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This paper is a preliminary overview of the main characteristics of the archaeological resource of Oman from a management perspective. It looks at the resource in terms of form, space and time. It covers a pilot statistical analysis of the archaeological data so far input into the proposed National Archaeological Database of Oman (NADO). The main findings of this analysis show that the management of Omani archaeological resource lacks a well‐defined strategic research plan, and that there are large research gaps in many geographical and chronological areas. It also shows that the governmental organisations responsible for the management of the country's archaeological resource are not taking into consideration the potential benefits of archaeological records in their management practices.  相似文献   
乡村振兴视角下传统村落活态性特征及作用机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于传统村落活态性内涵,从村落人口、物质遗产以及非物质遗产3个方面构建传统村落活态性评价指标体系。通过访谈问卷、实地踏勘、文献查阅等方法获取数据,根据发展路径的差异划分传统村落类型,对分属旅游发展型、传统技艺型、综合开发型和生活服务型的湖南省永州市4个传统村落活态性进行测度。结果表明:①失活现象在各类型传统村落中较为普遍;②不同类型传统村落人口活态情况差异明显,其中旅游发展型村落人口活态性最好,生活服务型村落人口活态性最差;③不同类型传统村落物质遗产失活程度相对较轻;④不同类型传统村落非物质遗产失活程度整体较高。  相似文献   
Pressure and hydrocarbon migration modelling was carried out in the Tune Field area, Viking Graben, offshore Norway. The pressures are considered to be controlled by compartments bounded by mapped faults. Two different interpreted fault maps at the top reservoir level (Brent Group) are used as input to the modelling. First, a low‐resolution fault map is used, with only the large faults interpreted, and next, both large and small faults are included. The simulations show high overpressures generated in the western area, in the deeper part of the Viking Graben, and hydrostatic in the eastern areas. A sharp transition zone results from using the low‐resolution fault map in the simulations. Small N–S striking faults situated in between the wells have to have higher sealing capacity than expected from juxtaposition analysis alone, to be able to match the overpressures measured in well 30/5‐2 and 30/8‐1S in the Tune Field, and well 30/8‐3 east of Tune. The intermediate pressure in the western part is probably related to flow in the deeper parts of the sedimentary column in the compartment, where well 30/8‐3 is situated. The secondary oil migration models show that overpressures have major effects on the migration pathways of hydrocarbons. The level of detail in the fault interpretation is important for simulation results, both for pressure distribution and for hydrocarbon migration.  相似文献   
我国现有的英语教学普遍存在重教轻管的问题,这是英语教学费时低效的一个重要原因。写作是英语教学中的一大难点,也是外语教学研究领域的一大热点。以英语写作为例,先从量化管理的概念、英语写作教学量化管理的理论依据及其具体内容两个方面进行论述,指出量化管理是强化学习动机提高学习效果的有效方法,英语教学改革应走管理之路。  相似文献   
平板范竖式浇铸和叠铸是汉代铸钱的两种方法,由于钱币的铸造过程受到诸多因素的影响,计算机数值模拟技术可以达到改变其中的某一个参数以研究该参数对钱币铸造过程的影响。为了比较不同材质的铸型、比较平板范竖式浇铸和叠铸两种工艺在相同材质的铸型中充型性能的变化,进行平板范竖式浇铸工艺和叠铸工艺铸钱过程的计算机模拟研究。结果表明:1)在相同材质的铸型(陶范)条件下叠铸在重力铸造成形上优于平板范竖式浇铸,叠铸的成品率高于平板范竖式浇铸。2)铸型的物性参数显著影响充型结果,保温性好,预热温度高的铸型在充型上较为有利,以陶范的充型结果为最好,金属范优于石范,金属范与陶范的组合优于金属范与金属范的组合。  相似文献   
清代以来黄渤海真鲷资源的分布、开发与变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄渤海中所产之嘉鯕鱼,因其体征、肉质等方面原因,历来被视为一种名贵鱼类。清代以降,黄渤海真鲷资源数量异常丰富。造成清代山东登莱地区真鲷资源的异常丰富的原因,除了捕捞方式等原因之外,更为主要的则与海州湾真鲷资源一直未被开发有关。作为一种底层鱼类,其资源数量虽然一直比较稳定,但是清代一些重大环境变化,如明末清初和道光年间的变寒,以及1855年的黄河改道,使得真鲷资源在渔汛时间上和分布区域上都产生了变化。  相似文献   
旅游地域结构的量化研究--以湖南省为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用景观生态学的空间格局指数定量分析旅游资源空间分布格局,采用门限自回归模型模拟旅游客源市场的时间变化特征,运用模糊聚类分析方法对入境旅游客源市场进行分类,并以湖南为例作实证研究。  相似文献   
明清徽州水旱灾害研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以方志、家谱为主要资料,参考正史、档案中的相关记载,对明清以来徽州地区的水旱灾害资料系统收罗,借鉴历史灾害的等级量化方法,根据徽州区域特点制定出相应的等级划分标准,对明清以来徽州六县水旱灾害进行了分级量化的尝试,既而对量化数据进行统计分析,总结了该区域历史时期的水旱特点,并从地理微地貌的角度进行了原因探讨。  相似文献   
The so‐called Venetian enamelled coppers are a group of objects produced in Italy during the 15th century. Up to now, about 300 objects have been recognized in private collections and in European and US museums. At the end of 19th century, a Venetian origin was suggested, but their provenance is still debated. In this study, the enamel compositions from 22 enamelled copper products from Italian and French collections have been analysed by invasive and non‐invasive techniques. A comparison of the results with Tuscan and Venetian glass databases reinforces the suggestion of a Tuscan (most probably Florentine) origin for these works of art.  相似文献   
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