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内乡县衙所存遗迹是清末章炳焘时代留下的。清末县衙的东西两路与明代及清光绪重建前大不相同。今天按照明清两代地方志复原的建筑群,不仅与章炳焘所留的清末旧衙署基本没有什么关系,与历史记载中的明内乡县衙也相去甚远。鉴于该衙正成为史学界研究明清官僚政体的新史料,弄清楚它的沿革、遗迹和现状间的关系是必要的。中国衙署建筑所存遗迹极稀贵,如内乡县衙可反映行政制度变迁者更少,故应特别慎重对待。  相似文献   
西方传教士来华后,科举制度就成了他们关注的焦点。传教士对科举制度的审视,进一步暴露了科举制度的内在弊端,增强了科举改革的紧迫性;传教士对科举改革的设想,丰富了科举改革的思想,指明了科举改革的方向;传教士的宣传活动,促进了国人思想观念的解放,推动了科举改革的进程。然而,传教士毕竟不是科举改革的主角,其作用与影响终究是有限的。  相似文献   
19世纪中后期,西力东侵,维系原来中国、朝鲜和日本三国关系的条件发生了变化,东亚地区三个古老的国家开始相继实现对外开放的历史进程。三国在向近代外交迈进的过程中表现出不同的姿态。中朝两国的统治者都不能以对世界变局的正确认识以及健康的心态迎接来自西方的挑战,融入新的国际秩序。只有日本在新的形势面前适时摒弃传统的世界观,以近代世界观看待东亚秩序问题,进而建立一个以日本为中心的东亚新秩序。三国在19世纪中后期不同的外交取向,与其是否能够与时俱进,形成近代世界秩序观有着直接的关系。  相似文献   
The geometry of mineral deposits can give insights into fluid flow in shear zones. Lode gold ore bodies at Renco Mine, in the Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe, occur as siliceous breccias and mylonites within amphibolite facies shear zones that dip either gently or steeply. The two sets of ore bodies formed synchronously from hydrothermal fluids. The ore bodies are oblate, but have well‐defined long axes. Larger ore bodies are more oblate. High‐grade gold ore shoots have long axes that plunge down dip; this direction is perpendicular to the long axes of the low‐grade ore bodies. The centres of the high‐grade ore bodies align within the low‐grade ore bodies along strike in both gently and steeply dipping groups. The range of sizes and shapes of the ore bodies are interpreted as a growth sequence. Geometrical models are proposed for the gently and steeply dipping ore bodies, in which individual ore bodies grow with long axes plunging down dip, and merge to form larger, more oblate ore bodies. The models show that when three or more ore bodies coalesce, the long axis of the merged ore body is perpendicular to the component ore bodies, and that ore bodies in the deposit may have a range of shapes due to both growth of individual ore bodies, and their coalescence. The long axes of the high‐grade ore bodies are parallel to the shear directions of both the gently and steeply dipping dip slip shear zones, which were the directions of greatest permeability and fluid flow. The larger, lower grade bodies, which may have formed by coalescence, are elongate perpendicular to these directions.  相似文献   
A noted specialist on the Russian economy presents an assessment of the impact of the global financial crisis on the mechanism of the country's economic growth. Focusing on the demand side of the economic ledger, the author explores the question of whether Russia will be able to re-attain the high economic growth rates of the period from 2000 to 2007 after recovering from the crisis. The paper analyzes the sharp drop in production in 2008 and the first quarter of 2009, attributing most of the damage to liquidity problems and declines in the price of oil. Empirical evidence is based primarily on data collected by the author from the Central Bank of Russia and the country's federal bureau of statistics (Rosstat). Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: E010, E200, E660, F210, G010. 11 figures, 3 tables, 29 references.  相似文献   
A noted Hong Kong-based economist addresses the emerging financing problems prompted by debt-laden local governments in China in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. More specifically, using the most recent data available, he traces the root of China's local debt overhang to a protracted debt-financed infrastructure investment boom in which several key institutions (the cadre evaluation system, the land management regime, and the banking sector) have created an environment that draws local governments into a land-infrastructure-leverage trap. The author argues that the resulting high levels of debt may ultimately impede the country's efforts to mitigate structural imbalances in its economy. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: H600, H700, P200, P300. 3 figures, 9 tables, 121 references.  相似文献   
