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伴随文化遗产诞生与发展的历史过程,其周围的历史人文和自然景观环境构成文化遗产的背景环境,应该加以妥善的保护。紫禁城的背景环境经过长时期的积累,明清北京城的整体格局是它的骨架,传统城市设计与建筑和前人对北京地区自然环境的开发成果构成它的美学和景观特色,众多文物古迹是其中的重点元素。北京城市性质发生革命突变以后,在城市规划上的缺陷造成紫禁城背景环境的改变与破坏。北京历史文化名城保护规划的确定和故宫缓冲区的建立,将净化和恢复紫禁城背景环境。  相似文献   
旅游资源开发与保护中的制衡机制失衡与政府规制优化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
旅游资源开发与保护中发生的种种矛盾,归根到底是相关利益者之间利益的冲突,为此政府必须建立平衡各方利益的制衡机制。我国制衡机制的失衡,突出表现为:企业的制衡力过于强大,原居民、社会组织、从业人员的制衡力过于微弱。制衡机制失衡必然导致利益分配失衡,强势方获得超额利润。建议从三方面优化规制:重构政府的旅游资源管理体系与制度,严格执行旅游资源开发项目的“审批权”;健全旅游资源开发与保护的法规,编制并严格执行旅游规划,提高依法规制的合法性、科学性与严肃性;推进相关利益者制衡机制建设,对旅游资源实行全民监督管理。  相似文献   
故宫博物院绘画馆中陈列的《七佛说法图》堪称元代寺观壁画中的珍品,但由于受各种因素的影响,已经出现了不同程度的损坏,迫切需要采取有效的措施予以保护。本文通过对壁画现状的调查和监测,总结出导致壁画受损的主要因素,从而有针对性地提出了保护方案。同时,结合数字化技术对壁画保护的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
Abstract: The article investigates the increasingly important connections between the private sector and nature conservation agencies. It looks specifically at the connections between two important philanthropists, the late Anton Rupert, a South African business tycoon, and the late Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands. Both have been highly successful in raising funds for nature conservation, and marketing the idea of transfrontier conservation. This paper explores the networks they formed and were part of to try and explain how they were able to do so. It also attempts to analyse how their donations and fund raising have shaped thinking about nature conservation in (southern) Africa.  相似文献   
大遗址保护与考古遗址公园建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设考古遗址公园,是新时期大遗址保护新模式,是建设和谐社会和中华民族共同精神家园的重要举措。建设考古遗址公园的根本目的是保护遗址、服务考古。考古遗址公园建设必须科学规划,严肃论证,循序渐进,稳妥扎实。考古学家应积极支持考古遗址公园建设。文物管理部门应对考古遗址公园建设热情支持,善加引导,健全规章,严格管理。  相似文献   
田螺山遗址是我国第一处实行原址保护和展示的南方古遗址,发掘后打破了遗址原来所处的稳定环境,导致遗址出现了一些病害。为了使得该遗址较好地保存下去,本文分析了该遗址土壤的理化性质,在此基础上,选用CB材料对该遗址土样进行了室内及现场加固试验。加固前后土样耐水性、PH值及强度等表征的对比表明,加固后的土样具有较好的耐水性,抗剪强度参数粘聚力有明显的增大,从而增加了土壤颗粒之间的粘聚力。现场小面积加固试验表明,保持了遗址原貌,渗透性好,未见表面开裂现象,同时强度也有很大的提高。  相似文献   
侯春燕 《东南文化》2012,(1):107-110
对比2007年和2010年两次国际博协大会决议可以看出,尊重与保护文化多样性是近年国际博协的主要政策导向。决议从多个方面倡导世界各国的博物馆在遗产保护中秉持多元文化理念,加强自身所应承担的道德责任,促进不同民族之间相互理解和相互包容,进而促进人类公平、正义与社会和谐。  相似文献   
Community‐based conservation is experiencing a crisis of identity and purpose as a result of a disappointing track record and unresolved deficiencies. The latter include over‐simplified assumptions and misconceptions of “community,” the imposition of externally designed and driven projects at the community level, a focus on conservation outcomes at the expense of community empowerment and social justice, and limited attention to participatory processes. New approaches are urgently needed to address these weaknesses and to counter a rising trend towards environmental protectionism and a preference for conservation approaches at an eco‐regional scale that threaten the interests of local and Indigenous communities. We propose that three core principles of community‐based participatory research (CBPR)—(1) community‐defined research agenda; (2) collaborative research process; and (3) meaningful research outcomes—hold much promise. Drawing on the experience of a research partnership involving the James Bay Cree community of Wemindji, northern Quebec, and academic researchers from four Canadian universities, we document the process of applying these principles to a community‐based conservation project that uses protected areas as a political strategy to redefine relations with governments in terms of a shared responsibility to care for land and sea. We suggest that basic assumptions of CBPR, including collaborative, equitable partnerships in all phases of the research, promotion of co‐learning and capacity building among all partners, emphasis on local relevance, and commitment to long‐term engagement, can provide the basis for a revamped phase of community‐based conservation that supports environmental protection while strengthening local institutions, building capacity, and contributing to cultural survival.  相似文献   
运用文献计量学的原理和方法,对《文物保护与考古科学》1989 ~ 2008年刊载论文的载文量、载文选题、篇密度率、高产作者的分布、论文的地域分布、论文的机构分布进行了定量分析.这为文物保护领域科研活动、学科建设和信息交流等方面提供了量化的参考数据.  相似文献   
考古遗址公园建设是中国特色的文化遗产保护模式,是大遗址保护实践和国内外文化遗产保护理论结合的有益探索,也是目前最具现实意义和操作性的一种大型遗址保护途径。大明宫遗址公园是我国首批国家考古遗址公园之一,其建设以科学规划为基础,以考古发掘资料为支撑,对大明宫范围内的多处遗址进行了较科学、完整的保护展示,并因地制宜制定了绿化方案。目前大明宫遗址的保护已逐步走向成熟,其组织规划及运营管理等方面的经验为考古遗址公园建设提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
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