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Re-visiting the controversy caused by the first female-authored report in the Transactions of the Geological Society, this article probes the gendered layers of the early nineteenth-century scientific community. Maria Graham's ‘Account of Some Effects of the Late Earthquakes in Chili [sic]’ (1824) had considerable influence, and was referred to by Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin. In 1834, however, George Greenough, President of the Geological Society, questioned the accuracy of Graham's observations. Graham in turn defended herself adroitly, in an acrimonious exchange which found an international audience. While this dispute has received some attention from historians of science, previous discussions assume that Graham was no geologist, but simply a traveller who witnessed events of great relevance to contemporary geology. Drawing on extensive archival research, this article demonstrates to the contrary that Graham had considerable interest and expertise in this branch of science. Using the dispute to shed light on the multiple milieux in which early nineteenth-century science took place, it explores the constraints and opportunities faced by women with scientific interests, and the rhetorical strategies required of them, as they negotiated the diverse modes of contemporary science. It also highlights little-known networks of friendship, correspondence and intellectual exchange between scientifically minded women.  相似文献   
Two sets of assumptions surrounding the Manchus and footbinding have crept into the historiography of the Qing period. A first set of assumptions claims that the Manchus attempted to ban footbinding among civilian Han on repeated occasions after the conquest but failed due to women’s resistance. Moreover, Qing attempts to ban footbinding made binding into a politically charged ethnic marker that embodied for Han anti-Manchu and anti-Qing sentiments and caused the bans to backfire and footbinding to spread further. A second set of assumptions claims that the overwhelming cultural allure and popularity of footbinding proved irresistible to banner women, who, thwarted by banner regulations forbidding the practice, covertly imitated footbinding by wearing platform shoes that hid natural feet and created an illusion of smallness. This paper scrutinizes the evidence put forward by Qing historians for the first of these two sets of assumptions. The claims are found to be unsubstantiated and evidence is offered that contradicts them. I argue that the weight of evidence shows that there was no prohibition on footbinding imposed in 1645 or at any time during the Manchu conquest, and that a 1664 proposal to ban footbinding was withdrawn before it could be implemented, for reasons misunderstood by historians of footbinding. Therefore there could have been no “resistance” by Han women or men to a ban on footbinding, and claims that footbinding became a politically charged ethnic marker of anti-Qing sentiment in the seventeenth century are groundless. With regard to the second set of assumptions, I provide evidence in a separate paper to be published elsewhere that banner women had distinctive roles and fashions uninfluenced by the culture of footbinding, and that in Beijing and the Northeast Manchu styles were emulated by Han, not vice versa.  相似文献   
何琼峰  李仲广 《人文地理》2014,29(1):154-160
