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自留地制度是在农业合作化和集体化过程中,由农民群众在实践中创造的一种补充性的土地经营制度。它经历了反复几次的"放和收",最终以《农村人民公社工作条例(草案)》的实施而基本定型。自留地是社员拥有的具有长期使用权和相对完整收益权的自由小天地,对于提高农民生活水平和调动社员的生产积极性发挥过十分重要的作用。  相似文献   
将军崖岩画与女阴崇拜   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以海州地区古今民俗民风材料为依托,对连云港将军崖岩画及周围遗存中生殖崇拜的内容进行了初步的论证。  相似文献   
Abstract: Intensified relations between biodiversity conservation organizations and private‐sector actors are analyzed through a historical perspective that positions biodiversity conservation as an organized political project. Within this view the organizational dimensions of conservation exist as coordinated agreement and action among a variety of actors that take shape within radically asymmetrical power relations. This paper traces the privileged position of “business” in aligning concepts of sustainable development and ecological modernization within the emerging institutional context of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Global Environment Facility in ways that help to secure continued access to “nature as capital”, and create the institutional conditions to shape the work of conservation organizations. The contemporary emergence of business as a major actor in shaping contemporary biodiversity conservation is explained in part by the organizational characteristics of modernist conservation that subordinates it to larger societal and political projects such as neoliberal capitalism.  相似文献   
Developing and circulating community-based educational materials and offering workshops are common feminist approaches to addressing violence in lesbian relationships. This article explores the racialized exclusions in the public/private dichotomy in community-based educational discourses about ‘lesbian domestic violence’. An examination of community-based educational materials and interviews with lesbian and queer feminist educators illustrates how the public/private dichotomy produces exclusions and makes certain forms of violence enacted on certain bodies unthinkable and unintelligible. While these discourses challenge heteronormative constructions of violence, they have relied on a simple conceptual framework that has had the effect of promoting a dominant narrative or regime of truth privileging white, middle-class lesbian experiences. This article seeks to destabilize homonormative constructions by arguing for an anti-colonial feminist spatial analysis of violence in same-sex/gender relationships.  相似文献   
Martyn Lyons 《Modern Italy》2014,19(4):355-368
Love letters are attracting increasing scholarly attention, especially from historians of scribal culture and historians of emotions. This article brings these two strands together to explore the unpublished love letters of four Italian women in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Their letters, spanning a period from the 1840s up to the First World War, provide insights into the genre, and into women's lives and emotions in this period. Three of them were from the bourgeoisie or piccola borghesia and one, in slightly contrasting mode, was a peasant. Women of the middle class lived a secluded life, and writing was essential to express themselves, to construct an identity and to become visible. Their love letters were anything but private: they were continually supervised and scrutinised by their families, so that their letters inevitably had a public quality and were sometimes multi-authored. Single young women needed to subvert social rules in order to establish their independence and claim private space for their love correspondence.  相似文献   
论文通过对一起侨汇纠纷的分析,揭示了从大萧条到战后初期四邑侨乡侨汇运营体系的重大转变和战后初期侨汇运营实态。大萧条使中国从货币银本位进入纸币时代,此后,侨汇汇兑经常与通货膨胀联系在一起。战时的特殊环境,使民间侨汇运营体系进一步衰落和中断,官方银行主导和垄断了侨汇运营。官方银行为主的侨汇运营体系不仅强化了官方银行对民间金融的控制,也加强了乡村自治机构的控制能力。战后官方银行运营能力的不足及其繁琐的领款手续,使侨汇兑换令人望而生畏,这和通胀压力一起催生了广阔的侨汇兑换的"中间人"市场,而国家控制能力的强化使"中间人"随时可能成为侨汇的"冒领者"。  相似文献   
民国时期,安徽整顿私塾是为普及新式教育扫清障碍,但教育行政和知识精英一方面高估了学校的"先进性",另一方面则低估了私塾的"坚韧性"。尽管借助国家权力的干预,私塾遭到挤压而日益处于国家教育场域的边缘化,但学校未曾完全取而代之,私塾依然在广阔的乡村和城市的角落存续,显示出强大的生命力。  相似文献   
The article examines longitudinal trends in expenditures by over 1,200 private firms, finding evidence of punctuated equilibrium—a pattern of change widely interpreted as evidence of stick‐slip dynamics in decision‐making processes. Levels of punctuation in the private sector closely resemble those observed in studies on public budgeting, suggesting that the private sector is not on average any less resistant to change than government. Both private‐ and public‐sector decision making is a function of deliberative processes, which the article compares to market systems. Deliberative decision making takes place when a group comes to a consensus about the allocation of resources. Market processes aggregate the actions of many independent decision makers to arrive at an outcome, such as the value of a commodity. The article considers the relative informational efficiency of these two processes and concludes that market systems should be more adaptive to incoming information. Three case studies provide natural experiments to investigate the stability of outputs during periods of deliberative and market control. A key finding is that when outputs are determined by market systems it greatly reduces the magnitude of punctuation.  相似文献   
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