink the meaning of place. Cartesian coordinates must be replaced with equations of motion to describe the ceaseless movement of heavenly objects in relation to centres of gravity. Archaeological sites in space are not solid condensations of artefacts, hundreds or thousands of years compressed into layers perhaps only centimetres deep. The materials of an archaeological deposit become rather a cloud or swarm. But for both Earth and space, gravity is the structuring force. In this paper I want to reconceptualise archaeological sites according to their position in the gravity well, using dynamical systems and Riemann surfaces. I then consider the Mir space station as an example of a site existing simultaneously on Earth and in orbit, as a preliminary excursion towards a frame of reference that can be used to effectively conduct an archaeology in outer space.  相似文献   
Drawing upon qualitative data, this article examines how tree planters in northern Ontario, Canada engage with liminality in terms of gender, class, age and space. In doing so, it provides insight into concepts of gender liminality and the variegated experiences of males and females in liminal space. The article focuses on four aspects of the liminal engagement. First, the spaces of tree planting are liminal as they are marked by homelife and worklife, but dominated by neither. Second, gender performances are liminal, as males perform masculinities seldom necessary or appropriate – yet often valorized – in their permanent communities, while females (who make up nearly half of the workforce) are offered opportunities to work and succeed in a traditionally male industry. However, success often requires that they adopt certain masculine traits. Third, most tree planters are in the interstitial age of ‘youth’, somewhere between adolescence and adulthood. Finally, tree planters are generally members of affluent urban middle-classes, yet the work they perform is more readily associated with rural or peripheral working-classes.  相似文献   
《History & Technology》2012,28(3):311-333
This essay uses material from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) archives to show how space-related technoscientific activities played a key role in the development of BBC television. The essay focuses on a crucial period when this influential cultural institution transitioned away from radio as their primary broadcast medium in the 1930s and 1940s to reluctantly embrace television in the 1950s and 1960s. Space-related activities, including astronomy, cosmology, rocketry, aerospace engineering, astrophysics and interplanetary research, played a key role in the modernization of BBC television broadcasting in two intersecting ways. Space-related material provided informative, yet popular, programmatic material that helped BBC television compete in an increasingly commercialized media market, and, later, space projects supplied technologies that impacted on the mechanics of broadcast production and transmission. The profile and prestige of space as a topic, in particular, its visuality, the drama of exploration it presented, and its association with celebrity scientists like Bernard Lovell and Fred Hoyle, meant that such programming became a crucial business asset for the BBC and a professional asset for ambitious producers who saw its commercial potential. Following the launch of Sputnik in 1957, space technology became further intertwined with the development of British broadcasting as the fields of satellite communications and broadcasting transmissions infrastructure converged. In particular, BBC producers promoted the potential development of communication satellites within their television programming by portraying such satellites as plausible and necessary for the advancement of civilization, and most crucially, as a prospective British Space Race achievement.  相似文献   
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