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本文对新石器时代各区系文化出土的陶作了序列排比及类型分析,指出陶可分实足与袋足两类,它们各自有着自身的发生、发展途径,实足起源于海岱文化区,袋足起源于太湖文化区;纠正了以往一般认为袋足由实足发展而来的看法。这对于确立良渚文化的时空框架,理清太湖地区新石器时代文化与周边文化的关系以及良渚文化在中国文明起源过程中的历史地位都具有积极的意义。  相似文献   
利用色度仪、反射密度计和显微分析技术,对汉代陶俑彩绘颜料进行了综合研究。测定了各种颜料层的色度、密度和颜料表相的显微结构信息,获得各种颜料的色度分布范围,表征出彩绘颜料层的密度和风化状况,关联分析了颜料密度与颜料特征之间的关系,构建了球体色度容差评估模型,为颜料层表面的色泽评价提供定量化评价,为陶俑彩绘颜料保存时间尺度的评估提供分析数据,为陶俑彩绘的科学保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was applied to sherds from the important site of Huating and, for comparison, several Neolithic sites in the valley of the Yellow River. We hoped to compare the compositions of two stylistically different ceramics found at Huating, and to evaluate the degree of compositional clustering and inter‐site resolution that could be expected in an area that is noted for its extensive, and possibly very homogeneous, loess deposits. In addition, pottery sherds from Huating have been examined by microscopic petrography. All of these results will provide needed input in the planning of research towards the formation of a Neolithic/Shang Dynasty ceramic database for future use in archaeological research in China.  相似文献   
A series of pottery samples excavated from the Xigongqiao site in Tengzhou city of Shandong province was determined using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Together with excavation data and archaeological analysis, the potential for provenance and technology of unearthed ancient pottery was studied by using multivariate statistical analysis and X-ray powder diffraction pattern (XRD) analysis. In order to characterize and classify these earthenware samples, the major and minor/trace element concentrations were studied with both cluster analysis and principal component analysis. The results showed that there were three different groups in cluster analysis dendrogram in good correlation with their colors. This indicated that the potteries were made from clays of different composition. These results were in agreement with the results of principal component analysis. XRD analysis further assessed the validity of multivariate statistical analysis.  相似文献   
The act of painting a design is a form of agency, and the overall style of that design in part can be conceptualized as a kind of structure. This perspective is used as a basis for analyzing chronological changes in designs on Mimbres Black-on-white pottery (ca. AD 750–1150) from Southwest New Mexico. Specific focus is on a methodology that can be used to detect innovations, that is, the introduction of novel designs that are incorporated into the design corpus and thus transform the structure. The conceptualization of a particular tradition (in this instance, pottery painting) as a form of structure analogous to general structure in Giddens' sense thus provides important insights into the recursive relationship between agency and structure.  相似文献   
从青铜爵的来源探讨爵柱的功用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
爵是夏、商和西周时期重要的青铜礼器之一。爵柱的功能为何是许多青铜器研究者和鉴赏者经常提出的问题。本文根据对史前陶鬶的研究,认为爵、斝皆源于陶鬶,青铜爵的柱是其祖形——“原始管流陶鬶”的流根处的“鸡冠形装饰”的演化,代表了“鸟冠”的意义。  相似文献   
大汶口文化的打击乐器——陶鼓浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田野发掘所获取的资料显示大汶口化(含北辛化)所发现的陶鼓是原始先民的主体乐器。  相似文献   
试论克孜尔石窟出土陶祖为摩尼教艺术品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摩尼教作为一个公元3世纪后流行东西方的世界性宗教,其神学体系中有关性观念的描述,在世界古代几大宗教中独树一帜。但以往人们对此的认识都是在摩尼教文献中寻章摘句,很难见到形象化的具体实  相似文献   
古代残留物分析在考古中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
动植物是人类社会发展的重要基石,它的利用是人类适应、改造和征服自然的物质基础,古代社会的方方面面都与之相关,因而动植物及其制品的残留物分析能提供古代社会丰富的信息。残留物分析重点在于从残留物中提取有机物。利用科学检测手段进行定性定量分析来判断残留物来源,从而了解古代动植物的加工、利用和相关载体的功能等。本文从DNA、淀粉粒、蛋白质、脂类、炭化物和酒等六个方面简要介绍了残留物分析的方法和进展,希望能促进残留物分析在中国的开展.  相似文献   
王涛 《南方文物》2008,22(2):135-139
本文通过对历史、考古文献的梳理,将学界对于中国陶器起源及早期发展的探索过程分为三个阶段进行回顾;并指出早期陶器研究中存在的几个问题,认为多学科的综合研究将有利于中国早期陶器相关问题的深入探讨。  相似文献   
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