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This article investigates the background of Soviet industrial design in Soviet art theory. Instead of considering design's interconnection with technology and science, or with consumption and everyday life, the author traces its conceptualisation as a new artistic phenomenon. Using archival records of professional discussions, polemical articles in the art press and design projects, the author looks at how industrial design was incorporated into the Soviet order of things. She concludes that accommodation of the Western model was the way to reform the system of socialism from inside, typical for the Soviet intelligentsia of the 1960s.  相似文献   
Ethnoarchaeological studies have constantly emphasized the complexity of pottery distribution and its close ties with other aspects of social life. It is argued here that, among the Dowayo of northern Cameroon, pottery exchange is not regulated by preferential economic relationships between producers and consumers but rather by mechanisms such as fashion or the reputation of the artisans.De récentes études ethnoarchéologiques ont constamment mis en avant la complexité des processus de distribution de la poterie et les liens étroits que ceux-ci entretiennent avec les autres aspects de la vie sociale. Il est démontré dans cet article que, chez les Dowayo du Nord-Cameroun, les échanges de poterie sont structurés par une absence de lien privilégié entre producteurs et consommateurs et sont dès lors régulés par des mécanismes tels que la mode ou la réputation des artisans.  相似文献   
从国际法论中日钓鱼岛争端及其解决前景   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
章认为从国际法方面看钓鱼岛的主权属于中国,日本所主张的“无主地先占”原则根本不能成立。根据联合国新海洋法和国际司法判例,钓鱼岛不应享有大陆架和专属经济区,亦不具有划界效力。中日东海大陆架的划分应遵循公平和自然延伸的原则。在和平解决争端的前景下,钓鱼岛问题面临三种可能的选择。  相似文献   
This paper addresses two main debates: the recent geographical literature on trade union strategy and structure, and contemporary accounts of European labour market governance. Geographers have begun to take notice of organized labour just as it has faced a series of unprecedented challenges, which are partly derived from ongoing changes in the organization of production. In interpreting these debates I focus on the process of scaling – the ways in which the politics of labour market governance are constituted in, and are at the same time constitutive of, one geographical scale or another. These issues are explored through two key recent developments: the changing status of the European Trade Union Confederation, and the creation of European Works Councils. The ETUC and EWCs are particularly significant because they pose a challenge to existing arrangements, and potentially enable a re-configuration of the relation between capital and labour at different scales. I conclude that further exploration of European labour geography could re-connect the diversity of forms of organization of production with the scope and potential of trade union strategy; and that thinking in terms of scale is useful because it highlights the significance of both political and relational issues.  相似文献   
试论城镇人居环境中的生产环境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对人居环境概念的分析,指出生产环境是人居环境中不可分割的组成部分,认为城镇人居环境中的生产环境应是城镇中居民从事各种生产活动的直接环境和各种生产活动所营造的对居民有直接或间接影响的城镇环境。根据这一认识,作者对城镇人居环境中的生产环境所涉及的要素分内部和外部环境(包括生产性设施环境、生产性人口环境、生产性文化和制度环境、生产性污染和灾害环境、择业环境等)两个层面进行了多维度的分析,并指出城镇人居环境的持续发展必须加强对生产环境的研究。  相似文献   
区域知识管理的目标、原则与方式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张林 《人文地理》2007,22(1):92-96
为了能动响应信息化、全球化带来的机遇与挑战,在动态市场中持续发展,以及解决区域内部知识生产、知识交换和知识分配等方面的问题,区域必须进行有效的知识管理。作为知识系统,区域知识管理目标应该是如何设计出一个适应系统,强化私人主体和公共机构的知识生产能力和知识价值实现能力,管理的核心在于激励私人创造知识的积极性和公共管理的核心在于激励私人的创造知识的积极性和公共知识流通与分配方面。区域知识管理必须遵循人本主义原则、遵循市场规律原则、区域性原则和制度学习原则,并相应采用多级管理模式。  相似文献   
吕虹 《攀登》2007,26(5):138-141
中国共产党在陕甘宁边区试图对旧有的婚姻观念和婚姻形态进行较为彻底的改造,在一系列婚姻立法中提出了新型的婚姻原则和婚姻制度。但是,婚姻制度的变革并不仅仅是新旧观念的简单变化,它的变革还应该包括经济、政治、文化等诸多社会制度的变革。因此,考察陕甘宁边区的实际婚姻状况,从司法实践中发现边区处理婚姻纠纷的原则、规则,不仅可以使我们全面了解边区司法机关在推行婚姻立法原则过程中所起到的重要作用,同时也为当今我国构建和谐社会、完善婚姻家庭制度提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   
王丽琴  杨璐 《华夏考古》2011,(3):143-149
文物保护原则是指导文物保护具体实践的理论基础。本文对不改变文物原状之基本原则的内涵进行了深入探讨,并且论述了考古现场文物保护和选择文物保护材料的原则。  相似文献   
为对一批出土的西周至东汉毛织品进行羊毛品种及编织方法进行研究,以鉴定羊毛品种和确定相关产地,应用扫描电镜分析羊毛毛纤维的组织结构、形态、纤维类型、细度,鉴定了羊毛品种。检验说明,扎滚鲁克和山普拉墓地出土毛织物主要是用新疆羊的羊毛织制的。  相似文献   
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