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国外早期陶器的发现与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王涛 《中原文物》2007,246(2):50-58
关于世界最早阶段陶器的探索一直是国际学术界关注的重要课题之一。据现有的考古发掘资料,在亚洲的日本、俄罗斯远东地区以及西亚、北非等地区都发现有早期陶器遗存。这些陶器都具有器类单一、器形简单、火候较低、胎土中夹有羼杂物等特征,表现出早期陶器原始性的一面,但又各有特点,说明在陶器起源阶段,世界各地的经济形态及其发展水平并不一致。  相似文献   
Ceramic ethnoarchaeology has been used to explore fully the chaîne opératoire and to understand all of the stages and factors involved in pottery production, such as raw material selection or paste recipes used by the potters. This work presents the results of the application of compositional analysis undertaken in the village of Pabillonis (western Sardinia, Italy), the main cooking ware production centre of the island. Pottery and local clays have been characterized using a combination of analytical techniques. By integrating the ethnographic information and the archaeometric approach, it was possible to reconstruct the operational sequence, exploring the relationship between the processing of raw materials and the functionality of the final products, and the intra‐production compositional variability.  相似文献   

Weeden Island mortuary ceremonialism united distinct cultures across the Late Woodland social landscape. The Weeden Island pottery series is central to recognizing regional ceremonial parity, with prestige (elite) and sacred (cult) wares showing strong similarities among distant sites. Finely made vessels and their ostensibly shamanistic themes led archaeologists to consider the liturgical and political roles of ritual specialists, whose tasks might have included vessel manufacture in centralized locations. This research evaluates the prospect of craft specialization and centralized production of sacred and prestige wares through comparisons of the provenance of vessels from three Florida localities: Palmetto Mound (8LV2), the mounds at Melton (8AL5, 8AL7), and McKeithen (8CO17). Results of Neutron Activation Analysis and petrographic analysis show that the majority of the sampled vessels were made far from the mounds in which they were deposited, from a variety of locations but especially within the area between Kolomoki and the Tallahassee Hills. We argue that production was not centralized but may have been specialized to the extent that an integrated ritual network was necessary to coordinate rules of manufacture and use that were evidently observed by all participants.  相似文献   
大汶口文化的打击乐器——陶鼓浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田野发掘所获取的资料显示大汶口化(含北辛化)所发现的陶鼓是原始先民的主体乐器。  相似文献   
试论克孜尔石窟出土陶祖为摩尼教艺术品   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摩尼教作为一个公元3世纪后流行东西方的世界性宗教,其神学体系中有关性观念的描述,在世界古代几大宗教中独树一帜。但以往人们对此的认识都是在摩尼教文献中寻章摘句,很难见到形象化的具体实  相似文献   
古代残留物分析在考古中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
动植物是人类社会发展的重要基石,它的利用是人类适应、改造和征服自然的物质基础,古代社会的方方面面都与之相关,因而动植物及其制品的残留物分析能提供古代社会丰富的信息。残留物分析重点在于从残留物中提取有机物。利用科学检测手段进行定性定量分析来判断残留物来源,从而了解古代动植物的加工、利用和相关载体的功能等。本文从DNA、淀粉粒、蛋白质、脂类、炭化物和酒等六个方面简要介绍了残留物分析的方法和进展,希望能促进残留物分析在中国的开展.  相似文献   
王涛 《南方文物》2008,22(2):135-139
本文通过对历史、考古文献的梳理,将学界对于中国陶器起源及早期发展的探索过程分为三个阶段进行回顾;并指出早期陶器研究中存在的几个问题,认为多学科的综合研究将有利于中国早期陶器相关问题的深入探讨。  相似文献   
Majolica pottery is one of the most characteristic tableware produced during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Majolica technology was introduced to the Iberian Peninsula by Islamic artisans during Medieval times, and its production and popularity rapidly spread throughout Spain and eventually to other locations in Europe and the Americas. The prestige and importance of Spanish majolica was very high. Consequently, this ware was imported profusely to the Americas during the Spanish Colonial period. Nowadays, Majolica pottery serves as an important horizon marker at Spanish colonial sites. A preliminary study of Spanish-produced majolica was conducted on a set of 246 samples from the 12 primary majolica production centers on the Iberian Peninsula. The samples were analyzed by neutron activation analysis (NAA), and the resulting data were interpreted using an array of multivariate statistical procedures. Our results show a clear discrimination between different production centers. In some cases, our data allow one to distinguish amongst shards coming from the same production location suggesting different workshops or group of workshops were responsible for production of this pre-industrial pottery.  相似文献   
论江汉地区二例相关的史前陶文   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾汉清 《江汉考古》2003,15(2):31-36,22
阴湘城和石家河古城是江汉地区两个著名的史前时代的古城。最近,在这两个古城遗址的发掘中发现了两例相似的陶文。作者对这两例陶文进行了考释,认为它们是“荆”字最初的写法。他进一步认为“荆”是距今4000-5000年前生活在江汉地区的一个远古部落的名称,而荆州也因此而得名。  相似文献   
本主要探讨了湖北荆门包山二号楚墓出土的12件陶罐在其墓主人时代存在的三种不同的原有名称及其各自不同的原有功用。原名“(石缶)”的陶罐是具有保鲜、保温、防碰撞、盛装成品或半成品食物、可供加热之用的稍大型贮存容器;原名“(土缶)”的陶罐是具有保鲜、保温、防碰撞、盛装即食食物、可供加热和携带之用的稍大型贮运容器;原名“”的陶罐是具有掩蔽、保鲜、保温、防碰撞、盛装成品食物之用的稍小型贮存容器。  相似文献   
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