入境游客感知的旅游服务质量是影响入境旅游规模、衡量我国国际旅游竞争力的重要因素。本研究利用历史统计资料、问卷调查数据和结构方程模型方法分析了基于入境游客感知的中国旅游服务质量演进特征和影响机制。研究发现:1990-2012年入境游客对中国旅游服务质量的评价呈现"初步改善-大幅提升-提升趋缓"的趋势,旅游服务质量仍滞后于入境游客不断增长的需求,交通业、旅行社业、旅游公共服务等行业服务质量不高是主要制约因素。从内在影响机制看,入境游客对旅游服务质量比国内游客更为敏感,对入境游客满意度影响最大的因素是各行业服务和旅游公共服务,此外,旅游地形象对于入境游客的感知质量也有很大影响,旅游地形象、游客感知质量和游客满意度最终将影响入境游客的忠诚度,但旅游价格并不是影响入境游客满意度和忠诚度的主要因素。  相似文献   
作为中国城市化水平最高的少数民族,回族社区的地方性在城市化过程中受到严重挑战。论文以"地方依恋"为理论模型,以开封东大寺回族社区为典型案例,对城市回族社区的"地方性"进行深入解读。研究发现,由于围寺而居和强烈的回族认同感,城市回族社区的地方性特征主要受居住时间、文化程度、年龄大小和宗教信仰的深刻影响,地方依恋较深的地方主要在"寺市并存"或距离寺市都近的街道,内部空间上存在不同的宗教知识传承模式。这为丰富社区地理尺度的地方依恋理论和揭示回族社区人地关系机制提供了重要实证依据。  相似文献   
在全球化过程中,产业区的变迁受到"技术-组织-区域"共同演化的影响,存在升级、衰退与形态消失的路径分岔。将路径分岔置于地方和全球两种情境下进行分析。在地方情境下:(1)若产业区企业互动学习,则升级为创新型产业区;(2)若产业区企业较少关心学习,或固化在本地化网络之中,产生锁定效应,则可能衰退;(3)如果企业产生组织惯性,不能及时随着技术范式的变化而变化,可能产生衰退。在全球情境下:(1)如果产业区企业能够摆脱全球贸易商的控制,则可能升级;(2)如果只能靠接受贸易商订单生存,则有衰退的风险;(3)若跨国公司转移导致地方企业被动转移或兼并地方企业时,产业区形态则可能消失。最后对产业区的升级进行了进一步思考。  相似文献   
Past studies of southwest Guizhou during the Qing dynasty tend to focus on the policy of “abolishment of the native chieftainships and extension of direct bureaucratic control” (gaitu guiliu) pursued under the Yongzheng emperor, and also to emphasize the correlation between state expansion and Miao revolts as a political process of institution building. Based on personal memoirs and ethnographic accounts of the Qing dynasty, this study focuses on the Qing incorporation of Miao territory (Miaojiang) in southeast Guizhou, where there were not even native chieftainships but only unorganized, or “raw,” Miao indigenes; it also examines the incorporation as an interactive process of cultural understanding and construction among the Yongzheng emperor, Governor-General Ortai, a group of local officials, represented by Zhang Guangsi and Fang Xian, and local Miao people, who had already interacted with Han migrants and started to seek the protection of the central government. The paper calls attention to the contribution of lower level Qing officials made in the decision-making process, the formation of knowledge by the Chinese about the long-ignored Miao territory, and the significance of mutual understanding of cultures. It argues that the tragic confrontation between the Miao people and the Qing state building was not necessarily inevitable, but contingent on the officials’ perception of the minority people’s culture and the handling of the relationship between the state and local indigenes.  相似文献   
西北地区由于历史的、环境的、经济的因素,依靠国家政策、资金的投入,形成了重工业化结构。西北地区重工业化道路经历了20世纪三四十年代重工业奠基、新中国计划经济模式下重工业化的进一步发展、国防指向下的再次重工业化等几个发展阶段。西北地区矿产资源优势与重工业布局使西北五省区形成了嵌入型、跳跃式发展的重工业化结构,对西北五省区工业经济的发展产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
改革开放以来马来西亚华商对华直接投资   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,马来西亚华商对华投资经历了起步、快速发展和稳步发展三个阶段,投资额与投资范围不断扩大;投资区域主要集中在沿海地区,以第三产业为主;大多通过香港投资大陆,以合资经营为主。马来西亚华商对华投资不仅为中国提供了劳动就业机会,促进了中国经济的发展;而且在协助中国企业开拓海外市场的同时,推动马来西亚土著企业家走出国门,为马来西亚带来巨大的经济效益,推动了中马经贸关系的发展,加强了两国的友好关系。  相似文献   
新中国成立初期,中共曾设立大行政区作为实现国家统一和中央集权的过渡性措施。这既是借鉴历史传统、沿用革命战争年代形成的大战略区格局的结果,也是限于当时的国情、党情而做出的历史抉择,并且这两个方面又互相交织、互相影响。设立大行政区的历史原因主要是:中共全面执政前所形成的大战略区格局的自然延伸与发展,中共实现从局部执政到全面执政过渡的客观需要,中共对中国近代地方统治形式和苏共中央地区局模式的继承与发展,以及全面执政之初中共所面临的国际和周边环境的制约与影响。  相似文献   
新中国成立初期,在中央与省之间曾设立大行政区一级地方政府,代表中央人民政府具体管理和处理所辖省、市的民主政权建设、医治战争创伤、恢复正常的社会秩序和经济生活秩序等工作。大行政区政府既是比所辖省市高一级的地方政权机关,又是中央人民政府政务院领导地方政府工作的代表机关。在当时各地区革命发展极不平衡、中央政府直接管理省以及省以下地方政府的条件尚不具备的背景下,实行过渡性的大行政区建制,因地制宜地制定政策和实行管理是符合当时政治经济形势要求的,有利于新生政权的巩固和国民经济的恢复。  相似文献   
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