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这是中国封建社会家庭同居史上时间最长、规模最大的一个特殊大家族,她聚食同居十五世,南宋、元、明三朝330余年,以“孝义”名冠天下,被明朱元璋赐封为“江南第一家”,本文通过其成因来阐述她的历史地位与文化价值。  相似文献   
金申 《东南文化》2006,(2):77-78
山东东营博物馆陈列的张郭造像,因佛像头早几年被盗,故复制了佛首。在北京佛像研究人员的帮助下,该馆终于从北京找回了佛首,使分离多年的佛像首身得到了复合。  相似文献   
吴桂兵 《江汉考古》2004,(4):54-57,53
本文介绍了湖北三峡库区巴东县孔包河遗址新出的一件青铜佛教造像,在形制、考古发掘情况分析的基础上,结合峡江其它地区的发现,初步将其定为唐代的造像。并进一步结合文献的记载,探讨了唐代巴东地区佛教传播的情况,同时指出该发现对于峡江地区沿江河聚落的信仰内涵及佛教造像系统分区研究均具显著意义。  相似文献   
我国各地区旅游业产业地位与发展定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对战略性新兴产业、战略性支柱产业以及支柱产业的概念和相互关系进行了辨析,采用2009年人均创造的旅游收入和旅游业增加值占GDP的百分比两项指标,通过五区间分类法考察了我国各省市区旅游业的地位。结合五区间分类法的分类结果,选择典型区域,讨论并总结了我国各地区旅游业的发展方略。各个地区在发展旅游业的过程中应采取不同的对策,旅游资源丰富、生态环境脆弱或市场区位良好的地区,完全有必要把旅游业建设成为战略性支柱产业。  相似文献   
本文以集美美术馆所藏绢本着色降魔图为,论述了五代时期降魔图像新发展的有关情况。作品中的降魔释迦佛表现出若干新时代造型特征,密教明王的出现增强了佛的威慑力。魔众种类繁多,复杂多变,艺术表现趋于极限。释迦佛神通变化以及转轮圣王七宝被吸收进来,强化了释迦超人的性格。图像中还可以见到来自印度帕拉朝美术的因素。此图像的内容和表现远远超出了北朝时期同类作品,代表了后期降魔图像发展的最高水准。推测此图像出现与当时流行俗讲的社会背景有关。  相似文献   
对陕西旬邑县西头遗址出土的彩绘白灰面进行了成分和制作工艺分析。采用偏光显微分析、扫描电镜能谱、X射线衍射,拉曼光谱分析了该彩绘面的颜料和石灰层成分,采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)分析了该彩绘面的胶料成分。结果表明,该彩绘面的颜料由铁红,铁黄和绿土构成。白灰层由碳酸钙构成,部分样品中存在双层白灰层。GC-MS分析表明,该彩绘面的胶料含动物胶,可能还含蛋类。通过比较研究发现,旬邑彩绘白灰面的制作工艺和与后期壁画制作工艺相似,对其组成和工艺的研究将有助于探索先周时期关中地区壁画的起源和发展。  相似文献   
B. Dighe  M. R. Singh 《Archaeometry》2020,62(2):381-394
Analytical investigations through phytochemical screening, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and light microscopic observation of the earthen plaster of Karla Caves of western India identified the presence of antifungal, antibacterial and insect repellent Careya arborea stem fibres as a vegetal additive. The scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX) study also revealed the inclusion of rice (Oryza sativa) husk as a plant additive in the plaster. In the high rain-fed coastal regions of western India, the antimicrobial, antioxidant and termite-resistance properties of C. arborea helped the survival of the plaster in unfavourable climatic conditions. Besides, the C. arborea and rice husk together played a role in reducing cracks, decreasing the density, and imparting a plasticity and a durability to the plaster. The liquid Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) of organic extracts revealed carboxylic acid (fatty acids)-based additives in the earthen plaster. From the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of the plaster, the presence of animal milk fat, animal and vegetable fat, and vegetable oil was identified, and probably used to strengthen the earthen plaster for their resistance to tensile stress. The analysis also diagnoses the inclusion of methyl commate B, a resinous material obtained from the Burseraceae plant family, which has antimicrobial properties, through GC-MS analysis.  相似文献   
The article introduces a statue of the Saka period from Sary-Arka (Central Kazakhstan) and shows the similarities between its attributes and the weaponry of the Early Iron Age cultures of the Eurasian steppes. Specific features of the Sary-Arka statues and their iconographic similarities with Eastern European Scythian sculpture are described.  相似文献   
宾阳中洞帝后礼佛图中共有五位供养人画像,其中,两位男性为孝文帝和太子形象的宣武帝;三位女性分别为孝文昭皇太后高照容、幽皇后冯氏和太子妃形象的宣武皇后高英。这是一幅以表现出行礼佛为内容的家族式画像,融合了佛事活动、孝文帝改制后的宫廷礼仪制度,体现了以仁孝为核心的儒家观念。  相似文献   

In Spain, gypsum and its many typologies play an important role as a construction material in Spanish architectural heritage. Its historical use is mainly a direct consequence of the abundance of gypsum deposits and a constructive tradition which began in ancient times. In addition to being a sign of constructive identity, gypsum is a clear example of the strong link between traditional architecture and the natural resources of the territory. The aim of this article is after to identify gypsum deposits and gypsum architectural heritage found in different parts of Spain and to explain the different gypsum typologies—other than powdered gypsum—used. Finally, the most unique construction techniques are described, differentiating between structural elements, partitions, and enclosures, as well as architectural elements and surface finishes.  相似文献   
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