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Using the Instant for the Projects of Science . Focusing on Bachelard's books L'Intuition de l'instant (1932) and La dialectique de la durée (1936), the paper deals with Bachelard's discontinuous and serial concept of time that is formulated against Henri Bergson's concept of duration. With a view to the philosophical concept of monadology, to the theory of relativity, and to the contemporary psychological and neurological research, the paper points to the significance of the instant for Bachelard's concept of temporality, for his desubjectified concept of the individual as well as his discontinuous concept of matter. Moreoever, the paper explores the discontinuous conception of temporality in Bachelard's epistemological writings. The paper argues that Bachelard's discontinuous concept of the specific temporality of science is based on a fundamental discontinuity of reality of both physical as well as psychological processes.  相似文献   
Little is known about the circumstances of Oscar Wilde's employment by the Pall Mall Gazette, and even less is known about his engagement with its editorial policies. His reviews are often neglected, but when examined are considered in isolation rather than as a contribution to a serial format. The Pall Mall Gazette's structure provides a new context in which to understand Wilde's reviews, which were inevitably shaped by the paper's editorial policies. The paper hired reviewers who could help it maintain a balance between politics and light relief. With an understanding of audience affect and cognition, Wilde employed a range of strategies to manage reader response. The reviews analysed in this article show Wilde exploring the material, and psychological aspects of books and reading.  相似文献   
作为美国历史上最著名的女诗人之一,西尔维亚·普拉斯以其独特的创作视角和她对女性生命中的各种情感体验大胆而细腻的书写被世人所铭记。本论文以普拉斯及其诗歌为研究对象,探索、揭示二战后女性心理。在研究方法上,本论文立足于文本分析,同时结合诗人的体验及经历,深入挖掘普拉斯的诗歌主题及其对女性世界的影响。  相似文献   
本文试图通过对故宫新陶瓷馆灯光设计的种种尝试,尽最大限度地运用灯光表现手法,为观众提供精神和物质多层次、多角度的审美信息,这种信息包括有历史文化的、心理的、生理的等诸多方面。作者在文中表达出将灯光照明、古代建筑空间、陈列设备以及展品等有机地融为一体的设计理念,从而创作出一个完整的艺术作品——新陶瓷馆。  相似文献   
In the nineteenth century, French scientific institutions became interested in young “mental calculators,” arithmetical prodigies able to quickly and accurately perform complex mental calculations. The first scientists to study mental calculators were phrenologists who sought to prove the existence of a calculating organ in the frontal lobe. Paul Broca introduced one such mental calculator, Jacques Inaudi, to the Anthropological Society of Paris in 1880. Broca attributed extraordinary faculty for mental calculation to memory functioning (the psychological hypothesis) rather than physiological difference (the phrenological hypothesis). In 1892, prominent French Academy of Sciences member Jean-Martin Charcot produced a noteworthy study of Inaudi on the organization’s behalf. Charcot observed that Inaudi called upon auditory memory rather than visual memory in his mental calculations, unlike most mental calculators who preceded him. Like Broca, Charcot was skeptical of the phrenological hypothesis, though he noted that Inaudi’s skull was markedly plagiocephalic. Interestingly, anthropological examination of Inaudi is consistent with the themes of modern cognitive neuroscience. Thus, Charcot seems to have anticipated present research on the localization of mental calculation and memory for numbers.  相似文献   
Science and music. Introductory remarks. The article presents a brief introduction to “Science and Music”, theme of the 44th symposium of the “Society for History of Sciences” held in Munich in Mai 2007. The text begins with a brief reference to the numerous biographical connections between the two fields, but focuses primarily on topics that reveal music and the sciences to be results of shared cultural practices. Examples include: (1) shared objects in the material sense, meaning the use of particular instruments in both music and the sciences; (2) shared semantics, metaphors, and concepts, for example the use of the concepts like clang or tone color in acoustics and the psychology of audition, or talk of ‘mood’ and ‘harmony’ in both music and in literature; (3) direct interactions between mathematics, physics and music, for example in the electronic music of the twentieth century.  相似文献   
旅游研究中的三种社会心理学视角之比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
彭建  王剑 《旅游科学》2012,26(2):1-9,28
旅游是一个新兴的研究领域,需要从其他学科引入相关的理论和方法来推动自身的成熟与发展。旅游感知、态度和行为是旅游研究的重要领域之一,直接关系到旅游业的健康持续发展。在过去数十年间,社会心理学的社会交换理论和社会表征理论为这一领域的研究提供了有力的理论支撑。相对剥夺理论是一种二战以后逐渐发展起来的社会心理学理论,在社会弱势群体的心理失衡和疏导机制研究方面有较强的解释能力。本文通过对旅游研究中的既有社会心理学视角剖析的基础上,分析了相对剥夺的内涵和旅游发展中的相对剥夺现象,进而比较了相对剥夺理论与既有社会心理学理论视角的独特性和互补性。作为一种新的社会心理学视角,相对剥夺理论在旅游地相对剥夺感的表现形式、成因、疏导机制和定量测量等方面有较大的应用价值和潜力。  相似文献   
随着人文地理学的“情感转向”,地缘环境也开始指向情感研究。中国的家国情怀使“国家”不仅具有政治属性,也成为一个饱含情感与地方认同的概念。本文从地缘环境的情感要素入手,援引环境心理学理论与方法,探究跨境流动背景下的国家感影响因素。结论发现:①中国海外移民国家感受到个体与社会因素制约,包括年龄、学历、公民身份、出国时长、移居国GDP和文化认同;②国家软实力提升和包容多元的地缘政策利于提升客族文化认同进而增强海外移民的国家感;③居住、网络媒体环境变化及国家间的话语博弈会引发跨境群体重新审视流动前后所处的地缘环境,直接或间接重构国家感。本文既为促进跨境流动群体与国家之间的双向接纳提供新路径,也在情感地理学方法论层面提供新思路。  相似文献   

Synesthesia is a rare perceptual condition causing unusual sensations, which are triggered by the stimulation of otherwise unrelated modalities (e.g., the sensation of colors triggered when listening to music). In addition to the name it takes today, the condition has had a wide variety of designations throughout its scientific history. These different names have also been accompanied by shifting boundaries in its definition, and the literature has undergone a considerable process of change in the development of a term for synesthesia, starting with “obscure feeling” in 1772, and ending with the first emergence of the true term “synesthesia” or “synæsthesiæ” in 1892. In this article, we will unpack the complex history of this nomenclature; provide key excerpts from central texts, in often hard-to-locate sources; and translate these early passages and terminologies into English.  相似文献   
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