要进行现代化尝试,必须形成一定发达程度的商品经济以及在此基础上资本主义的发展,并建立一整套有效的产权制度。形成现代意义上的民族国家以及在此基础上的中央权威。形成具有现代性的思想文化以及在此基础上的知识分子和社会群体的壮大。由于制度的差异,具体国情和历史起点不同,中日两国所走的现代化道路也不同。从而产生了不同的结果。  相似文献   
M. A. Simms  G. Garven 《Geofluids》2004,4(2):109-130
Thermal convection has the potential to be a significant and widespread mechanism of fluid flow, mass transport, and heat transport in rift and other extensional basins. Based on numerical simulation results, large‐scale convection can occur on the scale of the basin thickness, depending on the Rayleigh number for the basin. Our analysis indicates that for syn‐rift and early post‐rift settings with a basin thickness of 5 km, thermal convection can occur for basal heat flows ranging from 80 to 150 mW m?2, when the vertical hydraulic conductivity is on the order of 1.5 m year?1 and lower. The convection cells have characteristic wavelengths and flow patterns depending on the thermal and hydraulic boundary conditions. Steeply dipping extensional faults can provide pathways for vertical fluid flow across large thicknesses of basin sediments and can modify the dynamics of thermal convection. The presence of faults perturbs the thermal convective flow pattern and can constrain the size and locations of convection cells. Depending on the spacing of the faults and the hydraulic properties of the faults and basin sediments, the convection cells can be spatially organized to align with adjacent faults. A fault‐bounded cell occurs when one convection cell is constrained to occupy a fault block so that the up‐flow zone converges into one fault zone and the down‐flow zone is centred on the adjacent fault. A fault‐bounded cell pair occurs when two convection cells occupy a fault block with the up‐flow zone located between the faults and the down‐flow zones centred on the adjacent faults or with the reverse pattern of flow. Fault‐bounded cells and cell pairs can be referred to collectively as fault‐bounded convective flow. The flow paths in fault‐bounded convective flow can be lengthened significantly with respect to those of convection cells unperturbed by the presence of faults. The cell pattern and sense of circulation depend on the fault spacing, sediment and fault permeabilities, lithologic heterogeneity, and the basal heat flow. The presence of fault zones also extends the range of conditions for which thermal convection can occur to basin settings with Rayleigh numbers below the critical value for large‐scale convection to occur in a basin without faults. The widespread potential for the occurrence of thermal convection suggests that it may play a role in controlling geological processes in rift basins including the acquisition and deposition of metals by basin fluids, the distribution of diagenetic processes, the temperature field and heat flow, petroleum generation and migration, and the geochemical evolution of basin fluids. Fault‐bounded cells and cell pairs can focus mass and heat transport from longer flow paths into fault zones, and their discharge zones are a particularly favourable setting for the formation of sediment‐hosted ore deposits near the sea floor.  相似文献   
代琦  张述林 《人文地理》2004,19(5):15-17,54
本文总结了我国近几年旅游规划在实际操作中的利弊得失,指出要给游客留下深刻印象首先就要做到突出地方精神和地方特色,在阐释非自然景观含义的基础上本文得出结论:非自然景观正是表现这种地方精神的最佳载体,接着本文分析了如何在旅游规划实作中正确运用非自然景观因素表现地方精神以及这种运用所带来的巨大吸引力,最后以重庆市大渡口区“老重庆”城旅游规划为例,从调查分析中总结出重庆的地方精神在于其非自然景观要素,在此基础上从主题营造、特色分区和景观设计三方面集中探讨了非自然景观在旅游规划实作中的具体操作。  相似文献   
左玉河 《史学月刊》2004,1(9):62-71
章太炎、刘师培等人在清末“保存国粹”、“复兴古学”的过程中,开始对中国古代学术进行初步整理,肇始了对中国学术遗产进行发掘、梳理、研究和整合之工作。以西方新知、新理、新法整理中国传统旧籍,发明中国旧学之新义,是晚清学术演进之必然趋势。以新知阐释旧学,以中学比附西学,以近代学科体系界定中国旧学,是晚清学者整理中国旧学之基本思路。正是在对中国传统学术不断进行整理和整合的过程中,中国传统学术开始转变其固有形态,逐步融入近代西学新知体系之中。  相似文献   
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